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It was cooler here today, but still humid. It has been 8 days since we got a good rain and it looks like another week before we can expect rain. Checked my rain barrels and it looks like I have 2 days of irrigation water left. I'm sure wishing I had increased my storage a couple hundred gallons before spring.... I can use city water if I have to, but I would prefer not to have to.
We should lose the humidity, but temps are supposed to really soar next week!!😃
Aw, c'mon now!
You mean you were just teasing us with the 108° a week ago? gaah
Seriously, I don't know how, but you "get used to it." You no longer feel like you'll die when you go outside. You are able to walk from the car to the house without injury. People quit asking you if you're okay. You remember you might get burned on your hand when reaching for the seatbelt. You actually start using the windshield sunshade. You plan your driving based on heat factors. I have quit worrying about whether my car will get broken into and have started leaving the windows open at least an inch.
Seriously, I don't know how, but you "get used to it." You no longer feel like you'll die when you go outside. You are able to walk from the car to the house without injury. People quit asking you if you're okay. You remember you might get burned on your hand when reaching for the seatbelt. You actually start using the windshield sunshade. You plan your driving based on heat factors. I have quit worrying about whether my car will get broken into and have started leaving the windows open at least an inch.
I really think I'm addicted to the heat and the sun!
I just love montana weather. Friday it hit 102 in the backyard shade, so dry the garden almost needs a mister going constantly. I did rig up a bit of a mister for my heavy duty cold resistant chickens since they were just layng around panting in the shade. High for now forcast 58 degrees today then later in the week cranking back up in the 90's . The problem with the high temps and low humidity is the forests become dryer than kiln dried lumber you buy in the lumber stores so any fire is cataclysmic.
This past weekend it was highs in low 70s here. Last night it got down to 42.

This week's supposed to be highs of 70s, maybe 80 one day. But
I'm heading to FL early early on Thursday so I won't be here to enjoy it this weekend.
Bring some sunscreen and get you some sun!!! :woo hoo:
(Bikinis required if you weigh under 200#:D)
If that's an Anchorage summer, I could deal with that! Ever since I was a little kid I've dreamed about going to Alaska. Somehow it just never came true.
After the 90s we had a couple of nice days with some 70s and cool in the evening but looks like that's over. S'posed to hit 92 tomorrow. My poor garden is confused - is it spring? is it summer? The tomatoes are just sort of sitting there looking around, not growing much. Had some minor thundershowers roll through and got 0.48" of rain today. I was surprised it was only that, it looked like a tropical downpour for a while there.
Rain at last!!! Hallelujah!!! :rolleyes:

We're getting a pretty good soaking, the rain isn't heavy but it's steadily comin' down, and there are puddles out there in low areas, but the ground (which was so dry) is really sucking up the water. Good news for the trees!!! :)

It has been raining for several hours, and I hope it rains all day, though it seems to be easing up right at this moment... we have more rain in the forecast, which is good, since we need it. It can rain all week, as far as I'm concerned. 🤔

All I'm doing this week is decorating, putting up posters & artwork, so no big deal. Gotta run to town and pick up more beer & double-sided tape, I went through 3 rolls of T-Rex and I'm gonna need more. It works well, so I don't mind the expense. 😉
im cold. the weather has definitly been cooler than normal---this used to be warm summer time, need fans on, cool down, light weight quilt on bed and im frikken cold.

had to put the down blanket back on the bed plus the throw blanket last several days i put my long pants back on and started wearing my fleece jacket . it should be high 80s but its more like mid to high 70s. and the wind has been very bad this year. used to have mild wind now and then in the spring with gusts of 10-12mph the last fgew months the wind has been 15=-35mph and a few dys it was worse.

the house is cold, i thought of building a fire but im too tired. ill just add another blanket tonight. the dogs are loving the cooler weather tho.
i sat out on the deck for a bit and it hit me.i the air smells like fall.

happy solar minimum.

i think ill get some more rolls of bubble wrap to put on more windows for this winter
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Wow jazzy!! Even though it's BLAZING HOT here, our spring was a lot cooler than usual! You are getting the cool/cold weather, but to your east is having extra hot weather!

i feel for you guys. this heat dome stuff is terrible.i grew up in the south and lived in the carribean--but i dont do hot weather well. id rather be cold and doing things to get warmer than be hot and doing things to try to cool down. prayers for yall