They are a staple at our place
I love onions on everything (almost).Looks like onions were on everyone's mind tonight!
I was raised on big bun size biscuits. The story goes that my mother came down from Kentucky to see her sister, who introduced my mother to an old boyfriend. My Dad joked about my mother biscuits be hard & burnt a few weeks after they were wed. Mother FIL, my grandad, took her aside & taught her how to make the bun size biscuit that she made all my years at home. Someone told me they were cat head biscuits.I worked with a woman who said she never could make a good biscuit. I think that is the kind of person who should buy them in the tube from the store.
I think people are raised to be a certain way by their parents, without real thinking about how that will play out in their life. Some women are raised to be helpless princesses. That was much more this woman's M.O. She had a particular way of standing and looking when she went into that mode. She had an older brother, and that was the role she learned at home, helpless princess.I was raised on big bun size biscuits. The story goes that my mother came down from Kentucky to see her sister, who introduced my mother to an old boyfriend. My Dad joked about my mother biscuits be hard & burnt a few weeks after they were wed. Mother FIL, my grandad, took her aside & taught her how to make the bun size biscuit that she made all my years at home. Someone told me they were cat head biscuits.
She used Crisco shortening, flour, home made buttermilk or fresh cows milk. Mother made more biscuits then we could eat in a 12 X 16 X 4 inches baking pan. The next morning she would cut the lift over biscuits in half, add butter & brown them as toast, never had better toast in my life. When I was 12 years old I made my first batch of biscuits, 48 years later & I am still shocked at how many grown people do not know how to make biscuit. My mother believed that a boy should be able to do anything that a girl could in the home. She said she would not dump dumb men on the world.
I can understand not having or taken time to make biscuits, but not knowing how to cook is a bad sign of the times. Maybe I am a snob, too.
They are a staple at our place
In most things in life I am the most unassuming person you will ever meet. Except for biscuits making, I judge folks by their biscuits, that’s right I’m a snob, a biscuit snob.
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Tonight I made shrimp fried rice, turned out good but I got a little too much white pepper in it. Baked a couple of frozen egg rolls.
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Looks good, I never made Risotto, is it as hard to make as some say.