Hang on for the wild Texas ride!!! 78° right now, cloudy!! Far cry from 110°-114° all summer!! Rain chances all week!! I might not get in the pool today!! Might not, we'll see! Water and air temp are the same, little north breeze!!
Yes, it was definitely cool outside today. I was able to get a couple dogs to the park in spite of the drizzle here and there.Gray and drizzly here. Wonderful weather for being inside and cooking. Love it.
I'm hoarding all the heat!! Upper 90's here today and all week! Chance of severe storms tonight!High 40s yesterday morning , did not even warm up to 70. Wow and it's not even fall yet officially
Not supposed to warm up either
Does this mean the bears are on their way to town?!We can always tell when it's fall around here. The choke cherries and wild apples are ripe, the bears are gorging on them and leaving poop piles in the road on the way to town.
Just took Bear out for a final pee. Is starting to rain, big winds, bigger light show! Sending it you way patch!! Big hail in the storm to my west, southwest, luckily won't get that!!Does this mean the bears are on their way to town?!
I'm kidding. It has gotten windy and good chance of thunderstorms in a bit.