Nice pistol there Mr. Mark! That looks like one of the few pistols wherein you flip the safety/decocker up for off.
I like that configuration!
I like that configuration!
Flat White.What color...!?
I'm not done yet :wink:Pics Jerry...PICS !!
Here ya go Kev.Pics Jerry...PICS !!
Thanks. I got a bow earlier this summer for bowfishing the grass carp and needed it to sight it in. I thought about using it for deer season but still don't have it set up the way I want it so decided against it. Especially since I'm planning on getting a different bow next Spring that's smaller and has a shorter draw length with the sights,quiver,silencers and everything already on it.Turned out real nice Jerry...and that partition is a good idea.
Also like the hinged roof so you can get into it to clean it out, etc.
Well done...
( ...also like the bow target on top of the Polaris...)
I'm still a newbie at this retirement stuff.
Uh,you have too many 1s in there buddy,it's 115 not 1151 :wink:Wow Jerry, $1151.00 for a dog house!
Man that thing should have come pre-built with heating, A/C & running water!
The things we do for our pets!