What's everybody doing today?

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Went to work, picked up my UIL shirt and bought ticket to state One Act Play contest. 2A top 8 schools in Texas competing. I have two grands involved. Long way to go but one of those girls is a senior. Daughter invited me to ride with her. Juggled my schedule and bought ticket. Austin is pretty big and I am little anxious. Maybe I can sleep both ways. May is crazy already. Band concert, awards programs, 6th, 8th and 12th grade graduations with 3 of grands. This will be my 5th high school graduate and 1 college grad. I hope I can see all my grands graduate high school. The twins are 3 which would put me in my mid 80s. Oldest grandson getting married in November, but getting ahead too much.
Trying to get "work" done at both ends of the work day. Got most of the ironing done before work. After work, we got the sand layer in the raised beds. I had enough compost left from the old little raised beds to almost top off one of them. We'll have to get a load of compost to finish them up. Got two artichokes planted in one :) Got cabbage and sweet peas in the ground. The tomatoes I got in the ground before all the rains are looking great. Still have to get peppers in the ground.
I'm with you Txcatlady about May being busy. The twins are seniors next year, but they went to prom last week. We have little granddaughter's "sports field day" Friday and I have a foot doc appt that day, too. The next week is a band concert for the twins at the High School. Granddaughter dates a senior, so he graduates in 2 weeks and she's helping the mom with the party. The band is playing the Sunday after this for the ceremony. Band banquet is the following week. Two weeks from Saturday is little granddaughter's ag school's barbecue chicken luncheon from the meat chickens they raised. And then there's mom and husband's doc appts this month all in that. Last day of school here is the 18th. The twins have 4 senior grad parties to attend. Grandson is working for the local seed company full time this summer, and starts the very next day, on the 19th. I have books to read while I'm waiting on everybody's everything. Hmmm. Gardening, too.
I'm with you Txcatlady about May being busy. The twins are seniors next year, but they went to prom last week. We have little granddaughter's "sports field day" Friday and I have a foot doc appt that day, too. The next week is a band concert for the twins at the High School. Granddaughter dates a senior, so he graduates in 2 weeks and she's helping the mom with the party. The band is playing the Sunday after this for the ceremony. Band banquet is the following week. Two weeks from Saturday is little granddaughter's ag school's barbecue chicken luncheon from the meat chickens they raised. And then there's mom and husband's doc appts this month all in that. Last day of school here is the 18th. The twins have 4 senior grad parties to attend. Grandson is working for the local seed company full time this summer, and starts the very next day, on the 19th. I have books to read while I'm waiting on everybody's everything. Hmmm. Gardening, too.
Me trying to keep up with you two:
Hubby made a frame for my new hay shed😃👏👏🤸! So we did some measuring, cussin' and discussing! I took one of my 90yr old friends to Walmart with me after work today! We walked the whole store and she loaded up on groceries! I unloaded them out of the car while she put them away in her house! We had a nice time!!😊
That's a good deed, Pearl, but I'm wiped out for the whole day when I take mom to Walmart. She's the same age. I can't leave her side because she'll get lost. I get asked what store we are in, where is the ice cream, and did I bring my purse? about every 10 minutes. So glad that where she lives now serves three good meals a day to her, and they have a great help yourself snack bar. Still, she has a fridge and a microwave in her apartment, so she does some shopping.
Yesterday, I went and bought another dozen mangoes at 50 cents each. They sure are good dehydrated!

Today, will walk first.
Clean out fridge and put down plastic placemats to protect shelves.
Clean out one drawer and put away sweat pants as Summer is apparently here.
Weed in garden.
Cook pork roast in instant pot.
Make grits and cheese bread again.
Bible study at Church tonight.
Water garden and roses.
Woke up at 6:30 and did a little reading this morning. The kid got up at 10 after 7 and got herself ready for school. Her friend stopped by to pick her up at 10 til 8. With the way kids are these days, I'm just glad she can take the responsibility to get herself going in the morning without any...encouragement...from me! No, seriously, she does well about most things. Now I just need to encourage her to get a job. That may have to wait until she turns 16 this summer, because my state has a bunch of rules about letting kids under 16 work during the school year.

After she left I went up to the clinic to get blood drawn for lab work and now I'm at the coffee shop. I've got a bunch of errands to run today and I think my daughter and I will have steak and hash browns for dinner tonight. (I have a bunch of hash browns in the freezer that need to be used up...)
Gotta get out and water the trees, we're still under drought conditions here... way behind the YTD average for precipitation. After that, I may take the thumper up to town to get that footpeg issue fixed, gotta get a small plate welded to the original 'footpeg' box so I can remount the peg & bracket. Gonna call the welder after I water, I wanna make sure he's up there before I jury-rig a footpeg with a clamp or some vise-grips, lol... just gonna ride easy till the original footpeg is back where it belongs. This peg issue was inherited when I bought the bike, thanks to some fool who used spacers between the footpeg bracket and the box... stripped out the internal threads in the box, and I didn't make things any better when I broke out an angle grinder and ground away part of the box (thinking I could get some bolts behind the outer wall). Meh, there's still enough of the box left to weld a plate onto it, once the plate is tapped for the original 8mm socket cap screws. Gotta get my bike fully functional again, as I stand on the pegs quite often in the dirt... no wobbly pegs needed, lol. :oops:



P.S. Bike is still filthy from the Stronghold ride, gonna clean it up once this peg issue is resolved. :confused:
I don't wake up the twins either, Spike. They would love it if I do, but the deal is, they get themselves up and ready and catch the bus. If they miss it, they get a workday on the farm. They never miss it.
I do wake up little granddaughter, she's 10. But she is usually awake anyway. Wakeup time is 6:45. I drive her to school down the road. Twins go to High School in the next town.
Waiting for the rainstorm to ease up, and going to the Kroger Store just for the sales (KC Strip steak and whole chicken, and butter under 3 bucks) and then to Aldi for the other shopping. We're at the point where we are just eating and buying the fresh stuff, and the rest is just adding to the pantry.
Husband has rehab in the afternoon That's my repackaging and putting away grocery time.
Gotta get out and water the trees, we're still under drought conditions here... way behind the YTD average for precipitation. After that, I may take the thumper up to town to get that footpeg issue fixed, gotta get a small plate welded to the original 'footpeg' box so I can remount the peg & bracket. Gonna call the welder after I water, I wanna make sure he's up there before I jury-rig a footpeg with a clamp or some vise-grips, lol... just gonna ride easy till the original footpeg is back where it belongs. This peg issue was inherited when I bought the bike, thanks to some fool who used spacers between the footpeg bracket and the box... stripped out the internal threads in the box, and I didn't make things any better when I broke out an angle grinder and ground away part of the box (thinking I could get some bolts behind the outer wall). Meh, there's still enough of the box left to weld a plate onto it, once the plate is tapped for the original 8mm socket cap screws. Gotta get my bike fully functional again, as I stand on the pegs quite often in the dirt... no wobbly pegs needed, lol. :oops:

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P.S. Bike is still filthy from the Stronghold ride, gonna clean it up once this peg issue is resolved. :confused:
If I had been tasked with fixing that problem, I would have just tapped loctited helicoil thread inserts into the stripped holes, stronger fix than the original threads. If the collar in the picture is the spacer, no wonder the threads pulled, a lot of the strength of that assembly is from the flat plate contact surface. Why do people do stuff like that????
We are getting more much needed rain today. I did get one dog to a dog park this morning, and she played with one of her good friends. We didn't stay the usual amount of time because of the rain, really just sprinkling. I went to the green house and bought onion starts. Home and doing some cleaning up and laundry.
If I had been tasked with fixing that problem, I would have just tapped loctited helicoil thread inserts into the stripped holes, stronger fix than the original threads. If the collar in the picture is the spacer, no wonder the threads pulled, a lot of the strength of that assembly is from the flat plate contact surface. Why do people do stuff like that????

Too late for that now... and it wasn't the first time I grew impatient after a few beers and chose the wrong path, lol. But I have an appointment with the welder tomorrow morning, and I hope to see the problem fixed once and for all. I already told the guy, "I don't care if it's ugly, it just has to be strong." As of right now, I'm thinking we use a piece of angle iron for the repair, weld the bracket to the angle iron and weld the angle iron to the original footpeg box & frame. Alternate course of action would be to bolt the bracket to the angle iron, then weld the angle iron to the original footpeg box & frame. Orient the angle iron atop the footpeg box with the other side along the outer "wall" of the footpeg box. No lift at this particular warehouse, but there is a forklift, so we may use webbing to lift the bike to working height if necessary. Or maybe we can use the forks, we'll have to see manana. I'd like the welding to be comprehensive and stout, so this stupid peg issue never plagues me again. Nothing more annoying than a wobbly peg in the dirt... no future in it. :confused:
Got home from work a bit ago! Under a tornado watch, storms could start developing anytime. Going to feed the critters and maybe have a couple brewskis on the pool float, if there are no close storms! Time will tell.......
That's one of the main reasons we left Whitedeer and Pampa, Texas, it's considered tornado alley, the other reason is that I knew that southern Oregon was paradise, a real plus about living here is that things are about 30 years behind the growth of other areas, with the recent shutdown of the lumber mill things seem to be getting even further behind, even the vehicle traffic past our place has really dropped to a minimum.
Semi annual lab work. Then taking my wife to lunch for her birthday.
Happy Birthday Mrs. Lash - from me 😊
That's one of the main reasons we left Whitedeer and Pampa, Texas, it's considered tornado alley, the other reason is that I knew that southern Oregon was paradise, a real plus about living here is that things are about 30 years behind the growth of other areas, with the recent shutdown of the lumber mill things seem to be getting even further behind, even the vehicle traffic past our place has really dropped to a minimum.
Both good and bad I s'pose. I think it's a little sad that businesses struggle, but I see the other side also. It's been a false growth/system for a long time.
That's one of the main reasons we left Whitedeer and Pampa, Texas, it's considered tornado alley, the other reason is that I knew that southern Oregon was paradise, a real plus about living here is that things are about 30 years behind the growth of other areas, with the recent shutdown of the lumber mill things seem to be getting even further behind, even the vehicle traffic past our place has really dropped to a minimum.
It all slowed down, storms will be overnight☹️
That's one of the main reasons we left Whitedeer and Pampa, Texas, it's considered tornado alley, the other reason is that I knew that southern Oregon was paradise, a real plus about living here is that things are about 30 years behind the growth of other areas, with the recent shutdown of the lumber mill things seem to be getting even further behind, even the vehicle traffic past our place has really dropped to a minimum.
I might be in your neighbor hood this week.
We're talking about taking a short trip to see friend in Corvallis.
This morning I did some pre-planning for an upgrade to my computer server. Will be installing a new SSD and two additional HDDs. Installing a new OS, rearranging some LVM stuff, upgrading Docker version, changing the filesystem to BTRFS on the disks holding backups, yada, yada, yada. I always outline and write down my plans so I have a worksheet to operate from, making things go more quickly with minimal downtime. And hopefully everything goes smoother!

This afternoon we went out shopping for a new kitchen nook dining set. Didn't find a table that grabbed us, but did find four nice chairs so we bought those. 1600 friggin' dollars for four chairs! Prices have sure gone up. We wanted chairs with casters, and that swivel and tilt. Kind of like office task chairs, but higher quality and constructed out of nice wood. Just because you're sitting at a kitchen nook table doesn't mean you can't have nice, comfortable, functional chairs. We do all kinds of stuff at that table, not just eat. Did you know that chairs with casters on them are now considered "outdated" by the snooty furniture sales people?! Hmfpf! I like my rolling chairs. But they are hard to find these days (except as more utilitarian office chairs). And they're not cheap when you do find them. If you've currently got 'em and like 'em, take good care of them because they're going to be hard to replace.

After dinner, we did a grocery store run to pick up a few items we were running dangerously low on. Number one on that list was coffee creamer. I'm addicted to coffee, but I don't drink it black. Planning for my breakfast for tomorrow before going shooting, I grabbed some more eggs, sausage and hashbrowns. That, and my coffee, and I'm all set to go slay some targets!
I sometimes shop in a town of 100K. I noticed traffic is less than half what it was a year ago. Recently I drove through Birmingham, biggest city in the state, 4pm on a friday. It's usually a nightmare, bumper to bumper, 5 lanes one direction. but it was relaxing, traffic flowing nicely.

@Pearl it's rough sitting up late because of storms. I was up a few nights ago. This is when emergency radios come in handy, turn on and start blaring reports.

Quite here... rained about dark, not a lot, quarter inch maybe.
I was going to post yesterday but too tired. Started giving the goat kids CDT shots, band some of them and ear tags. That took most of the morning besides the regular chores.
Husband broke the tractor and my computer by being careless :( ( my screen is half gone, he knocked it off the table) . He drove it under something he knows doesn't fit and broke the muffler off. Now he can't get the screws out, grrrrr.
Then I spent a few hours helping son work through a fluid mechanics problem. I took this class like 30 years ago , so it took me a while. I don't understand college today. The professors won't go over tests or give the correct answers. How are you supposed to learn if you don't know what you did wrong? Are they that lazy that they want to reuse the same tests and that is why no answers? It also makes it hard for students to catch the TA that grades it making a mistake. College is such a rip off anyway. You pay so much money for so much useless stuff to start and only a small amount is actually stuff you will use in a job. Then there is the arbitrary way professors can fail or pass you. Even when I went to college there were a few people that never passed a test but still passed the class and a few that the professors didn't seem to like and failed despite doing ok on tests ( not me , I graduated with honors) .
Ok got to go check on animals, we left them all out last night for the first time since the weather is nice
Today I have...nothing planned until later. I'll have to find something to keep me occupied until 3:15 when I'll pick up my daughter. She volunteered to be a mentor to a disadvantaged kid and there is some kind of event she needs to attend over at the Youth Services office in Ames. So I need to run her over there by 4. Then she has dance practice right after that from 7 to 8:30. So my night is shot already...
Running off to Joann’s to get tulle to cover my blueberries. Then dealing with getting a crop cage to cover my blueberries. Things I did not know: deer find blueberries tasty even when only in flower. Things I have learned to my dismay and frustration: that.

I am too far into suburbia to hunt the pesky things.

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