I have created a very simple test, that can be used to help preppers clearly understand how serious they are at prepping. TRANSLATED: ARE YOU REAL PREPPER......??? (Warning roughly 90% will fail. And that will be their "cause of death".
You are a serious/certified genuine REAL prepper, if you have several sources of pure & fresh & 100% reliable sources of water (that means the source NEVER stops producing water) even if grid is down several years.
I think that I piss members off when I state that in my opinion, "Preppers have only an ever so slight & temporary survival advantage over non preppers". This is the bases of my conclusion, no water you die soon.
Note: This is only #1...... #2 is pointless to post if likely 85% to 90% don't have ready & and safe access to pure water/not needing purification.
This is why I keep saying most preppers only have a 5% to 10% advantage over non-preppers, before death.
So, called REAL PREPPERS, are different because they chose to relocate their loved ones. where there is many sources of pure/fresh water.
Assume that if you do not have exclusive access to the water, you think you will haul to your home, that gangs will control that water source, and demand painful compensation.
*Cracks knuckles*Let's do this.
I have a well on property and know where several others are.
Aw hell, I thought this was a test bro! Even the nubs know without access to water, you're dead.
Let's see if I can grab some slack, we'll call Sourdough's question one.
Where do you live? If you said the city, do not pass go.
What are your farming skills from window-box to rancher? If you can't at least grow potatoes, you fail.
Can you prepare a meal from wild fare? if not... NOPE!
Do you at least own a basic 4-gun kit and have at least 1000 rounds for each? If you live in a commie state, you get a pass, go buy a crossbow!
How much food do you have stored? If it's less than six months, FAIL.
What are your medical skills, if you can't at least suture a wound and give CPR. NOPE!
Do you store your medications at least six months ahead? No? probably fail.
Do you have alternate means of heating your home? no? failed.
Do you show off your preps to ANYONE, even those outside your home? Dead meat.
Could you kill, dress, and eat things not normally considered food? I hope you like yard salad.
Speaking of which, are you aware of all the edible plants in your area and how to prepare them?
No? nice knowing you.
Can you make a water filter?
And finally, do you have survival skillsets and maintain them? Back to school!
There now, that ought to piss off the slackers and bear in mind, that was a basic, off-the-cuff test!