Voter fraud and the 2020 election

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I am TOTALLY disheartened with this ENTIRE country, I THOUGHT we had good and reasonable people here, How can ANY sane person go along with the democrats ideas?? Goes to show what kind of nuts this country is nurturing, Im glad im old and wont be around to see where this is headed, I feel really sick that my grandkids will inherit this mess we have left them, WE as Americans have FAILED our job of keeping this country GREAT and passing it on to our heirs!!!!

I've said the "Glad we're old......." part to my husband more than once lately. It truly is a sad day for our nation that we have come to this.
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury.
- Alexander Fraser Tytler

I believe we just saw this tipping point in Georgia yesterday. The Demoncrats promised that if they won control of the Senate, they would immediately increase the COVID benefits to $2,000, thereby purchasing enough votes in Georgia to get close enough to make up the difference with fraudulent votes without being too obvious.
Hunny vs!e to bed around 11 last night. Said he wanted to check on the election first. . . Told him, same ole cra p that happened for the presidential elections. Dems are stealing agsin. Not letting in Republican poll watcher. Stopping the counting until the morning.
Hunny vs!e to bed around 11 last night. Said he wanted to check on the election first. . . Told him, same ole cra p that happened for the presidential elections. Dems are stealing agsin. Not letting in Republican poll watcher. Stopping the counting until the morning.

somebody posted a pic of GA bound greyhound buses loaded with voters - a few scratchers and a promised all-you-can-eat buffet meal and you have new voters ....
Around 11pm last night, Perdue was up 2 1/2 and Loeffler was up 1.8 with 91% counted. Until, Chatham county, a demoncratic county near Savannah decided to stop counting last night and DeKalb county, a black demoncratic county with a history of corruption, was only at 41% counted, so fishy. Then on cnn, they said a DeKalb official stated they had 117,000 votes to go, within the hour, another official stated that count was wrong, they really had 178,000 votes to count? cnn even stated by one of their ""poll experts" said if would be tough, and very likely impossible, for the demoncrats to pull off a win of either candidate! Then, Lord Behold, I wake up to warnick winning and ossoff, ahead? God Bless Us All!
🐾MonkeyWerx US🐾 (@mil_ops) Tweeted:

I just showed this picture to my husband and he doesn't think this photo could be the Trump gathering in DC. It may not even be taken in the United States! No MAGA hats, no U.S. flags flying, no signs saying Stop The Steal or Donald Trump? No recognizable buildings there either. Odd, don't you think? And notice all the blue t-shirts in the croud with the white square logos you can't make out even enlarging? What is that, I wonder? Not denying the crowd I saw live yesterday in a video wasn't big, but the people rallying on those videos showed a more typical Trump crowd than this particular photo shows. (I complimented his sharp observation on this pic.)
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Press Release: Votes Switched throughout U.S. Presidential Race - Institute for Good Governance
Senior IT Expert at Global Defense Contractor Testifies in Italian Federal Court; He and Others Switched Votes throughout America in the U.S. Presidential

Rome, Italy (January 5, 2021) – An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. Corroborating the DNI Ratcliff’s report of international intrusion, Arturo D’elio outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. Recent reports of a hack at Leonardo now appear to have been an orchestrated cover to mitigate blowback on the corporation which is partially owned by the Italian government.

Nations In Action, a government transparency organization, partnered with the Institute of Good Governance to thoroughly investigate and research the election irregularities which yielded the long awaited proof that a flawless plot to take down America was executed with extraordinary resources and global involvement. Americans and elected officials now have proof that the election was indeed stolen.

This provides the mechanism for each state to recall their slate of electors immediately or face lawsuits and request all federal government agencies to lock down all internal communications, equipment and documentation from the Rome Embassy. “Make no mistake, this is a coup d’etat that we will stop in the name of justice and free and fair elections,” stated Maria Strollo Zack, Chairman of Nations in Action.

The Institute for Good Governance issued the following statement:

Our mission is to provide the full truth, expose the perpetrators of this horrific crime, and ensure that every person involved, regardless of position, be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Nations In Action and the Institute for Good Governance are making the following demands on elected officials:

• Depose State Department officials starting with Rome staff including Stefan Serafini

• Immediately strip Leonardo SpA of all contracts and seize assets

• All congressional members must speak out against this foreign and domestic interference or face recalls and suspicion of involvement

• Implement the most severe penalties for participants who had knowledge or participated and refuse to assist in the investigation

Maria Strollo Zack, founder of Nations In Action added, “States must prosecute all illegal voting activities and provide immediate legislative remedies. There can only be zero tolerance for criminal interference in American elections. This international conspiracy must be met with swift action by the President and be fully supported by elected officials for the protection of voting integrity and the prosperity of our great nation.”

Click HERE for related information.

Click HERE to view the General Affidavit.

Click HERE to view Affidavit ID.

To book a media interview with Maria Strollo Zack, please contact:

Marjorie Meyers, Nations In Action

646-246-8606 or [email protected]

These two guys were with the group that broke in today. They are also antifa. Not saying some Patriots didn’t go in after them, but these guys were the ones that broke in.

Of course none of the media is mentioning the nearly YEAR of blm and antifa burning, looting, utterly destroying MANY MANY buildings, police cars and of course killing policemen as well as months of taking over parts of cities. Those were “peaceful protests”.

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