We have sunshine! About 50f, our 10c. Using the opportunity to move some wood and turf closer to the house for the week ahead, and get some washing done.
For the Kiddies, Hare 2day Gone 2morrow...!!!I like your rabbit, @Snowman
It is 64°, partly cloudy, breezy.
I’m sorry Bacpacker. Breezy aging. Sounds relaxing.70s sunny and breezy aging
We need some sunshine!!I’m sorry Bacpacker. Breezy aging. Sounds relaxing.
Easter egg hunt yesterday was nice but it has been overcast since later on Saturday. Severe storms forecast for later. Welcome April!![]()
Lately it's been LAYERS in the pool! Swimsuit, bike shorts, two tank tops, a little cool on the float! Heading that way shortly to storm watch!!Patch that was suppose to be AGAIN. Fat thumbs involved.
Pearl your just waiting on the 90s to break out the bikini again
The tornado watch stops just to my north! Doesn't look nice later? Keep us posted on your situation Senedra!We have Oklahoma spring weather coming through tonight. Storms.
Seems to always be just like the Alaska weather man promising a "big dog snow" and getting a few inches. We're promised a noisy night. I will be listening.
Alexa just gave me the notification that we are in a tornado warning from now (2:15 or so) until 9pm tonight. I guess I'll open the blinds so I can see if one is coming.![]()
I know, Bro, just like to mess with ya. Plus it made a good snicker.Patch that was suppose to be AGAIN. Fat thumbs involved.
We just got a severe t-storm watch!Looks like 6 - 7 this evening will be when stuff is projected to hit us here. They upgraded the threat of tornado and the possible hail size is baseball. The higher threat is more for hail size than it is for tornado. I know how to watch the radar and know when it looks dangerous so I'll keep an eye out.
It was supposed to start raining at 11 AM, but ..... 70 degrees and partly cloudy.We just got a severe t-storm watch!
Oh no! Pray for global warming!! LOLRight NOW its snowing big snow flakes
Hope it wont snow until May![]()
Not much hail west of Ft. Worth. Hope it behaves when it gets to you!Out of the blue, heavy rain and thunderstorms in 70 minutes ... according to Accuweather. Apparently the storm has been producing large hail elsewhere. Hope not here. Currently overcast and 80* at 7pm.
When I was a kid we had neighbors who would sit on their porch during storms. UNTIL..... lightening hit their houseSevere Thunderstorms. If I die I was blowing up my rubber ducky float.
In the old days it was just a thunderstorm. Might go sit on the porch with my pipe and some bourbon to await my impending doom.
Been there, Lightning hit my radio antenna, about 5 feet from where Rex the dog and I were sitting, inside the house. I screamed, he freaked. I guess the EMP blew out every ethernet board on every computer in the house, fried my scanner and SW receiver, and the hot tub controller.When I was a kid we had neighbors who would sit on their porch during storms. UNTIL..... lightening hit their house!! Blew them and their chairs out into the yard! They were ok!!
A lady I cleaned for years ago had a return strike come up in front of her fireplace! Blew the floor apart, slab and dirt in the house, exited through the ceiling and roof! Crazy!!Been there, Lightning hit my radio antenna, about 5 feet from where Rex the dog and I were sitting, inside the house. I screamed, he freaked. I guess the EMP blew out every ethernet board on every computer in the house, fried my scanner and SW receiver, and the hot tub controller.
If it's your time, it's your time. If not, watch the show.
I grew up near San Antonio with the springtime bluebonnets and indian paint brushes all over the place. A beautiful memory.I know, Bro, just like to mess with ya. Plus it made a good snicker.I can always detangle your misspellings.
And Pearl gets into her bikini even in the high 70° days.
Went out a while ago and I swear, the Texas bluebonnets are blooming all at once everywhere. Pretty cool looking, they verge on a violet side of blue. Beautiful roadsides and median strips, plus the other wildflowers that are blooming right now.
It is overcast, but bright, hard on the eyes, see avatar.![]()