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I have relatives south of Tampa, hoping they don't get hit too badly.

My weather looks nice this week. 😆

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My sister and niece are near Ft. Meyers, hoping for the best but they are preparing for the worst. They think it will be worst than Charley was. And yes our weather looks spectacular for the next 10 days.
My sister and niece are near Ft. Meyers, hoping for the best but they are preparing for the worst. They think it will be worst than Charley was. And yes our weather looks spectacular for the next 10 days.

I just went out for a walk at lunch, it's beautiful out. Perfect weather. 68 and sunny with a breeze.

One of my coworkers has elderly parents that live near Ft Myer, she's been begging them to evacuate but they refuse. My SIL and BIL live south of Sarasota. We're all hoping for the best for loved ones in the storm's path. 😟
Just look at the Ian graphics! Looks like Magus will get remnants!!
Well, since everyone ignores Cuba, I watched the eye of Ian go over the 'good' part of it.
Hope everybody is stocked up on Cuban cigars :rolleyes:.

But regardless, the level of damage will be a setback to Cuba’s tobacco harvest. Tobacco cannot be properly harvested without barns.

And while Cigar Aficionado only had direct evidence of damage at the Robaina farm, it’s certain to not be the only example. Robaina’s land is in the middle of Cuba’s most important cigar tobacco region, with farm after farm, none having buildings or structures sturdier than those found on Robaina’s property.
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It hit 72 this afternoon. Wind blew around 10 mph most all day, gusted close to 20. Lake had white caps at times. Kinda sporty.

Pearl you'll get a kick out of this. 46 this morning as I was heading to the lake, so I took a sweatshirt with me. When we got to the boat launch the wind was pretty quite and sunny. I got warm gettin the boat in the water, so I left the sweatshirt in the truck. About 3 hours later we came back by the boat launch and I told my dad I needed to go to the truck and get my sweatshirt. Put it on and within an hour I took it back off, just couldn't stand it.
My sisters are under tornado AND hurricane warnings.
Part of their central city has had evacuations. Nephew and his family are inland further, hopefully out of what will be the worst of it over the next few days. Niece and her household are closer to the shore. The big pier in their city was closed down, shelters have been opened. Rainy and windy for now. One sister said she's had three tornado warnings. You might say I'm concerned. Both sisters had evac'd for Irma.
I'm at my computer but have The Weather Channel on. Ft Myers looks like it's getting SERIOUSLY pounded right now.
My wife and daughter are in FL, on the outside edge of the hurricane's path but on the east coast. So far, it looks like their area will get less than hurricane conditions. Winds around 60 MPH and 4-8" of rain.
I'm at my computer but have The Weather Channel on. Ft Myers looks like it's getting SERIOUSLY pounded right now.
My wife and daughter are in FL, on the outside edge of the hurricane's path but on the east coast. So far, it looks like their area will get less than hurricane conditions. Winds around 60 MPH and 4-8" of rain.
Still, tornados happen in the outer bands and that is still a lot of wind and rain! Hope they make out ok, let us hear!!
Yea, they're currently under a tornado watch as well as hurricane and flood warnings. They're in a good space that's concrete walls and new roof with all the latest hurricane materials. They know if it goes to tornado warnings, they're to move to the garage (3 sides concrete) and sit in the car in case the garage door blows away.
I saw my nieces were on Fb an hour ago, they are in the Naples area. Haven’t heard from my sister since this a.m. Other sister is in NC mountains after all. Looks like the city is being hit hard, but I’m sure Ft.Myers, Sanibel Island, Cape Coral are much worse. Saw a video of a parking garage filling with storm surge in Naples.
@zoomzoom praying for your family
I saw my nieces were on Fb an hour ago, they are in the Naples area. Haven’t heard from my sister since this a.m. Other sister is in NC mountains after all. Looks like the city is being hit hard, but I’m sure Ft.Myers, Sanibel Island, Cape Coral are much worse. Saw a video of a parking garage filling with storm surge in Naples.
@zoomzoom praying for your family
Enjoying watching it shrink as it makes landfall.
Most people don't know that when the eye moves over land, it's 'power-cord' gets unplugged. :thumbs:
I saw my nieces were on Fb an hour ago, they are in the Naples area. Haven’t heard from my sister since this a.m. Other sister is in NC mountains after all. Looks like the city is being hit hard, but I’m sure Ft.Myers, Sanibel Island, Cape Coral are much worse. Saw a video of a parking garage filling with storm surge in Naples.
@zoomzoom praying for your family
My sister and niece are in Cape Coral, and indeed it is ugly. She said her neighbors roof has blown off, and her lanai is toast along with some other damage.

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