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None of that spinning stuff here. Unusually warm. Ave. between 19 F lows & 39 F highs.

No hats, no coats, no mitts, no heavy boots. Getting the wood piles moved and stacked is coming along nicely.

Bad for the fruit tees though. Big risk of them coming out of dormancy and than freezing to death.
Much nicer day today than yesterday. It is currently 48 degrees. With the help of another guy, we were able to get a lot more ice chipped up at a dog park. In just a few minutes I'll leave, pick up another dog and go to another dog park, where the ice is also very thick and covers almost every walkway. Hopefully, I'll get some help chipping away some of that ice so that it is a safer place to walk.
Weedygarden, you're a good person... not many folks nowadays would offer to help, more's the pity. Meh, think of your work as building good karma points... as an aside, I'm not the kinda guy who lets a dangerous situation remain that way, if anything I will place an obstacle or marker over slippery ice. Too easy for the elderly to get hurt in a fall... :(

That Selma twister looked pretty nasty, I don't miss spending nights or even traveling through twister country during my 'trucking daze'---especially in "tornado season" (May-June). What's with the twisters in January? A bit untimely, don'tcha think? I bet a lot of this weird weather we've had in recent years stems from gubmint tards messing with the weather. 😒

In my 'trucking daze' I occasionally visited Bruce's Tornado Truck Stop in Tulsa, Oklahoma... named for a twister that came through and killed at least 10 persons. The twister picked up trucks and tossed 'em around like jackstraws, I even have some pics of the framed displays in the main building which showed the damage. Lemme find 'em... :rolleyes:

Okay, the original pics were none too good (taken with a cheesy disposable camera, most likely), and the Canon cam didn't really clarify things, but if you look closely enough, you can see the damage after the trucks were tossed around. I'm not sure if all 10 persons were killed at the truck stop when the twister hit, but I know a number of them were. :oops:




The following pics show the damage to the truck stop more clearly... o_O




I took these pics in '96, I was with my trainer when I first rolled into what had then already been renamed as Bruce's Tornado Truck Stop.... it would've been the latter half of '96, since I started with USX in July. I believe the truck stop damage occurred a few years earlier, maybe sharp-eyed site members can spot a date on the papers. 🧐

Edit: A quick web check supplied the date of the twister---April 24, 1993. The truck stop was (and might still be) right off I-44 in Tulsa. :confused:
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We got about 3" of rain yesterday. I guess the 8th consecutive rain event will be headed our way, and drop another inch of rain before we get clearing skies for the next week. The rain we have received is a blessing. My city is now up 28" this season, and is great in filling our aquifers and lots of snow in the mountains. Maybe the drought will be over for a few years?
It's absolutely bucketing down like mad.
It's still the coldest wet season we've had but the amount of rain we're having is like a traditional wet season.
Roads and bridges are washed out and under over 10 foot of water.
All the mending jobs the shire councils did on the roads and bridges after the last lot of flooding has now been destroyed and has to be redone.
No supply trucks for the grocery chains can get through and stock at the grocery stores is limited from what I can see on their on-line shopping sites.
You learn not to trust the "in stock" label on their on-line stores and it's a hope and pray situation when putting anything in your on-line cart because you've got a better than average chance of sending you a e-mail (after excepting your money) with a whole laundry list of grocery items that somehow, magically became out of stock.

The grass was jumping out of the ground with all the rain and I'm glad the mower guy came in yesterday and cut it.

We've got more bad weather slated for the next two weeks.