What Shortages are You Seeing?

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Aldi had Butterball for 1.09 a lb. Bought a 20 lb one and stuck it in mom's freezer in her apartment. The nurse says she looks everyday and wonders why there is a turkey in her freezer. She put her lemon cream pie in the linen closet for a week, so I'm hoping the turkey doesn't end up somewhere else.
It's heavy, it has a good chance of staying put!!
Aldi had Butterball for 1.09 a lb. Bought a 20 lb one and stuck it in mom's freezer in her apartment. The nurse says she looks everyday and wonders why there is a turkey in her freezer. She put her lemon cream pie in the linen closet for a week, so I'm hoping the turkey doesn't end up somewhere else.
Yep, going through that kind of stuff myself. Mom is bored so she rearranges stuff. Next thing she start complaining that someone has stolen a bunch of stuff.
That's too funny, Clem. (sorry). I can picture my mom doing that if she could get out of the building. Took her to the dentist today. Brought her 2 donuts and a wallet that she put in her pocket. Ha.
It floored us the first time the police called. They sent a picture.

When a screw on an already screwed up person gets really loose, there is no predicting the outcome.

My mother helped make my life hell when I was young, but when she was old and alone without all the other losers around, I let it go, and tried to take care of her in spite of her: just as you are doing.

They sure don't make it easy, but you won't be sorry you tried. That hard shell they forced you to grow is what makes it possible. Go figure.
Has anyone had problems getting medicine? My dad has had problems getting carafate. It's an antacid. I've noticed that my thyroid medication, levothyroxine, for the last few months, has been Euthyrox, a European version of levothyroxine, from what I've been told.
Has anyone had problems getting medicine? My dad has had problems getting carafate. It's an antacid. I've noticed that my thyroid medication, levothyroxine, for the last few months, has been Euthyrox, a European version of levothyroxine, from what I've been told.
There are lots of medications that are manufacturer backordered. We haven't had any problems getting Carafate (either tablets or suspension). If he's using brand name Carafate suspension, have him ask about the generic sucralafate. Our store has loads of both. The synthetic thyroid meds haven't been a problem here (NJ) but the porcine based ones have been. If you use one of the big chains, ask them to see if one of the other locations nearby have it and transfer the script. We've been doing that a lot lately.

Our warehouse deliveries have been very large lately. We normally get maybe 17 totes. The last two weeks we've been getting 25 totes. Our script count hasn't increased that much to warrant such a large increase in inventory coming in.
Don't know the whole story yet. But there are a lot of Kubota RTV 900 and 1100s at work, all design. We have 3 in our group. Boss told me today "due to the design shortage 2 of them are getting replaced. For another group in our department they just got a Can Am 4 door with a dump bed vehicle. It was well over 30,000 dollars. I think they are crazy.
I am going to see about buying my Kubota to use around here. Its got less than 1200 hours on it and works just fine
Don't know the whole story yet. But there are a lot of Kubota RTV 900 and 1100s at work, all design. We have 3 in our group. Boss told me today "due to the design shortage 2 of them are getting replaced. For another group in our department they just got a Can Am 4 door with a dump bed vehicle. It was well over 30,000 dollars. I think they are crazy.
I am going to see about buying my Kubota to use around here. Its got less than 1200 hours on it and works just fine
Good luck!! That would be nice!!
Has anyone had problems getting medicine?
Very much so. The amount of time my son's medical team coordinator has spent on finding meds is insane - she needs a full-time assistant in charge of just that, locating meds for patients. And we've definitely had to alter the standard protocol for his treatment based on what is available.

Now that he's getting weaned off of some meds, I think of the leftover pills still in our cabinet - I know that someone out there needs them.
Took dad to a new (to us) grocery up county near the NY state border. It's only a 20 minute ride in what used to be a rural~ish area peppered with corporate headquarters. There were two really big farm stands there when I was kid and orchards. Both farms are now shopping centers. The one we went to today is across from used to be Mercedes Benz's northern NJ headquarters. I worked there about 28 years ago. The buildings are gone--its now high-end, residential rentals with retail below. How very agenda 21.

Anyway, back to the market--Wegman's. Dad wanted turkey legs for the freezer--none of the grocers close by us carry them. They were $5+ for 2 raw turkey legs (not smoked). We got a cart full of vegetables and fruit. It was really nice produce and it was displayed in such an appetizing way. The produce prices were not out of line with what we're used to seeing. The meat was. American lamb rib chops $35 a pound.

There didn't seem to be any shortages that I could see. We didn't scope out the whole store. There were too many people and they were acting like food shopping was a marathon. It was stressing me out too much for 8:30 in the morning.
There were too many people and they were acting like food shopping was a marathon. It was stressing me out too much for 8:30 in the morning.
Yeah, I can't shop on Saturdays, especially Saturday mornings. Takes more than 24 hours to recover and get out of my fetal position.
Took dad to a new (to us) grocery up county near the NY state border. It's only a 20 minute ride in what used to be a rural~ish area peppered with corporate headquarters. There were two really big farm stands there when I was kid and orchards. Both farms are now shopping centers. The one we went to today is across from used to be Mercedes Benz's northern NJ headquarters. I worked there about 28 years ago. The buildings are gone--its now high-end, residential rentals with retail below. How very agenda 21.

Anyway, back to the market--Wegman's. Dad wanted turkey legs for the freezer--none of the grocers close by us carry them. They were $5+ for 2 raw turkey legs (not smoked). We got a cart full of vegetables and fruit. It was really nice produce and it was displayed in such an appetizing way. The produce prices were not out of line with what we're used to seeing. The meat was. American lamb rib chops $35 a pound.

There didn't seem to be any shortages that I could see. We didn't scope out the whole store. There were too many people and they were acting like food shopping was a marathon. It was stressing me out too much for 8:30 in the morning.
Wegmans is the best. Did you get your turkey at .58/lb? Usually, it’s with a $25 order, and can be done repeatedly. I wouldn’t be surprised if they closed the loophole this year and made it one per family/phone number.
Turkeys in good supply today. We're not getting one for just two of us. 55 cents a pound for off brand.
We are still eating the turkey from last year (nine), DW cooks it & feeds me, call the children to come get some then she freeze the rest.
For when she is not home or does not feel like cooking a full meal.
I have two in the ice chest thawing I think might be ready to cook tomorrow. It's just me, husband, and little granddaughter...the twins never eat at home anymore. I freeze the cooked meat in about 1/2 gallon sizes and we use it for lunchmeat or the meat in a casserole. These two will be the 5th and 6th ones I'm cooking. Lunchmeat is stupid expensive, and this tastes so much better. Turkey salad sandwiches are the best!
Wegmans is the best. Did you get your turkey at .58/lb? Usually, it’s with a $25 order, and can be done repeatedly. I wouldn’t be surprised if they closed the loophole this year and made it one per family/phone number.
We didn’t get a whole turkey just legs. I’ve got two turkeys in the freezer already and not room for much else. In fact I’m gonna have to take some things out to make room for an Omaha steaks order the old man just placed.
She says the produce section looks terrible

As does ours, I can't remember a time in recent history where I have seen it so bad. I bought 2 cukes the other day, they were soft and had a bad sour taste to them. Tomatoes are the same, soft as can be and if you aren't careful you end up with tomatoes that are already starting to rot.

I suspect it may get worse from the fallout of less planting or less product because of the lack of fertilizer, our corn looked horrible this year compared to previous years. Soybeans did OK.
No chicken wings for the last few weeks at Walmart or Safeway.
Safeway did get some in but they were over $3 a pound.
$10 for 6 wings, no thank you.
When I was ten years old, I worked with a landscaper/nurseryman, he would bake chicken wings because they where cheap by product of cut up chickens in the grocery store. 32/52 years later & they cost more than whole chicken, pound for pound.