What is "The VOID" in prepping currently....???

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.

I think many feel that "something" is missing in their quest for prepping/survival help/information/guidance that they are searching for, starving for some better guidance. Maybe guidance with integratory.

They feel that something is missing, that (some knowledge) is being withheld, kind of like they are being "Played" by the standard sources for information.

Is something being hidden, withheld.....??? Why no clear answers.

PLEASE: I am begging you please stay on this narrow subject.........PLEASE.

The subject here is NOT your "preps". The subject is how guidance is rendered. Should it be as twisted and convoluted. Why the lack of straight forward truth.

What is "The VOID" in prepping currently....???​

Radiation detection equipment info.
(sorry, it's my soapbox and I'm sticking to it. :()
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Nobody is doing anything new.

The entire community is a victim of institutional inbreeding.

everyone wants to operate within the safety net of "what works" very few are actively and meaningfully innovating in the space. Nobody can see beyond their pre-concieved notions of "correct".

I don't care about correct, that just means basic- I want excellence, I want supremacy. I want more than what conventional wisdom can provide.
Well prepping has been going on for a long time and much of the chaff has been separated from the wheat.

What innovations are you expecting?

A recent change (at least in those who have thought things through) has been people figuring out they aren't going to bug out to the wilderness and survive with what's on their back.

Nor is bugging-out absent some welcoming (and stocked) location at the other end going to be viable. .

I think some of the push back is due to people realizing they are up the creek despite having their BOB and INCH bags stocked with what they were told was needed for them to survive in a Mad Max world

That they were sold a bill of goods by shysters looking to profit off of fear.
Well prepping has been going on for a long time and much of the chaff has been separated from the wheat.

What innovations are you expecting?

A recent change (at least in those who have thought things through) has been people figuring out they aren't going to bug out to the wilderness and survive with what's on their back.

Nor is bugging-out absent some welcoming (and stocked) location at the other end going to be viable. .

I think some of the push back is due to people realizing they are up the creek despite having their BOB and INCH bags stocked with what they were told was needed for them to survive in a Mad Max world

That they were sold a bill of goods by shysters looking to profit off of fear.

There are 2 spectrums when it comes to placing types of preparation- it generally boils down to these two

Production vs. Stockpiling
Stationary vs. Mobile.

This would create a 4 quadrant graph of comparison.

Wherever youve decided to sit on that graph- the type of innovation I'd be looking for are ones that make you more effective in achieving your goals given the contextual limitations of the situation you are preparing for and more capable of achieving your goals vs. Those who would compete against you for the position.

As far as the wilderness is concerned- what makes it the wilderness? And what criteria make it so inhospitable? Transversely what capabilities would make such the opposite and what exactly would that take to achieve? The second the human mind says something is not possible- that mind has built and captured itself inside of its own "box"-

it's not about what's considered possible by others- it's about what you a an individual can achieve.

You wanna talk about a surefire method of surviving a situation where all of the sudden everything becomes extremely competitive? Heres an idea- be capable of doing things others consider impossible. They won't even be able to compete in the first place. This is exactly how the economy functions btw- people say that an idea is crazy or impossible until someone actually does it and challenges the conventional wisdom effectively enough to put the doubters out of buisness.

Too often we look to the past for answers- but almost never do I see people taking the wisdom from the past and building upon it within the contexts of their limitations to effectively improve upon the lost ways. Furthur- the criteria that drives the future isn't built on limitations contextual to survival but limitations derived from profitability. This leads to far less potent outcomes especially in the context of survival.
There are 2 spectrums when it comes to placing types of preparation- it generally boils down to these two

Production vs. Stockpiling
Stationary vs. Mobile.

This would create a 4 quadrant graph of comparison.

Wherever youve decided to sit on that graph- the type of innovation I'd be looking for are ones that make you more effective in achieving your goals given the contextual limitations of the situation you are preparing for and more capable of achieving your goals vs. Those who would compete against you for the position.

As far as the wilderness is concerned- what makes it the wilderness? And what criteria make it so inhospitable? Transversely what capabilities would make such the opposite and what exactly would that take to achieve? The second the human mind says something is not possible- that mind has built and captured itself inside of its own "box"-

it's not about what's considered possible by others- it's about what you a an individual can achieve.

You wanna talk about a surefire method of surviving a situation where all of the sudden everything becomes extremely competitive? Heres an idea- be capable of doing things others consider impossible. They won't even be able to compete in the first place. This is exactly how the economy functions btw- people say that an idea is crazy or impossible until someone actually does it and challenges the conventional wisdom effectively enough to put the doubters out of buisness.

Too often we look to the past for answers- but almost never do I see people taking the wisdom from the past and building upon it within the contexts of their limitations to effectively improve upon the lost ways. Furthur- the criteria that drives the future isn't built on limitations contextual to survival but limitations derived from profitability. This leads to far less potent outcomes especially in the context of survival.
No offense but that post reads like one of those get rich quick ads...

"All you have to do to become a millionaire is invent something everyone needs and voila"

Kind of a Capt Obvious post.
I have been prepping for a long time but when I got online and looked into prepping forums I was led into the trap of being told I needed a long list of stuff, which I found out over time was incorrect.
some people try to make their prepping/survival too involved when a "keep it simple" attitude is what is required especially when a TEOTWAWKI scenario comes to pass.
No offense but that post reads like one of those get rich quick ads...

"All you have to do to become a millionaire is invent something everyone needs and voila"

Kind of a Capt Obvious post.

None taken, I'm sure you can see past all that.

I never said it was easy, and I don't mean to infer that you have to reinvent the wheel either.

Too often what I see are "canned" store-bought solutions to problems being forwarded as the way to do things- not people who are in the process of constantly improving their personal methodologies. People treat survival as a checklist, not a journey.

You don't have to be a millionaire or reinvent the wheel- perhaps a better way to frame it is to improve your version of the wheel.

While I personally strive for mastery- I know that's not everyone's goal, so generally I'm satisfied with whatever someone's subjective version of "better" is. What I want to see really though is someone who innovates and is able to do things more effectively then the "canned" "proven" "stable" methods. I want to see the methods and techniques that you can't find in books or in some advertisement for a tool that removes the need for a technique.

I want to see some personality... some real self-reliance the core ability to adapt immediately and endlessly.

...not just a pile of stuff.

Oh and fwiw- im not sure what i would have been advertising to you- you didn't answer my questions though 😄
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Is something being hidden, withheld.....??? Why no clear answers.
I don't think anything is being intentionally withheld or hidden. I think people don't know what to look for or they are looking for information on something but don't actually put it into the prepping category.

Take gardening for example. It could start out as "I just want a really great, fresh tasting tomato off the vine." Before you know it, you're growing enough food to supplement your pantry. You're preparing and don't even think of it in those terms.

Also, sometimes the information is overwhelming and it's difficult to winnow out what you can use or understand. I guess sometimes the information is hidden in the author's misunderstanding of the subject or not understanding the target audience.
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What is "The VOID" in prepping currently....???​

Radiation detection equipment info.
(sorry, it's my soapbox and I'm sticking to it. :()
This thread "IS NOT" about equipment VOID. It is about those grasping for solid high-quality knowledge.......and that feeling that something.......some knowledge is "NOT THERE" and that gut feeling, maybe gut fear, that some information is intentionally being hidden, or withheld.
Not sure if this counts but for new people I feel the presumption is prepping involves stocking up on items, and skills are ignored. Like Lonewolf says, 'a long list' is all you need.
The gaps are in growing ability and knowledge of soil, reading the weather etc - these are being lost in society anyway in many areas. I also note that food items- tinned etc- no longer have the shelf life they once boasted and if anything major happened I feel people will be caught out, or become ill from their stocks.
many "preppers" this side of the pond are only preparing for short term events so a stock of canned food and bottled water is all they need.
skills are totally ignored as its only a matter of time until things get back to normal.
in that context they are only preppers not survivalists.
Good thread!

From my observation, I think a lot of the void in the prepping movement can be summed up in the Stockdale paradox. Normalcy bias makes it hard for many folks to face up to the tough side of the equation.


the biggest void in any learning situation is the "this is how we have always done it" mind set when someone show up with an easier way. And of course the "I will just get a horse fantasy"
how about self study, does anyone really know how they will react , went faced with a surprise, like a CME, .........
I think @Magpie was getting at my thoughts on the matter. The void is the lost knowledge from those who lived in a time without the conveniences of the modern day. The way things could very well be if things go from worse to catastrophic. One can read up on how things were done in the past, but one can also read how to fight. Once you get punched in the face you realize there is a difference between knowledge and know how. Most people let those with the know how pass away without learning it from them through direct experience. Still, knowledge is better than nothing most of the time.
This thread "IS NOT" about equipment VOID. It is about those grasping for solid high-quality knowledge.......and that feeling that something.......some knowledge is "NOT THERE" and that gut feeling, maybe gut fear, that some information is intentionally being hidden, or withheld.
I said Info dammit!!!
I think you proved your own point: people turning a blind-eye to info that could save their life.
We had a sub-forum, with lots of threads, each with lots of posts, with lots of info:
It got deleted to make room for all the DPF threads. :(
2 years of my research and hard work, all vanished in an instant.
(that my friend, is a VOID.)
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As magpie and d_marsh have pointed out skills. I have been talking about skills for decades, you might get separated from your stuff. Skills mostly come with you. Here is a pop quiz which member of the forum (hcl) is an skilled "Flint" knaper , Hint, it ain't me
None taken, I'm sure you can see past all that.

I never said it was easy, and I don't mean to infer that you have to reinvent the wheel either.

Too often what I see are "canned" store-bought solutions to problems being forwarded as the way to do things- not people who are in the process of constantly improving their personal methodologies. People treat survival as a checklist, not a journey.

You don't have to be a millionaire or reinvent the wheel- perhaps a better way to frame it is to improve your version of the wheel.

While I personally strive for mastery- I know that's not everyone's goal, so generally I'm satisfied with whatever someone's subjective version of "better" is. What I want to see really though is someone who innovates and is able to do things more effectively then the "canned" "proven" "stable" methods. I want to see the methods and techniques that you can't find in books or in some advertisement for a tool that removes the need for a technique.

I want to see some personality... some real self-reliance the core ability to adapt immediately and endlessly.

...not just a pile of stuff.

Oh and fwiw- im not sure what i would have been advertising to you- you didn't answer my questions though 😄
I agree & an example: cookies, yep cookies. We received some as a thank you this past weekend. And though I'm not complaining, they needed more flour. They were flat. I'm sure if asked the maker would say, "but I followed the recipe to a tee." I'm sure she did. But what happens when there is no recipe, when you don't have all the ingredients in the recipe, or when the desired product isn't even a possibility? The ability to improvise &/or come up with a new recipe (plan) is not even a consideration of many. Those who are able to think outside the box will have the best shot at survival. (I think in a round about way, this is what you were getting at. Feel free to correct if not.)

I have been prepping for a long time but when I got online and looked into prepping forums I was led into the trap of being told I needed a long list of stuff, which I found out over time was incorrect.
some people try to make their prepping/survival too involved when a "keep it simple" attitude is what is required especially when a TEOTWAWKI scenario comes to pass.
Me too in a round about way. What I saw was a bunch of Rambo wannabes. My thought was just how impractical and short-sighted it was with, like you said, a long list of things to purchase and the thought that unless you were some sort of he-man body builder, you could not prep or survive :rolleyes:

Now my thoughts on the question: I like what @Alaskajohn posted faith in conjunction with wisdom and discernment is critical.
As far as what info is being withheld, well if you consider that the military is usually about 20 years ahead of the general public as far as what is available both from an informational aspect and a technological aspect then couple that with the fact that most folks would rather be ignorant, lazy and let other be responsible for them, the gap is wide and the stage is now set. What is being withheld is (I believe) what will return the globe to a state of peasants and kings or slaves and masters - whichever your preference. Food and chemical dependencies is in my opinion a huge possibility and there are many signs pointing to this. How many diabetics do you know who would rather eat garbage and have an insulin pump than be responsible for what they put in their mouths? (Not trying to be judgmental as I have those I love in my own family who are in that boat.) Couple that with the progression of Al and think about the evil possibilities. I'm sure their plan is multifaceted but this (ill population) is a key component.
That said, my belief is to trust in the Lord and try to do my best in living as close to the ways he intended as possible. Yes, that means looking into the past. My research of the past isn't war strategies or economic trends. It's how did real people do the simple things that made certain things work or last. If that doesn't make sense, an example. I found a recipe from the early 1800s in one of my readings. It was meant as a coating for furniture and tools. We use it on metal, and it both looks and functions with a superior quality to any new product we've used. I found this info, because I was digging. Nobody handed it to me. Sometimes we actually have to look if we want to see something. So above, I didn't just mean physical laziness, but also cognitive laziness.
I said Info dammit!!!
I think you proved your own point: people turning a blind-eye to info that could save their life.
We had a sub-forum, with lots of threads, each with lots of posts, with lots of info:
It got deleted to make room for all the DPF threads. :(
2 years of my research and hard work, all vanished in an instant.
(that my friend, is a VOID.)
I understand your point, and there are many specific subjects that are more or less the same.

What I am questing for here is that specific "unknown" that those new or relatively new to prepping feel is being withheld from them. Look at this thread from the view of someone who just started into prepping, and is thirsty for information, but has a haunting feeling that something is missing, that some important facts are being obscured.

I have learned that "sometimes" preppers who have been living "intentionally" the prepper lifestyle and studying prepping for thirty or forty years, still have a feeling that some "key" information is being withheld from them.
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I understand your point, and there are many specific subjects that are more or less the same.
What I am questing for here is that specific "unknown" that those new or relatively new to prepping feel is being withheld from them. Look at this thread from the view of someone who just started into prepping, and is thirsty for information, but has a haunting feeling that something is missing, that some important facts are being obscured.

I have learned that "sometimes" preppers who have been living "intentionally" the prepper lifestyle and studying prepping for thirty or forty years, still have a feeling that some "key" information is being withheld from them.
For others like you, all I can say is: to survive lethal radiation, keep your head firmly planted between your buttocks, oh nevermind, it's already there. :rolleyes:
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For others like you, all I can say is: to survive lethal radiation, keep your head firmly planted between your buttocks, oh nevermind, it's already there. :rolleyes:
I "FULLY UNDERSTAND" you point. I am not challenging your point. HOWEVER, that is NOT what thread is about.

If it would please you I would start a thread special for you reference Radiation Poisoning. But this thread is not about Radiation Poisoning.
I "FULLY UNDERSTAND" you point. I am not challenging your point. HOWEVER, that is NOT what thread is about.
In your original post you asked for:
I think many feel that "something" is missing in their quest for prepping/survival help/information/guidance that they are searching for, starving for some better guidance. Maybe guidance with integratory.

They feel that something is missing, that (some knowledge) is being withheld, kind of like they are being "Played" by the standard sources for information.

Is something being hidden, withheld.....??? Why no clear answers.
I answered EXACTLY what you asked for.
Information that was deleted.
Just because it was something you don't want to think about, doesn't mean it wasn't important. :(
(whatever happened to my "Do not feed the troll" emoji?):mad:
Well.....To Hell with it, going forward this THREAD is all about Radiation Poisoning "ONLY". Feel free to turn it into a political focus also I no longer care.

In your original post you asked for:

I answered EXACTLY what you asked for.
Information that was deleted.
Just because it was something you don't want to think about, doesn't mean it wasn't important. :(
(whatever happened to my "Do not feed the troll" emoji?):mad:
For others like you, all I can say is: to survive lethal radiation, keep your head firmly planted between your buttocks, oh nevermind, it's already there. :rolleyes:
The problem with radiation is that unless you know exactly where it is coming from and the exact wind currents driving it (which could change after a few nukes are dropped in an area) you could be walking deeper into the source instead of out of it.

Also if you detect radiation you are not going to walk (or even drive) your way out of it, without getting a lethal dose So absent a radiological proof shelter, detectors are more of a, "we don't have long to live" thing once it starts clicking.
there are probably several , but No one has said who, this was discussed on a survival skill thread quite some time ago
None taken, I'm sure you can see past all that.

I never said it was easy, and I don't mean to infer that you have to reinvent the wheel either.

Too often what I see are "canned" store-bought solutions to problems being forwarded as the way to do things- not people who are in the process of constantly improving their personal methodologies. People treat survival as a checklist, not a journey.

You don't have to be a millionaire or reinvent the wheel- perhaps a better way to frame it is to improve your version of the wheel.

While I personally strive for mastery- I know that's not everyone's goal, so generally I'm satisfied with whatever someone's subjective version of "better" is. What I want to see really though is someone who innovates and is able to do things more effectively then the "canned" "proven" "stable" methods. I want to see the methods and techniques that you can't find in books or in some advertisement for a tool that removes the need for a technique.

I want to see some personality... some real self-reliance the core ability to adapt immediately and endlessly.

...not just a pile of stuff.

Oh and fwiw- im not sure what i would have been advertising to you- you didn't answer my questions though 😄
As you said, "no reason to reinvent the wheel" so MANY times a canned response is all that's needed.

You need some lights in case power goes off...so go to store buy flashlights and batteries. Expand on that by getting rechargeables and a small solar panel. Or some solar yard lights you can keep on a window sill until needed. Maybe some candles and an oil lamp and a few gallons of fuel.
No need to rebuild the whale oil industry for it.

It seems you are on some Don Quixote type mission searching for hidden "secret knowledge" that only a few of the "Illuminati" possess and you feel is being kept from the masses.

Even your request to see some "real self reliance" wouldn't get you anything "new" or "secret" as it is just people relearning things our ancestors took for granted in the 1700 and 1800s. Such as rendering beef tallow from the cow they raised and just butchered to make candles to provide light.

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