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No weather here. (=good)
Just the sound of me scratching my chin looking with stunned amazement at a 'still empty' Caribbean Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, when we are now 1/3rd of the way thru September :eyeballs:.
This is unbelievably great!
If we go a whole year with "nuthin", I will be celebrating!:woo hoo:
And if they say this is because of "climate change", I'm gonna vote against windmills. :mad:
Note: Sometimes no-weather, is the best weather.:thumbs:
But we were supposed to have 80,000 cat fives this year!!🤔😉
Don't send that crap over here!gaahWe are barely hanging on to 73° as I type.:mad:🥶
On topic: Surprise t-storm this evening, .45" in an hour.
Don't have to water plants!:woo hoo:
Actually didn't drop much overnight, 64° this morning! North breeze is cool! Only 80° today. Warming up by the end of the week!!🌞🙂 I'll wait and send the "real" cold fronts!😁
It's cooling off finally. Temps down to the upper 60s to lower 70.
No more 80s and 90s. 😄
The problem is the smoke. I've had a headache every day for a week and I rarely get headaches.
We can't open the windows and the sky is dark all day long.
I suspect the main problem is the lack of people to fight the fire like the last few years.
Last year Oregon had 3 burning at the same time and had to just let one burn because there weren't any people.
We need a good rain and that's probably not going to happen for awhile.
A few years ago there was a big forest fire and they had to wait months for a big snowfall to put it out.
Hot and sunny, 94°! Looks hot and dry for the next couple of weeks! 😃
We are celebrating our 4th day in a row without rain! :woo hoo:
I checked our forecast so I don't jinks it.
Next two days: 0% chance of rain.:eyeballs:
This is totally unheard of here! a forecast of 100% chance of snow in Jamaica.
The rain did fall last night, and plenty of it, lol... pulled some serious weeds this morning as a result. However, I'm looking at Friday as a possible trail-riding day in the mountains. Forecast for Friday in Alamogordo is sunny with a high of 89, but up in the mountains it'll be 15 or 20 degrees cooler, which makes it PERFECT riding weather! And the trails should be dried out enough by then, so my bike won't get filthy from the mud. Mudding or mud-bogging is fun, but cleaning the bike afterward, not so much, lol. Anyway, I'm looking forward to a day of awesome trail riding, starting with the scenic Rim Trail which overlooks White Sands and the Tularosa Basin. I'm gonna take plenty o' pics so y'all can share the ride!!! Gotta make sure the camera battery is fully charged before I leave the house, lol. Might stop for BBQ in Cloudcroft after doing the Rim Trail, there are some good BBQ joints up there! I'll take a sandwich & snacks along just in case they're closed, lol. Gonna try out my new saddlebags, rigging one side up as a cooler... the side opposite the chain, lol. :cool:
Haha, Supe, I did indeed pull goatheads today, but I mainly focused upon the OTHER myriad waist-high weeds on the property, lol. Boy, I sure made progress there, stacking those weeds BIG-TIME and clearing wide areas of my yard. I'm very glad that I didn't go roaring off to go bowling, and so I discovered that the larger weeds would easily pull out of the rain-soaked ground. Lemme tell ya, when the soil is dry, wrasslin' with each tall weed is like wrasslin' with a gator, lol. Hulk Hogan & Ah-nold Schwarzenegger would have a hard time pullin' those weeds in the dry, especially since Hulk & Ah-nold are both geriatric cases, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :oops:

Now I'm enjoying some cold beer and I'm about to mack a big ol' chicken burrito with all the trimmings, lol. After that, if I don't fall asleep, I intend to trim those bud spears and put the buds into a glass jar or casserole dish, lol. Hey, when you live in the country, you use whatever is at hand! I have a dozen mason jars, but round here we mainly use mason jars for DRINKING, so I dunno if I still have covers for 'em, lol. However, the glass casserole dish definitely has a cover, and I can "seal" it better with some plastic wrap under the lid for the time being... most of that weed will be shipped to friends or family pronto anyway, so to heck with it. Such is life in the boondocks of New Mexico!!! ;)

BTW, I wanna personally thank you for keeping those goatheads in mind, lol. I now see that I'll have to deal with abusive goathead comments from here to eternity, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No worries, I have a hide like a rhinoceros, and I'm also winning the Goathead Wars here on the Western Front, so it's all good!!! Sometimes I feel like I'm losing the blasted Goathead Wars, but that's only because this season is a critical turning point, and I'm dealing with DIVISIONS of the goldurned weeds... next season should be WAY easier, lol. Anyway, I hear that burrito mix calling my name from the fridge, so I'm off to roll a big ol' bad boy for late lunch! Trail riding pics this weekend, WOOHOO!!! :thumbs:

P.S. Might have to bring some of that heller chronic along for the trail ride... eat a thumb-sized nugget once I hit the dirt and wash it down with a cold beer, same way I used to do it on Rim Road 300 in the White Mountains of Arizona, lol. Here's a retro shot of one bud spear when it was still in the ground:


Yeah, that'll work for a scenic trail ride!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Dang, sometimes I slay myself... :dancing:
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Haha, Supe, I did indeed pull goatheads today, but I mainly focused upon the OTHER myriad waist-high weeds on the property, lol. Boy, I sure made progress there, stacking those weeds BIG-TIME and clearing wide areas of my yard. I'm very glad that I didn't go roaring off to go bowling, and so I discovered that the larger weeds would easily pull out of the rain-soaked ground. Lemme tell ya, when the soil is dry, wrasslin' with each tall weed is like wrasslin' with a gator, lol. Hulk Hogan & Ah-nold Schwarzenegger would have a hard time pullin' those weeds in the dry, especially since Hulk & Ah-nold are both geriatric cases, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :oops:

Now I'm enjoying some cold beer and I'm about to mack a big ol' chicken burrito with all the trimmings, lol. After that, if I don't fall asleep, I intend to trim those bud spears and put the buds into a glass jar or casserole dish, lol. Hey, when you live in the country, you use whatever is at hand! I have a dozen mason jars, but round here we mainly use mason jars for DRINKING, so I dunno if I still have covers for 'em, lol. However, the glass casserole dish definitely has a cover, and I can "seal" it better with some plastic wrap under the lid for the time being... most of that weed will be shipped to friends or family pronto anyway, so to heck with it. Such is life in the boondocks of New Mexico!!! ;)

BTW, I wanna personally thank you for keeping those goatheads in mind, lol. I now see that I'll have to deal with abusive goathead comments from here to eternity, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No worries, I have a hide like a rhinoceros, and I'm also winning the Goathead Wars here on the Western Front, so it's all good!!! Sometimes I feel like I'm losing the blasted Goathead Wars, but that's only because this season is a critical turning point, and I'm dealing with DIVISIONS of the goldurned weeds... next season should be WAY easier, lol. Anyway, I hear that burrito mix calling my name from the fridge, so I'm off to roll a big ol' bad boy for late lunch! Trail riding pics this weekend, WOOHOO!!! :thumbs:
On topjc:
Well, you are doing much better than TWC. :(
They have had nuthin' to sell commercials with all year.:mad:
They are down to fondling TD7 (a TS-wannabe) to try to get something going...
But it is still limp.gaah
It's pointed in the right direction, but penetration is impossible.
(I won't even post a picture of it:()
"???QUE???" o_O

Time-Warner Cable? The Weather Channel? 🤔

Sounds scary... ;)

Like they need some Big Pharma cr@p... :oops:
The Weather Channel.
Sometimes they actually have weather info, but mostly it's the main channel to watch whenever Charleston Sathcarolina is in peril :rolleyes:
Otherwise, it's nonstop reruns of 'Highway Thru Hell':mad:, which is wreckers pulling trucks out of ditches that were stupid enough to try to drive up to Alaska in snowstorms without putting chains on their tires.gaah
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The Weather Channel.
Sometimes they actually have weather info, but mostly it's the main channel to watch whenever Charleston Sathcarolina is in peril :rolleyes:
Otherwise, it's nonstop reruns of 'The Highway Thru Hell':mad:, which is wreckers pulling trucks out of ditches that were stupid enough to try to drive up to Alaska in snowstorms without putting chains on their tires.gaah
Ya'll need to stop watching these things!! I restrained myself from saying more!!
Haha, Supe, I did indeed pull goatheads today, but I mainly focused upon the OTHER myriad waist-high weeds on the property, lol. Boy, I sure made progress there, stacking those weeds BIG-TIME and clearing wide areas of my yard. I'm very glad that I didn't go roaring off to go bowling, and so I discovered that the larger weeds would easily pull out of the rain-soaked ground. Lemme tell ya, when the soil is dry, wrasslin' with each tall weed is like wrasslin' with a gator, lol. Hulk Hogan & Ah-nold Schwarzenegger would have a hard time pullin' those weeds in the dry, especially since Hulk & Ah-nold are both geriatric cases, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :oops:

Now I'm enjoying some cold beer and I'm about to mack a big ol' chicken burrito with all the trimmings, lol. After that, if I don't fall asleep, I intend to trim those bud spears and put the buds into a glass jar or casserole dish, lol. Hey, when you live in the country, you use whatever is at hand! I have a dozen mason jars, but round here we mainly use mason jars for DRINKING, so I dunno if I still have covers for 'em, lol. However, the glass casserole dish definitely has a cover, and I can "seal" it better with some plastic wrap under the lid for the time being... most of that weed will be shipped to friends or family pronto anyway, so to heck with it. Such is life in the boondocks of New Mexico!!! ;)

BTW, I wanna personally thank you for keeping those goatheads in mind, lol. I now see that I'll have to deal with abusive goathead comments from here to eternity, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No worries, I have a hide like a rhinoceros, and I'm also winning the Goathead Wars here on the Western Front, so it's all good!!! Sometimes I feel like I'm losing the blasted Goathead Wars, but that's only because this season is a critical turning point, and I'm dealing with DIVISIONS of the goldurned weeds... next season should be WAY easier, lol. Anyway, I hear that burrito mix calling my name from the fridge, so I'm off to roll a big ol' bad boy for late lunch! Trail riding pics this weekend, WOOHOO!!! :thumbs:

P.S. Might have to bring some of that heller chronic along for the trail ride... eat a thumb-sized nugget once I hit the dirt and wash it down with a cold beer, same way I used to do it on Rim Road 300 in the White Mountains of Arizona, lol. Here's a retro shot of one bud spear when it was still in the ground:

View attachment 94260
Yeah, that'll work for a scenic trail ride!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Dang, sometimes I slay myself... :dancing:
Dammmnn bro, thats a nice bud there! ever drop some in Saki for a month? it is the BOMB! and you can always fish out the leftovers and make a brownie.
Oh yeah, WEATHER!
Cool and dry. time to get overdue stuff done.

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