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52 degs for a high today. Rain last night and 38 degs this morning. Supposed to get snow on Monday. It's nit unusual to get snow here until mid June.
You probably know this, but the tripod on the Nenana River went down this morning. The payoff was over $200,000. I've never entered.
I woke up at 3am to find that it had rained during the night. Shock! The weather projection for rain was Right (for a change). And we even got enough rain to fill my water barrel by the back door. It had been a little above half way yesterday. The temp forecast for today is a high of 84 so it's going to be humid around here. I think I'll stay in.
Thunderstorms started around 3AM according to my wife.
Without my hearing aids I can't hear much so I slept like a baby.
Right now it's raining pretty hard and the wind is blowing.
I guess that's normal for Oklahoma this time of year.
Much to my wife's displeasure we are going to stay here one more day and hopefully the tornados that are east of us will die down and we can get going.
Last nights storms has scarred my cousin so much they have decided to go towards Colorado alone instead of going onto Missouri with us.
My wife and I are heading due North to Missouri to visit with our Grandson.
We might meet my cousin later in May somewhere around Colorado. Or we might just continue to who knows where.
This a note I just posted to friends in Australia...
Raining since mid morning today.. Predicted to continue through early Wednesday..
Late news last night showing damage of tornados across a portion of ..tornado alley.. in the mid west US.. Will have to check in with friends there.. Close to the end of the month so the internet is spotty at times.. Got the new community schedule of events.. Farmers markets, concerts by the river, a couple big church congregations have ..loot in the boot.. parking lot sales.. Plus neighborhood garage sales and individuals.. I need absolutely nothing.. However... The thrill of the hunt..
Jen.... When I had the lake place, they used to do that with an old stock car body with a cable and barrel float attached for retrieval.. It was kind of like a 50/50 lotto that was a big fund raiser for all the local community events for the year.. Those ..bush savages.. would bet on anything...