Beautiful morning, still a bit chilly... thought there'd be ice in the birdbaths, but the temp must have gotten down to just above freezing, so no ice. Gonna be a fine day today, same for tomorrow according to the forecast. I thought about going riding today, but I believe I'll "man up" and tackle that front porch, I'd like to get a protective coating of some sort down on that old plywood deck, just for added protection from the elements, ya know?
I figure I'll roll out some Kilz, or maybe even some elastomeric coating, since I have a ton of that left in my 'War Room'---that old plywood deck is simply gonna be covered with new plywood, I am NOT gonna bother pulling it up first, I believe that might open a can of worms which I do not wanna deal with, not when it's easier to cover it with more ply. The old ply isn't rotten or anything, it's just old and looks like 40 miles of bad road, lol.
The way I see it, ANY coating will offer more protection in the long run... once the new ply is down, I intend to coat it first, THEN lay down some vinyl, either in roll form or adhesive tiles. Ultimately, I'll put some metal flashing down, or whatever that thin painted metal is that resembles angle iron... I'll run that all the way around the edges of the porch, I did that with the old covered wooden deck in Benson (after putting down utility carpet), and it turned out very well.
One thing about this home rehab, it's easy to get burned out on it when faced with multiple seemingly-endless tasks! But a "home moaner" has to look at the 'Big Picture' and envision just how the home will look once he (or she) is done with it. I envision a primo *new* front porch perfect for a-settin' near the BBQ, overlooking my little slice of rural heaven and all the trees, wildlife, etc. Friends will join me: I have a couple of very nice folding camp chairs along with my old rocker.
I'm also thinking of building or installing a painted wooden bench across the northern end of the porch... that will give the cats something higher to sit or lie on, and offer additional seating for us primates, lol. In the long run, once I'm done with the porch project, everything will be covered or painted to match everything else: I see a vinyl-covered porch deck with nice metal flashing around the edges, the porch railings & front steps painted forest green to match the skirting, and the home painted white or off-white (for reflecting summer sun and lowering cooling costs---why my roof is also white).
Oh, hell, here I am rambling on about my home in the WEATHER thread, lol... but there IS a connection, since FINE DAYS like today are GREAT for working on outdoor projects! I've already made up my mind: I'm gonna work on the front porch today, as that will be a good way to climb back onto the home rehab horse... same goldurned cayuse which THREW ME awhile back, lol. Meh, sometimes ya gots to take a break, then climb back aboard that pesky goldurned animal...
So, no riding today... but the GOOD NEWS is that I have a fridge full o' beer, plus leftover Baby Back Ribs & NY Strip Steaks!!! So that "work" on the front porch won't be an utterly thankless task, lol. I need to "familiarize" myself with paint rollers again (I've painted homes countless times in the past, lol), that way I can segue into painting the kitchen and the two bathrooms after I'm done coating the porch (for now, the new ply goes down later). Some cold beer and a nice hot steak & cheese sandwich with all the trimmings will make the job go easier, lol... I won't feel entirely like some SLAVE building the goldurned PYRAMIDS in Giza, the WHIP cracking down upon my back, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! CHEERS!!!