Was $3.37
Now today its $3.43 near me and $3.45 over at the north end of the county near the interstate
Now today its $3.43 near me and $3.45 over at the north end of the county near the interstate
My financial advisor drives a Tesla and claims it does save him money.Still moving, up to ~$3.40 now. Seems to me like the oil companies are taking a risk here. Suppose folks cut back on nonessential driving - and get in the habit?
Mmm - is that at all likely?
How far can gas prices climb before "all-electric" family vehicles become money savers?
What ticks me off is how low gas prices were during the pandemic start of the lockdown. Like they were giving it away. It's almost like, hey you wanna drive? Well, you're going to pay for it.
Do you have 2020 and 2021 jumbled together?It started Jan 20th, just before Covid was announced as a thing. Day Biden took office and started shutting down drilling, pipeline, etc. It's went downhill from there.
You are aboslutly right. My badDo you have 2020 and 2021 jumbled together?
I'm pretty sure the gas people don't like Biden, think inflation makes him look bad while making them more money. Well, makes him look even 'badder' than he is.You are aboslutly right. My bad
DISREGARD my previous thread
But gas did take off when Biden took office. Just had my timing off
Developing practical alternative energy sources is a good idea. But folks, we ain't got them yet.Stopping the pipeline from Canada day one and costing many thousands of job was a great start. Stopping exploring and drilling in the weeks that follow. WellPrices have kept going up from there
Yea, I thought when I moved from Cleveland, OH to Utah we'd be moving from a solidly "blue" area to a solidly "red" one. That's true with the people (for the most part), but the government is not what I would have expected, especially when it comes to how freely they spend MY money!I'ts probably because your state adds extra tax to your gas that they want you to pay for.
Since I live in "the oil patch" I can tell you that they don't cry when the blues are in office.What ticks me off is how low gas prices were during the pandemic start of the lockdown. Like they were giving it away. It's almost like, hey you wanna drive? Well, you're going to pay for it.