What's everybody doing today?

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Making a pumpkin pie for mom tomorrow for mother's day (her favorite), making a mac salad for tomorrows picnic, moving the geese. Cleaning out the big indoor milkhouse geese run to house baby turkeys, which are currently inside in a brooder. Taking a ranger ride with husband and little granddaughter, maybe into our little town for a soft serve cone. Twins are busy from morning to night tonight...work, grad parties, a bday party for a friend. I just got their butts out of bed and they're leaving soon. Don't expect to see them till 10 or so tonight.
Wide awake early today. In fact, I didn't get any sleep at all. 2 nights in a row with the new sleep med and it apparently isn't working for me. 2 nights ago I didn't fall asleep until about 7am and only slept about 3 hours. Oh well, guess I will get an early start in the yard today.

GF's 2 sons will be packing up today to move to Ohio for the summer. The oldest one has an internship there at the HQ for the company he works for and the younger one is hoping to work at Kings Island amusement park. I am looking forward to them moving out of the back room so I can make it into a work room. Supposedly they are coming back the end of summer, we shall see. I wouldn't be surprised if they find a reason to stay there as they have no friends here and the oldest could do better than his current girlfriend. She is sweet but far too needy.

Yesterday I connected another new sprinkler system in the area where we are trying to grow grass and cover crops for the ducks to graze a few days a week and reconnected a couple other drip irrigation systems. I am hoping to get the last two or three connected today. They are already in place I just want to break one into two different sections and connect them to another water source in the yard.

Enough babble, time for a hot cup of tea to start the day. Cheers! 🍵
Wide awake early today. In fact, I didn't get any sleep at all. 2 nights in a row with the new sleep med and it apparently isn't working for me. 2 nights ago I didn't fall asleep until about 7am and only slept about 3 hours. Oh well, guess I will get an early start in the yard today.

GF's 2 sons will be packing up today to move to Ohio for the summer. The oldest one has an internship there at the HQ for the company he works for and the younger one is hoping to work at Kings Island amusement park. I am looking forward to them moving out of the back room so I can make it into a work room. Supposedly they are coming back the end of summer, we shall see. I wouldn't be surprised if they find a reason to stay there as they have no friends here and the oldest could do better than his current girlfriend. She is sweet but far too needy.

Yesterday I connected another new sprinkler system in the area where we are trying to grow grass and cover crops for the ducks to graze a few days a week and reconnected a couple other drip irrigation systems. I am hoping to get the last two or three connected today. They are already in place I just want to break one into two different sections and connect them to another water source in the yard.

Enough babble, time for a hot cup of tea to start the day. Cheers! 🍵
Sleep is very important, hope you find something to help soon!!
NO WORK TODAY😃! Doing laundry, helping hubby finish my hay barn, washing vehicles, quick house cleaning (I mean quick), cooking taco meat for tonight's supper! Going to be in the upper 90's☀️😃 so I'll be in the pool later. It needs a quick vacuuming! Should do some mowing but it's not quite long enough to justify the gas usage!! OH, and it's Kentucky Derby day!!
That's right, it's Derby Day! But I'm going to the air show... maybe there'll be a TV somewhere in a pavilion or whatever, where I can watch the most exciting two minutes in sports. Well, that race 2 or 3 years ago where it was rigged, that wasn't so hot, but hopefully it'll be run fairly today. Always liked the Kentucky Derby, it's a special event... :)

Well, I'd better get cleaned up and head out to the air show, I've been watering trees in the yard and giving them a good soak using the new system. Seems to work pretty well, but using PVC pipe might be cheaper than that gravel ($5 per bag), I could still use the auger and get the holes drilled for the PVC. I'll think on it... :rolleyes:
That's right, it's Derby Day! But I'm going to the air show... maybe there'll be a TV somewhere in a pavilion or whatever, where I can watch the most exciting two minutes in sports. Well, that race 2 or 3 years ago where it was rigged, that wasn't so hot, but hopefully it'll be run fairly today. Always liked the Kentucky Derby, it's a special event... :)

Well, I'd better get cleaned up and head out to the air show, I've been watering trees in the yard and giving them a good soak using the new system. Seems to work pretty well, but using PVC pipe might be cheaper than that gravel ($5 per bag), I could still use the auger and get the holes drilled for the PVC. I'll think on it... :rolleyes:
Have fun!!
Fired up the zero turn and cut the grass, and finally dealt with a huge chunk of a tree top hanging out of a tree in the backyard. So, I backed my Jeep up to the limb, got my tow strap out, hooked it to the tree and Jeep and gave it a yank. With a little tug it was down, hooked to the other end and dragged it to my empty property across the road where I can cut it up later. Picked up all of the small limbs that were left on the ground.................and now I'm pooped.

Should do some mowing but it's not quite long enough to justify the gas usage!!

Tell me about it, it cost me more to fill my mower today than it used to cost to fill my Jeep tank, boy was I grumbling. I didn't have a choice though, we have had tons of rain and now the sun is out and supposed to be for the next week. I'll be cutting it again by Tuesday.
Its been a while so I hope not to repeat myself.

Put netting over the cages where the birds are suspect to steal sprouts.

Delt with a tree that came down during the tornado warning. It was blocking an access path to The Ridge. Since it was twisted and barber chaired (?) I used the saws-all instead a chain saw. Took longer but was safer.

Figured out how to bust loose some wire mesh shelving that I salvaged. The shelves were stuck and wailing away with a hammer didn't work. A pair of ratchet straps hooked to the shelf and run over the top of the support rod were used to apply a lot of upward force and some strategic hammer and punch work got it to move enough to see the issue. The uprights had some rust preventing motion. PB Blaster and progress. I need to repeat for the other shelves.

I have very low ceilings in that basement so I will have to cut down the uprights to fit. Even then I have to get creative assembling the shelves because they have to be assembled in place.

As indicated above The Princess and I attended a Trump rally for Dr Oz 56 miles east or our place. Google maps teased us a bit with us both questioning "werent we already on this road?" A couple of one lane bridges on a one lane road but eventually we found the fairgrounds.

It had been raining hard for 24 hours. With 10k people ahead of in line the ground was a muddy obstacle course. We resorted to supporting each other and managed to not end up sitting in the mud.

Found out that the portable cell phone tripod I carry was not allowed pass the security check point. I had to trash it then endure some well earned "I told you so's".

More mud and chaos getting into the venue. I took The Princess by the hand and dragged her through the crowd and get seated. Due to no action on our part we ended up getting seated in the bleacher stage right of the stage.

Nine hours of rain was not bad being surrounded by like minded people. Everyone talked freely with each other as if we knew everyone. I did feel for the secret service guys standing in the rain with no hat for hours watching for trouble.

The Princess let me be cheering and whooping it up. I did score getting a "Let's go Brandon" and "Lock her up" chanting going. Credit to the people around me helping out once started.

Good time but cold and wet. The Princess scored a t-shirt for $5 on the way out.


Google maps goofed with again but made it home by about midnight.

The Princess and her sister scored a big pile of steaks roasts etc. at the local butcher. I don't know how the prices were but she seemed very happy with the pile of meat she brought home.

We may watch 2000 Mules tonight.

Trying to behave

Church men ate breakfast together.
Back home to change clothes.
Attend funeral of a friend.
Back home to change clothes.
Fix a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for my lunch.
Take down the tables and chairs from wife’s hen party and put away.
Readdress a package the wife failed to put the complete address on the first time.
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Got some more Roundup® today.
Been living off the last gallon-jug for the last 3 years.
Was worried it would go extinct with all the lawsuits :(. Nope!
Gone is the battery-powered sprayer wand that sucked.:woo hoo:
1.33 gallons for $19.99 !
"Say hello to my little friend!!!"


(yes, everybody can feel free to flame me about how I don't care about the environment, and I just need to sprinkle some boric-acid powder around :rolleyes:)
I checked the label, same chemical makeup as the old one, which was AWESOME!
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Got some more Roundup® today.
Been living off the last gallon-jug for the last 3 years.
Was worried it would go extinct with all the lawsuits :(. Nope!
Gone is the battery-powered sprayer wand that sucked.:woo hoo:
1.33 gallons for $19.99 !
"Say hello to my little friend!!!"


(yes, everybody can feel free to flame me about how I don't care about the environment, and I just need to sprinkle some boric-acid powder around :rolleyes:)
I checked the label, same chemical makeup as the old one, which was AWESOME!
I don't use a lot of this, but there are a few things that only go away because of this.
Went to the valley, made a quick bimart run.
Then I picked up this rescue. I'm fostering her with the intent to adopt if she works out.
She is 7 , lab× border collie. Owner had to move n reportedly couldnt take her. So far she is a great traveler, slept most of the ride home. Is good with cats, livestock chickens n turkeys so far.
She is laying quietly now..took her a bit to chill but it usually does.
I'm hoping my dog will warm up to her n the idea is for her to be his company. He has been getting depressed with my work schedule just like my last dog did. I'd like for him to have a buddie during my work week n on the weekends we can all go hike n adventure once the chores are done.
We will see...she is pretty sweet mannered. Her name is Emme


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Back at the ol' hacienda... traffic & parking for the air show were a royal PITA, and the rest of the day was hot, sweaty, crowded, and LOUD, but NONE of that mattered once the F-35 and the Thunderbirds took to the air. Those Thunderbirds are amazing, just precision flying at its best... well, maybe next to the Blue Angels, lol. As far as I'm concerned, either squadron rips, they are SUCH GOOD PILOTS! And ladies, I want y'all to know that a female pilot flew the F-35 today, and that gal was one heck of a pilot! She made turns so radical that the wings would've been ripped off any other aircraft, lol... I ain't joking either, that gal practically stole the show. In one pass, she soared straight upward to the heavens, then leveled out & wound up doing a "flat turn" (what we used to call a flat spin) in the sky above, it was VERY IMPRESSIVE!!! :oops:

All in all, a very enjoyable air show... wasn't quite as crowded as Miramar, but there were still thousands & thousands of people in attendance, all having a good time! I talked to a few hands throughout the day, including some in line for the beer pavilion... $5 per 16-oz. glass, but I went ahead and bought a couple because I don't go to air shows very often anymore. I'm glad I didn't try to sneak any alcohol into the show, because security was fairly tight and ya had to go through a metal detector... my Tombstone hip flask would've set off the alarm, lol. No worries, it was warm enough not to care about drinking, except for those two beers I had as refreshment... I brought half a gallon of water too, but only took a few chugs off it. I took a few pics and my cheesy Canon cam lagged hard, but most of you have probably been to an air show... ;)




Hmm, maybe I'd better break these pics into two sets so they all come through alright... that third shot shows the gal in the F-35 heading toward the runway, you can also see a couple of F-35s in that last shot, including hers once she was done. Sweet aircraft, those F-35s, I'd never seen one up close before. Technically, I guess they're F-35A Lightning II fighters, but they sure were impressive! When the gal made full "combat turns" in that plane, it was crazy... must be a rush flying that sonofagun. Oh, yeah, and CLIMBING?!? Pfffffft, the thing soared like a rocket till it was practically out of sight, lol. Anyway, lemme post up the rest of the pics, my Canon cam did NOT do justice to the Thunderbirds, but maybe y'all can get a feel for what happened today in the skies over Alamogordo & Holloman AFB. Pretty cool action, that's for sure... :rolleyes:
Round #2 of air show shots:


See what I mean about the camera? And truth be told, I didn't bother taking some shots when I probably should have taken them, but those close passes were so cool that I was happy just to watch 'em, lol. I really dug how the Thunderbirds pulled off maneuvers in such close formation, doing rolls and whatever else... that one pass when each plane rolled in formation as they were doing an even bigger roll, THAT was INSANE!!! Did I say those Thunderbird pilots are GOOD?!? Lol. Meh, that's all I got for now, sorry about the off-center shots, it's not always that easy to get 'em center-frame with this cheesy Canon cam, 10-4? Alright, I'm back to my cold beer, mighty refreshing after a rinse in the shower... hot day out there today, don'tcha know? But I enjoyed it, I hadn't been to an air show for over a decade, so this one was worth all the trouble... ;)
Weather was bad today so animals wear in the barn most of the day except the sheep, but it got so bad we put them in this afternoon. It is now cold and wet. Weeds in the garden appeared out of nowhere and are almost as big as my plants already

Spent half the afternoon trying to figure out a few more fluids problems for son. His final is Monday. One he just needs to ask for more info, or you have to make some assumptions . If there is flow into a tank and flow out of the tank, it will either be steady state ( flow in = flow out ), or it will fill up the tank if flow in is greater than flow out, or it will empty the tank if flow out is greater than flow in. No pipe size given either just pressure for the inflow. No info if steady state, no info on tank size either. Some of the info is just not very clear in the problem. You could assume the pipe size is the same as the outlet diameter ( looks about the same in the drawing) but it doesn't say

Tomorrow is Mothers day, just saw that on the calendar. So happy mothers day to all that have kids. Mine will probably forget as usual but that's ok , I have long ago stopped having any sort of expectations from my family for such occasions

I am very happy my primary care physician I went to before renewed my prescription for another year without me having to go there for a check up. Picked it up yesterday ( just a very low dose of blood pressure meds) . There is nothing I hate more than going to the doctor or hospital. She is not even a real doctor but NP, but I like her more than any real doctor I had in Florida ( they all sucked pretty much). She only does what I ask and consider my anxiety issues, and doesn't try to push extra stuff on me
We had a rainy dreary day here today, so we took a road trip east of here to an area we really like. Always look for land when we are out there, be a nice place to retire at.
We stopped at our favorite Amish store and got some supplies. I bought another box of tattler lids and rings, and 18 dozen regular mouth lids. Several packs of pickle seasonings, several lbs of amish butter. Not sure what all, but a good hall.
Then we went to a nice produce market and got 2 gallons of strawberries. They are really sweet. I see jelly in our future.
Stopped at their local TSC on the way home and got some odds and ends.
Picked up some burritos from a place we hadn't tried before to bring home. They were pretty good
We threw a few more things out to the curb for our city's trash haul-off day. Then we went to the furniture store to pick up the new chairs we bought a few days ago. Got home, watched a little hockey.

Then I went and spent a couple of hours editing a few of my eBooks. I had bought some anthologies of Sci-Fi short stories some time ago and they were not formatted very well. Massively screwed up table of contents that didn't even work, and formatting inconsistencies and errors. So I went and edited the EPUB/AZW3 files to clean them up. Now I have some nice eBooks where I can look at the table of contents, see a story I want to read, click on it (touch the screen on my eReader), and it actually jumps to the place it's supposed to in the eBook!

The books I edited today, all are ones I initially bough in paperback in my younger years, and later acquired as eBooks:


I don't read as much Sci-Fi now as I used to, preferring Action/Adventure/Thrillers these days. So collections of Sci-Fi short stories are handy for me. Despite having had these anthologies for many decades (in paper, the eBooks are newer), I can't say that I've read any of them cover to cover. I've only cherry-picked a few stories from each one. At least now the eBooks are usable, after my editing.
Today's word of advise: Don't step down-wind of flying compost. 😂
Extremely windy here today. Hubby went and picked up a load of compost so we could finish filling the raised beds which we did. Then we still had about half a trailer of compost so picked a spot to unload it. He was in the trailer shoveling it out and I was on the ground keeping it from falling into the lawn. I went around the other side of the rig thinking in between his shovels, I could throw it towards the back of the pile. Timed it just right to get a shovel full of flying compost to the side of the head - eeewww!!! Shower felt pretty good.
Went up to the shop this afternoon, disgusted with it for a long time. I've been dreading this chore. That kid used the shop, the tools, equipment. In 3 years he didn’t put anything back where it goes. Heck, he never even swept it out. But I did as my dad asked and bit my tongue.

Today I started in a back corner with the leaf blower. Every few minutes I had to stop and let the dust settle a bit. Took over an hour but I can now see the concrete floor is spots. Next I fired up the crappy small air compressor (somethings wrong with the big one). Anyway, blew off another layer of crud with high pressure. I got all the junk off the work bench (one of them). At least now I have a place to work.

I also picked up every wrench and socket I could find. Over half the sockets are missing from the sets. I found 2 dozen scattered around the shop. I’m sure I’ll be finding them all summer.

Yesterday and today got all the bushogging done, cousin came by and mowed. I need to take the chainsaw to the wisteria and crepe myrtle. Both need pruning badly.

Before I started... the "clean" area where I could walk.

shop 07may22 1a .JPG

This is the highway... of course I remember when they paved it, was gravel before. My driveway forks...

driveway 07may22 1a .JPG
You can’t really see this in the above photo. Instead of taking a 30ft trailer of hay out of the far driveway, 1/2 mile down to a great place to turn around (even a semi)… That boy tried to make a curve in the driveway (downhill) the trailer wouldn’t make.

So he drove across his great grandfathers lawn, took out a shrub. Guess who fixed it? Me of course! The boy didn’t even stop to offer a pitiful excuse much less repair it. Just drove away, didn’t see him for a month.

I got it flattened, sowed some grass. Still looks ugly.

Cole yard.JPG

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