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I have been struggling with downloading videos from my iPhone to my laptop. At first it went OK, just gotta jump through hoops connecting through iTunes, but then it slowed down and the past few days it stopped letting me download the videos. For some reason today I thought maybe the photos program that accepts them from the phone might be full so I bought a new thumb drive to save the old photos. What I didn't realize is a couple years ago when my friend rebuilt the computer he stored ALL my existing photos and videos in that program, instead of in their own file on the hard drive. After moving a couple thousand photos out of the PHOTOS program it is working a lot better. I dunno, I had plenty of room on the computer hard drive but apparently the program had a limited amount of storage capacity.
At least it is working again, even if a bit annoying.
I have been struggling with downloading videos from my iPhone to my laptop. At first it went OK, just gotta jump through hoops connecting through iTunes, but then it slowed down and the past few days it stopped letting me download the videos. For some reason today I thought maybe the photos program that accepts them from the phone might be full so I bought a new thumb drive to save the old photos. What I didn't realize is a couple years ago when my friend rebuilt the computer he stored ALL my existing photos and videos in that program, instead of in their own file on the hard drive. After moving a couple thousand photos out of the PHOTOS program it is working a lot better. I dunno, I had plenty of room on the computer hard drive but apparently the program had a limited amount of storage capacity.
At least it is working again, even if a bit annoying.
Have you (or do you care to) use a resizing tool for your vids? Might also save a copy of a photo then resize it so it's not such a high pigment level. Both of those make loading videos and pix tons faster.
I flunked algebra three times but got straight As in chemistry...go figure. I guess it's because you're working with real things in chemistry, and how they affect each other. In algebra it's just mindlessly mixing up letters and numbers with no clue where to start making sense of it. I like the country theme in the house, by the way.
Spike that looks like an awesome piece of machinery.
Actually showered and dressed and left the house today. Met a friend who also just lost her husband and cried on each other's shoulders for a while. Back home now in my hibernation mode, listening to the rain and wind lashing against the house and waiting to see how severe the icing might be when the temp drops.
Same here couldn’t pass algebra 2 in high school!
who needs It anyway. It was boring 😂
Have you (or do you care to) use a resizing tool for your vids? Might also save a copy of a photo then resize it so it's not such a high pigment level. Both of those make loading videos and pix tons faster.
I know what you are suggesting but I have no idea about any of that stuff. I am just starting this adventure. I asked my computer guy and he suggested to do what I am doing. It does work, but the added step of using iTunes is probably most of the hiccup. I am looking into finding a video camera someone else is no longer using due to their own upgrading. We might even have a GoPro hear at the house but need to wait till the oldest daughter comes home from her vacation to see if she knows where it is at.
Contacted a gallery I was selling my artwork at last year. I have not been producing anything since last fall due to life getting in the way. The gallery was very positive so time to get busy.
I flunked algebra three times but got straight As in chemistry...go figure. I guess it's because you're working with real things in chemistry, and how they affect each other. In algebra it's just mindlessly mixing up letters and numbers with no clue where to start making sense of it. I like the country theme in the house, by the way.
Spike that looks like an awesome piece of machinery.
Actually showered and dressed and left the house today. Met a friend who also just lost her husband and cried on each other's shoulders for a while. Back home now in my hibernation mode, listening to the rain and wind lashing against the house and waiting to see how severe the icing might be when the temp drops.
I didn't flunk algebra, but it was the worst subject for me in h.s. It set the tone for me not to take chemistry, physics, geometry and other things. Algebra teacher asked me to see him after school one day. He told me I had one of the highest math aptitudes in the school, and wondered why I was struggling with it. I have no idea why. I took algebra in college to see if I could figure it out. Nope. Worthless subject to require of all h.s. students when they should be learning practical math, such as how to do their taxes, balance their accounts.
I didn't flunk algebra, but it was the worst subject for me in h.s. It set the tone for me not to take chemistry, physics, geometry and other things. Algebra teacher asked me to see him after school one day. He told me I had one of the highest math aptitudes in the school, and wondered why I was struggling with it. I have no idea why. I took algebra in college to see if I could figure it out. Nope. Worthless subject to require of all h.s. students when they should be learning practical math, such as how to do their taxes, balance their accounts.

I had tons of trouble with Algebra but Excelled in Geometry. Algebra just didn't make sense the way it was taught. If they had used some real world examples, like building a greenhouse or shed then it would have helped.
I had tons of trouble with Algebra but Excelled in Geometry. Algebra just didn't make sense the way it was taught. If they had used some real world examples, like building a greenhouse or shed then it would have helped.
I had the same problem. One time after a test the teacher called me to his desk and asked who I copied the answer from because the work didn't make sense but the answer was correct. I said I didn't cheat and eventually I asked him to make a similar problem and I would do it in front of him. I did it my way and got the right answer, he just shook his head in disbelief. I couldn't remember what was taught but I could use my goofy brain to figure out a solution. I passed that class, probably with a C, but never signed up for another algebra class.
Which part of the state?
Kansas or NM? We took I-35 from KC down to Oklahoma city, so the eastern part of Kansas. We're headed to Corona, NM. Not sure if we'll stay in Vaughn or Carrizozo. Depends on if we're going to move our morning meeting location in the next couple days or not...
Waiting for WWIII.


It might have just started....I wonder how we are going to be able to afford $10 gallon or whatever gas.....

Well , vet is coming out this morning to look at the fat ewe and probably do a c section. Wish us luck, I hope the lambs survive. I am up early , it's still dark and raining. Figures hasn't rained in weeks and now it's raining when I don't want it to. I feel very stressed right now.

We are out of propane ( not a huge deal we have wood for heat and cooking if I need to), bananas and milk, need to go shopping but don't want to leave these sheep alone. We have 3 left to go including the fat one.
Things will stay frozen today, so it'll take a little longer to do the outdoor stuff. I'm doing the two school drop offs in just a bit, then doing animals, making husband breakfast. Painting the floor hallways upstairs after I clean it well, and it should dry by the time the kids get home. Going into town to do some of mom's banking, picking up chicken scratch. Going with husband for his allergy shot in the bigger town, and then filling up a cart at Aldi. Daughter and her boyfriend will be arriving tomorrow night, so lots to do beforehand.
I hopped on early to tell DrJenner to drive careful (ain't I so sweet?) 😁 It's snowing here. I have laundry started, Hubby off to work, and need to get myself ready to go. Would be a great day to stay home and bake cookies.
Things will stay frozen today, so it'll take a little longer to do the outdoor stuff. I'm doing the two school drop offs in just a bit, then doing animals, making husband breakfast. Painting the floor hallways upstairs after I clean it well, and it should dry by the time the kids get home. Going into town to do some of mom's banking, picking up chicken scratch. Going with husband for his allergy shot in the bigger town, and then filling up a cart at Aldi. Daughter and her boyfriend will be arriving tomorrow night, so lots to do beforehand.
You wore me out, just reading what you are doing today!! You go girl!
What I need to do today and what I want to do are two different things. I need to change oil in the wifes Jeep, the side by side and my welder. Also need to change the transmission/hydraulic oil in the tractor. But what I want to do is stay sitting next to the wood stove keeping warm. Its in the single didgets today and will be getting colder for awhile. But the critters still need to be fed and watered.
Guess I'll go out and start the heater in the shop.....soon.

I'll remember this day....I drowneded.

The ground was already saturated from all the flooding since January. Now I believe West KY will be sinking into mud.
It rained hard all night , still coming down, and ain't gonna stop till tonight.
Then start all over tomorrow thru Thursday.

One good thing...Helitech did a good job on my basement ...no sign of any moisture or water....happy,happy.

Bad thing....wife says we gotta go to Walmart.
She must be outta cookies.

Oh well I can dodge the ponds .

I'll get to go for lunch.🤓

Y'all stay dry and above water.

Try to get shelves reorganized in kitchen. I used a can of tomato sauce that had expired almost 3 years ago in chili recently, it was ok but I guess that’s pushing it. Drop off very expired prescription drugs at p.d. Drugs don’t store well long term, but I had forgotten I had them. Drug stores don’t accept expired drugs anymore.
I don’t feel like I’m very organized these days. After not being alone for 38 years, it has been an adjustment. You don’t just “get over it”.
@phideaux wish we could have had some of that rain!
Oh, man, feeling sorry for the amish "school busses" this morning. A tractor with just a windshield and side shields, but not enclosed, kids in the horse trailer it's towing, and normally the mom's are doing these drop offs. It was 9 degrees at the time and wind blowing. I only bring a couple to school, but in a car.
I had tons of trouble with Algebra but Excelled in Geometry. Algebra just didn't make sense the way it was taught. If they had used some real world examples, like building a greenhouse or shed then it would have helped.
Geometry happens to be something that I really like. I loved teaching it to children. Algebra just put me off for anything else in math.

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