What's everybody doing today?

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Got a telemedicine appointment with my NP this morning. Have to run to the eyedoctor to fill out some paperwork to get new prescription safety glasses for my job. Daughter is volunteering at the school from 4 til 6, don't know what we'll do after that. If it's up to her we'll sit at home with our faces glued to our phones. I'm thinking about going for a drive to the Ledges at sunset...
This is what I am doing today!! IMG_1121 (2).JPG
OK, I got done with my telemedicine appointment with my NP, Angela. She gave me my lab results. Some of you might not understand these, but I had to share.

A1c = 5.9
Total cholesterol =186
Cholesterol ratio = 3.6
Kidney function = normal

@DrJenner How does that look for a 49 year old male who has been a type 1 diabetic for 34 years?

34 years ago this week is when I got diagnosed. At the children's hospital they told me I'd be dead or crippled by 40. Those doctors that told me that...can kiss my healthy diabetic butt!
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IOK, I got done with my telemedicine appointment with my NP, Angela. She gave me my lab results. Some of you might not understand these, but I had to share.

A1c = 5.9
Total cholesterol =186
Cholesterol ratio = 3.6
Kidney function = normal

@DrJenner How does that look for a 49 year old male who has been a type 1 diabetic for 34 years?

34 years ago this week is when I got diagnosed. At the children's hospital they told me I'd be dead or crippled by 40. Those doctors that told me that...can kiss my healthy diabetic butt!
Those are absolutely fabulous numbers for a type 1 - heck, most type 2 would be happy to have those numbers. That's awesome!
While we’re on the subject. A year ago I had a check up. Next day the docs office called insisting I go to the ER because of blood sugar. THe office girl suggested I could die any moment. Was prescribed a med (metformin), took those, and then a testing machine (which I’ve never used).

Anyway, last week I had a check up. Next day the office called to say I’m no longer considered prediabetic. ?What? my A1C was 5.1. Haven’t researched this new twist to my health (been busy) so I’m unsure what it means. Do I need meds still? Don’t know...
That is awesome, Spike!
Wishing our youngest daughter a happy birthday today, she's 28. In Tucson.
Got back from the foot doc. Have a cyst on my foot, caused by arthritis, been driving me nuts. Of course the doc wants surgery and wants to take some of the bone and the cyst out. I say I need my foot thru September. She tried to drain it, but it was jelled, so basically got 3 very large needles put in it and now my foot is bandaged. Injected some steriods in it. Kinda dumb keeping this foot wrapped and dry for 48 hrs. I need to look for some wider shoes in my closet. Chores. This bandage needs to go. Overkill.
While we’re on the subject. A year ago I had a check up. Next day the docs office called insisting I go to the ER because of blood sugar. THe office girl suggested I could die any moment. Was prescribed a med (metformin), took those, and then a testing machine (which I’ve never used).

Anyway, last week I had a check up. Next day the office called to say I’m no longer considered prediabetic. ?What? my A1C was 5.1. Haven’t researched this new twist to my health (been busy) so I’m unsure what it means. Do I need meds still? Don’t know...
At 5.1, you should continue what you are doing. Normal A1c for a non diabetic person is between 4 and 6. What you do need to worry about is hypoglycemia, or low blood glucose. If you ever feel weak or shaky for no reason, or your mouth and tongue tingle, that's probably what's going on. Hypoglycemia is very dangerous. On metformin you probably won't get it real bad, but I've seen it happen.

My advice is this - use that tester!!! That thing is what tells you what's going on inside your body. Follow your doctors recommendations for how often to test. I would recommend 2x a day, morning and evening, but your doc might say something else. If your BG (blood glucose) is spiking or dropping, the tester can tell you. It can also let you know what foods to avoid, because you'll be able to see if your BG spikes badly after eating those foods.
Wait a minute. . . are you pregnant? 😂
Okay, @Spikedriver, this is relative to a pregnant woman I talked to this morning at the dog park. Are you sleeping well at night? Are you crabby and miserable?

I forgot that this is true for some women, or maybe now I should say people, being miserable and crabby, even at 5 months.
Been a weird week weather wise - gray and damp and cloudy, so it's felt colder than it is and made these old arthritic bones not want to do much. Weather is supposed to be nicer this weekend, so I'm hoping to spend some time outside cleaning up after winter. Tonight we're bringing dinner to neighbors who just had a new baby, tomorrow I think we can finally take the cover off of our hoop house. We've already got some lettuce and cabbage making a good start in there :)
Now I've heard it all, Ole Spikedriver is knocked up. Thats what you get for hanging out with little miss short shorts!! :ghostly:

Been a busy week. Tons of stuff going on at work. The new role I've had to take on has gotten busy within the past week. Gonna be hard to keep up and keep my other projects running.
Got my 9th bed finished up in the garden and planted all the plants I had waiting, plus some cukes.
We had almost half an inch of rain overnight. More off and on thru the day. Then on my way home it started pouring down. Had reports on large hail around the eastern part of the state. Finally got home and watched the weather for a bit while listening to a weather net on my little HT. We had a big line of storms move thru the whole eastern part of the state. Lots of flash flooding, winds up into the 60's, and hail as large as 2". It moved thru in about an hour.
Got a lot done today, fed and watered the livestock. I hooked up the bush hog next. I bushogged by the chicken pen, pole barn and around the garden. Went down to the highway and bushogged the shoulders 100yds in each direction, both sides of the road.

Took the chainsaw down to the lower drive, cut down mimosa and privet hedge hanging from the woods over the shoulder of the road. They obstructed the view of possible traffic from the drive. Dad shouldn’t drive but since he’s not stopping I can at least keep the view clear.

Got lots done inside also, caught up on dishes. Found my potato salad, tossed it in the trash. I bought it at the good deli in town yesterday, very good potato salad. Somewhere between the market and my fridge it disappeared. I have a small bench by the door for putting on shoes. Bring groceries in the house the bags get put everywhere. Evidently the bag with the potato salad was on the bench. It fell behind it, $4 wasted.

My 5 second rule is pretty liberal... But potato salad at room temp for 20hrs? Nope, not eating that.
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Today was demolition day at my sons place. We had a ramp into his back door that had deteriorated, so we tore it up. My son doesn't need the ramp, but his grandpa did before he passed (he used to live in that house).

Tomorrow is our once-a-year giant trash pickup that is free and sponsored by the city. This is when you can put darn near anything out at the curb and they'll come take it away in huge haul-offs. So we brought the torn up ramp from my sons place up to our place to take advantage of the haul-off. Also outgoing in the haul-off is a washing machine, a dishwasher, four old kitchen nook chairs, and some replaced ceiling lighting fixtures.

You see couches, mattresses, old kitchen and bathroom cabinetry, hot water heaters, grills - you name it out at the curb. Quite a convenient thing for the city to sponsor. Used to be that you had to haul your stuff to a central parking lot in town for them to take it, but as junk items started getting larger and larger and the lines got longer and longer they just decided to drive huge trailers, dump trucks and front end loaders around town and come get the stuff right from your curb. Many of the metal items are gone before morning as some of the less fortunate come around to haul it off themselves, I suppose to take it to recycling centers to get cash for it. For these annual events, they rent big trailers and large U-Haul trucks to claim the prizes.

It's like a constant parade of trucks cruising the neighborhoods the night before haul-off day. We joke that the city could just pretend to hold these events every year. Don't actually plan any haul-off, just announce that you are, and the scavengers will come get everything by morning anyway. Well, maybe not the demolished door ramps. :( One year I peaked outside and saw the two slightly built ladies trying to shove my old water heater into the back of their truck. I went out to help them - they were very appreciative - I thought they were going to smash themselves struggling with that thing. Those old water heaters weigh a TON after they get filled with sediment. (Washing machines are surprisingly heavy too!) I couldn't ask the ladies what they were going to do with the water heater because they didn't speak English, but I assume recycling centers must take those things. Old BBQ grills are in high demand. Those don't last 30 seconds at the curb. We had some old wire mesh fencing one year and that went lickity-split as well. You're dragging the junk down your driveway and there's often times an idling pickup truck at the end waiting to assist you and take it off your hands. Great program! Everyone is happy! You feel much better about yourself. Instead of being ashamed about all the crap you've been hoarding over the last year, you see that your neighbors are just as much crap-infested as you are.

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