We have a show on some tv network named "alone", it is a real story of survival like what happens when your home and property are overrun by people who will take it all kill you if the catch you and burn what they do not use as the sweep through the land.
This is what the commercial, conventional "prepper" idea misses.
Shelter, water, food, healthcare. are the things a person needs to absolutely be able to forage daily to survive.
You need to know what you can eat EXACTLY in any area you happen to be, you need to know how to obtain water and how to fabricate shelter that will keep you alive in heat, cold, dry, wet, and dangerous weather situations.
You need to be able to fend off attacking animals and use the rest to survive
But you need to know what tools you MUST have to maintain this life for as long as you live, not by carrying around a wagon full of jars of canned food/
I hope everyone will be able to shelter in place when the SHTF but at best I see that as a temporary condition.
One thing I think will absolutely be a must is a stock of seeds that produce a stock of varied foods in all climates and soil types.
Hopefully you find that mountain pass and build your heavy A frame moss covered cabin, and you can at least have some producing plants and dry enough to tide you over a while.