Back at the ol' hacienda... traffic & parking for the air show were a royal PITA, and the rest of the day was hot, sweaty, crowded, and LOUD, but NONE of that mattered once the F-35 and the Thunderbirds took to the air. Those Thunderbirds are amazing, just precision flying at its best... well, maybe next to the Blue Angels, lol. As far as I'm concerned, either squadron rips, they are SUCH GOOD PILOTS! And ladies, I want y'all to know that a female pilot flew the F-35 today, and that gal was one heck of a pilot! She made turns so radical that the wings would've been ripped off any other aircraft, lol... I ain't joking either, that gal practically stole the show. In one pass, she soared straight upward to the heavens, then leveled out & wound up doing a "flat turn" (what we used to call a flat spin) in the sky above, it was VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!
All in all, a very enjoyable air show... wasn't quite as crowded as Miramar, but there were still thousands & thousands of people in attendance, all having a good time! I talked to a few hands throughout the day, including some in line for the beer pavilion... $5 per 16-oz. glass, but I went ahead and bought a couple because I don't go to air shows very often anymore. I'm glad I didn't try to sneak any alcohol into the show, because security was fairly tight and ya had to go through a metal detector... my Tombstone hip flask would've set off the alarm, lol. No worries, it was warm enough not to care about drinking, except for those two beers I had as refreshment... I brought half a gallon of water too, but only took a few chugs off it. I took a few pics and my cheesy Canon cam lagged hard, but most of you have probably been to an air show...
Hmm, maybe I'd better break these pics into two sets so they all come through alright... that third shot shows the gal in the F-35 heading toward the runway, you can also see a couple of F-35s in that last shot, including hers once she was done. Sweet aircraft, those F-35s, I'd never seen one up close before. Technically, I guess they're F-35A Lightning II fighters, but they sure were impressive! When the gal made full "combat turns" in that plane, it was crazy... must be a rush flying that sonofagun. Oh, yeah, and CLIMBING?!? Pfffffft, the thing soared like a rocket till it was practically out of sight, lol. Anyway, lemme post up the rest of the pics, my Canon cam did NOT do justice to the Thunderbirds, but maybe y'all can get a feel for what happened today in the skies over Alamogordo & Holloman AFB. Pretty cool action, that's for sure...