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Signing in to the Betty Ford Clinic...

It was a long night...with lots of booze !!



I knew that was a 4-letter word for a reason!
My major accomplishment today, calling the insurance agent and cancelling the homeowner's insurance on the house we sold.
I could hear the tears in the agent's voice when she found out the big fat checks would stop coming
My heart-felt response...:flip::boom:
Never made it up to North Jersey cause I was busy running around doing other stuff. Gonna try for tomorrow morning.

I'm back home now so it's time to have a few!:D
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I drove the wife down to Dallas, TX for her birthday weekend. We went and say the movie "First Man". It was really good. Then went to Rock Fish Seafood for drinks and dinner. Now just relaxing in the hotel room.
The wife and I are planning a full day of relaxing and watching college football here at the hotel. Tonight I am taking her to the Ed Sheeran concert at AT&T Stadium (Jerry World). Should be a fun day.
The Wife and I are having friends ( 2 couples ) over for dinner...so, I'm grilling on the wrap-around porch...away from the rain.

Still haven't made it up North Jersey yet as I totally forgot that today was my day to work the Police range.

Just got in not long ago, so it's my intent to stay in, relaxe & keep dry.
Ahhh...the retired lifestyle.

How lucky one truly is to live long enough to enjoy the fruits of one's labor !!

Right Dutch...!?


Just got done changing the pipe around on the corn/wood pellet furnace in the garage now I'm waiting on the Packers game to start. I hope they broadcast it here.
Ever visited Dealey Plaza, The Texas Schoolbook Depository 6th Floor Snipers' Nest, and the Grassy Knoll...site of the Kennedy assassination...!?




...it's an interesting visit.

Time to unwind for the day. Gonna go eat soon & get ready for a long day tomorrow.

Have a good one folks, C-ya next time.:cool:
Just another day in paradise...

Moved some leaves around off the back deck...then settled in for a nice egg, bacon, and hash brown breakfast with OJ and Coffee the Wife made me.

A good way to start the day...

Got a day off today, as I've gone back to work for a little bit. I've agreed to help an Academy roomate of mine for a few weeks.

It's only been a week and already I've had enough! I don't like getting up early & I also don't like having my time restricted & not being able to do what I want to do! Retirement spoils ya!:eek:

But that's what I agreed to do when I decided to help my buddy out!

Since I'm off today, I don't plan on doing anything but be lazy!:p Maybe later, if I feel like it I'll head to the Police range & do some shooting.
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I've got to admit that I'll be so damn glad when this election is over! It's no secret that I hate all politicians, (both sides mind you) and I'm about to vomit from all the political ads that are running 24/7.

4 more days & I can regain my sanity!:eek:

And yes I will be voting!
Since I've been pretty busy all week, I need to get out & pick-up a few things.

So it looks like I'll be running around here & there getting things I couldn't get during the week!
The Glen had rain and high winds hit last night, so I spent the morning cleaning up leaves, sticks and big branches on our property.

Then I had to run down to the local VFW for an mid-term Election meeting and to pick up signs and documents for both Ward 9 precincts.

Then to the local sub shop for a few hoagies for lunch...

And now here...posting.


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