Retirement is so, so grand!
You got that right!
I'm such a slacker, I'm a day behind posting

Spent yesterday putting gutter leaf-guards on the in-law's gutters. The neighbor has 3 big pine trees that dump about a hundred pounds of pine straw on the roof which can't escape the gutters.
Told my FIL that would not work; he's been shoveling that crap out numerous times per year for 15 years.
Went up and down the ladder so many times my butt-cheeks hurt

But worth every minute, we'll never have to clean those gutters, ever.
Here's the good part. We got ready to settle in for the night and I asked my 82-year-old FIL what we had to do tomorrow.
"Wake up", was his reply.
I said: I know that, but what do we
have to do?
He said: "naw, that's it".
I thought about that sage advice for a while.
That means we can do anything we want, everything we want, or nothing at all

Today, me and the Mrs picked up ribs for supper. My MIL who is a notoriously finicky eater, tore into them like a hyena

Great day to be retired!:green man:
p.s. To all of the mules out there still pulling the wagon, I have one word: 401K:wink:.