What's everybody doing today?

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Do you keep a journal of the funny little moments like making glitter flowers for shoes because puppy ate all hers, or planting more carrots because they are orange, or untangling a ball of knots that she helped crochet & other sweet memories?
Also, good to see you 😁
Actually Estelle and I made pictures of things we do together.
She makes the pictures and I put the information on the back of them.
Then we put them in document protectors in a 3 ring binder for future memories.
As for the carrots we planted more today in a raised bed.
We are going to try to grow them in flower pots this winter too.
If I can't get the knot untangled, then I snip it off the yarn ball.
Place into a snack size ziplock bag,insert it into document protector with 3x5 card of information.
And if possible a picture too.
This way she knows her Granny loves her enough to take the time to make little memories with her.
And this Granny loves that little girl to the moon and back.
Just like my shirt says.
It's nice to be back today.
I fell asleep after my last post. Didn't get jack squat done. Slept all day. Mom woke me up several times "Are you STILL sleeping?" I got up and prepared food for her and had some cereal for myself but had no energy for anything else. Might have to call my doctor about getting these thyroid meds replaced even though I still have a 2month supply. They just aren't working.
Work is going in all directions right now, too many hats... All hats include overlapping deadlines....

The wife has a big day planned for tomorrow, it will keep me busy from 06:00 till about 20:00, then 06:00 till 12:00 on Friday.

Have lots of work to do in the garden this weekend, lots of work to do on the irrigation system and lots of cleanup.

Have a range day on Sunday: I have 2 old 22s that I have re-blued, sanded down the stocks and applied tru-oil - I need to get them re-assembled to field test, plus a buddy of mine wants me to make a custom run of ammo that we can try out before that (Heavy projectiles for 450 BM).

I keep looking for a break in my schedule but I can't see any openings before July.

If I am a little slow in posting please forgive me, I just can't keep up. But I do find it relaxing in the morning to come here and see what everyone is doing and just going over my day plan.
UrbanHunter, people post so frequently its hard to keep up. But its good to see people posting. Sounds like you're super busy. I hope you can find some downtime to rest.

The mention of gardening reminds me I need to go out and hack down some sprouting blackberry bushes before they get too big. Just need to get the energy, find my tools, and do it before it gets too hot out.
My usual, work work work!! Another (nice) hot day, pool pool pool! Have some weeding to do, still have 20 hundred pound bales of bermuda on the trailer that need to be stacked! That will happen this evening after the heat gives a little!! Installing new solar deck lights on the pool deck! Hope everyone has a great day!!
Finished canning ground bison in tomato sauce (got it on a good mark-down).
Chicken to debone and vacuum seal for freezer
Taco meat made (multiple batches) - need to vacuum seal for freezer

Worked out our cut instructions for our share of beef that just went to harvest - should be ready in a couple weeks.

Couple more loads of laundry left over from yesterday - the dryer is on the brink and slowing everything down. (Me to the dryer - "That's it baby! You can do another load! Good job!")

Run some banking errands for my son.

Then out to the farm property to work out there. Things are moving along a bit more since I last posted about it.... Flooring finished; interior doors all in; all trim/baseboards finished; all interior railing finished. Next is the deck railing (using cable) and putting together the kitchen cabinets. And I still have to figure out a way to plant all the potatoes I ordered last fall :oops: It's a little tricky when every available area is a building zone, lol.
Finally have some warmish weather today (and yesterday) with not a lot of wind.
I slept in til 7 am, getting some laundry done, getting packed up for work. Trying to order a new pair of glasses since my eyes have gotten worse. I want to get several pairs in case one breaks, etc. My daughter lost my HSA card though, and now I have to order a new one, which is a huge hassle as now I have to submit a reimbursement request instead of just paying.
Going to get a small workout in on the incline trainer, I'm pretty sore from doing kettlebells yesterday.
Then get the car packed up, eat lunch and head out. Hoping there isn't much traffic, I'm getting tired of driving around.
Yesterday we drove an hour one way to sell my husband's mini cooper. The dealer had contacted him wanting to pay $4500 for it (since there is such a huge market for used cars). When we got there, they said no, we will give you $4000, but you still have to go to the shop to get the car checked out. Ok, no problem. Well the shop said the car was leaking oil as evidenced by some oil around where you change it. Hubs always changes his own oil and its very difficult to do, given the placement. He asked, did you see the oil leaking, the answer was no.
Then they said they would give us $2000 for it. Talk about a bait and switch. Guess they figured since we drove an hour we would just give up and say ok. We said take a hike, we will keep it for that and run it until it dies (its a 2006, we are the original owners and have taken good care of it). Tired of these used car salesman.
Anyway, hope everyone has a good day!
Mowed and edged the lawn. I don’t enjoy mowing the lawn and the sooner I can convert it to food and pollinator gardens the better. Have a load of laundry in. Made breakfast, making lunch, post-lunch is the raw excitement of cleaning bathrooms and floors.

Tonight is D&D night with some friends though, so that’ll be fun!
I decided to work in the garden today. Planted another incremental batch of lettuce radishes and bush beans. Everything in the backyard gardens is up and showing life save one apple tree that looks like a goner.

Weeded a lot and realized this years pest control system has deployed itself.


Look closely at the bottom of that preying mantis egg case to see the remnants of where they chewed the way out.

Tomorrow I should haul a roll of chicken wire to the garden on The Ridge and craft a lid for where the broccoli will be planted.

Once the broccoli is deployed the mad rush of spring planting will be done for this year.

Getting close!

Well...that sucked.

The temperature hit 92 today, sunny and the air is so humid you can see it. My hands started swelling up in the heat and I got creosote chemical burns on my right arm.

My plan for tonight is to go home, shower, try to eat something - and then pass out until tomorrow morning...
I decided to work in the garden today. Planted another incremental batch of lettuce radishes and bush beans. Everything in the backyard gardens is up and showing life save one apple tree that looks like a goner.

Weeded a lot and realized this years pest control system has deployed itself.

View attachment 86268

Look closely at the bottom of that preying mantis egg case to see the remnants of where they chewed the way out.

Tomorrow I should haul a roll of chicken wire to the garden on The Ridge and craft a lid for where the broccoli will be planted.

Once the broccoli is deployed the mad rush of spring planting will be done for this year.

Getting close!

I decided to work in the garden today. Planted another incremental batch of lettuce radishes and bush beans. Everything in the backyard gardens is up and showing life save one apple tree that looks like a goner.

Weeded a lot and realized this years pest control system has deployed itself.

View attachment 86268

Look closely at the bottom of that preying mantis egg case to see the remnants of where they chewed the way out.

Tomorrow I should haul a roll of chicken wire to the garden on The Ridge and craft a lid for where the broccoli will be planted.

Once the broccoli is deployed the mad rush of spring planting will be done for this year.

Getting close!

Planting is great. I got a few things in today, and it feels good.
just wanted to tell you Ben that you were right about trees that could and could not be saved. Last year I thought that I could save a cherry tree by binding two sides together and you disagreed. Not working. We’ll enjoy it one more season, but it’s a goner. Split right to the ground even with support.
Well...that sucked.

The temperature hit 92 today, sunny and the air is so humid you can see it. My hands started swelling up in the heat and I got creosote chemical burns on my right arm.

My plan for tonight is to go home, shower, try to eat something - and then pass out until tomorrow morning...
Hey now don't be doin' that! Get yourself better soon.
Y'all need a laugh? Well, here ya go. . .
So this weekend we have to go over to the Portland, OR area for a one year old's birthday party. (I see you're on the edge of your seat already 😂 ) Oh but it gets better. This little babe we were informed gets to choose if she wants to be a boy or girl, so since birth there is no girl or boy anything. I already asked Hubby if I say "she" and get remarks? He said don't put up with it (so I have permission). I booked the room - we will go and come back about an hour of the trip so we don't have to stay in that cesspool. I also had the privilege of buying the gift (oh, joy). I thought books are good. You wouldn't believe the stupidity available disguised as children's lit. "I Feel Better" or "Touch the Earth" 🙄 I finally found B. Potter which was about the only classic as well as one on different kinds of sea shells. I will not promote that bologna. So if I'm not on here over the weekend, no worries. But if I'm not on here Monday, send bail $. 😁
Planting is great. I got a few things in today, and it feels good.
just wanted to tell you Ben that you were right about trees that could and could not be saved. Last year I thought that I could save a cherry tree by binding two sides together and you disagreed. Not working. We’ll enjoy it one more season, but it’s a goner. Split right to the ground even with support.
Don't you hate when you are right? ;)

I let the pups out fairly early in the morning, watched an episode of Midsomer Murders, and went back to sleep. Nasty sinus headache. Woke up a little before 4pm and asked my brother if he'd go to the store with me. He said "in a bit". Went to the bathroom, napped, Mom woke me up at 4:30pm saying she was hungry and I mentioned that I'd planned to go to the store but my brother wanted more time. She called him & he was in a dungeon on a video game. 15 minutes later he woke me up to go to the store. Got groceries-- they were out of a lot of stuff-- and came back, pups ran back in, put stuff away and I can hear both freezer and fridge are humming loudly. Freezer seems to be struggling. I hope it won't die on us. I tried to get her to get a new freezer a few months back when there was one on sale but nope. Probably going to cost a lot more. She is blaming a couple of small things that fell behind the freezer (freezer is pushed at least 6" away from the wall behind). I think its bc the freezer is over 20 years old.

I could hear the puppies under the house earlier. They wag their tails and hit stuff so I could hear the tail-wagging. But they were done with the heat and wanted in.

Still have a headache so I will probably nap.
Busy week so far, lots of radio work getting done. Plus had a meeting yesterday with a new contractor coming to the lab and wanting communications. Turned out to not need a whole lot. We do need to go test out the RF in their control room, but not gonna be a big deal either way. New guy is working out well so far. Got him paired up with my most versitle tech. He takes care of a wide range of stuff and learns anything fast. Seems to be good at training too. Both those guys are early/mid 30's and hope to have them around a long time.
Mowed the last 2 nights, got one more to go. Garden beds are looking great. Stuff in the lowed garden, taters are up, elderberries are all fully leafed out, horse radish is up. And I was worrying about the figs I transplanted, but 3 of the 8 have sent up shoots in the last few days. I'm good with that even if the others don't make anything. Half my blueberries are full of berries, the other half not so much. I think they got bit by a late frost. The others are somewhat more protected.
I order 2 "Pink Lemonade" Blueberries from Stark Bros. They came in yesterday and are fully leafed out. Gonna plant them Friday night or Saturday.
Rested today, got a lot done the last few. I did go out and feed/water the critters. The horses were up at the barn so I feed them a little sweet feed, hung out for a bit. All the feed bins needed refilled so I took about 200lbs off the stack. I bought about 400lbs last week so still ahead and stocking up as best I can.

Worked on plans for making kraut in the next few days, making sure I have everything needed plus canning supplies. Still need to order some jar lids.

Watching tv tonight.
This morning, animal chores, then the garden, then before I knew it, it was lunchtime and very hot, so time to come in. Did get some white scallop squash planted, jalapenos, two type of tomatoes, and sweet meat winter squash. Weeded the beet area, and need to seed more. There were more weeds than beets. All the fruit trees watered and the inground stuff watered. We have an old apple tree that's been here forever. It's now half an apple tree, split, and most of it near the ground. It produced alot of animal food apples last year, about 10 buckets full, so I wouldn't let husband take it out. Same for this year. He's already asked. Free animal food, and we have lots of land, so leave it.
The neighbor terror (Levi) stole a bunch of stuff from our garage....remote control airplane, 2 drones, and rocket kits. Found the boxes empty today. He was over to bring stuff back after the state therapist assigned to him found out. He stood on the driveway, fussing, while the dad came, hanging his head. Told him the kid can't be on our property anymore. He stole a phone and a tablet from the other neighbor over the weekend. Nine yr old terror. I'm feeling for the parents, they are in pain. Been there a long time ago, and it's not a good place to be. Twins finished up all their dental work (finally). 13 to 15 cavities each, one had 2 crowns. Grandson complaining his jaw is sore and insinuating the dentist was too rough with the needle. No sympathy from me, brush your teeth!
Y'all need a laugh? Well, here ya go. . .
So this weekend we have to go over to the Portland, OR area for a one year old's birthday party. (I see you're on the edge of your seat already 😂 ) Oh but it gets better. This little babe we were informed gets to choose if she wants to be a boy or girl, so since birth there is no girl or boy anything. I already asked Hubby if I say "she" and get remarks? He said don't put up with it (so I have permission). I booked the room - we will go and come back about an hour of the trip so we don't have to stay in that cesspool. I also had the privilege of buying the gift (oh, joy). I thought books are good. You wouldn't believe the stupidity available disguised as children's lit. "I Feel Better" or "Touch the Earth" 🙄 I finally found B. Potter which was about the only classic as well as one on different kinds of sea shells. I will not promote that bologna. So if I'm not on here over the weekend, no worries. But if I'm not on here Monday, send bail $. 😁
A bunch of us will come break you out of the joint if need be!!😁😉
Hubby got home just in time to help unload hay😁!! Thank goodness!! Heading off to dreamland, early morning tomorrow!! Hope everyone has a good night!!

We got our first load of hay yesterday also. 100 square bales already unloaded in the barn but still needs to be pulled up to the top ( another labor intensive thing we have to do, we need an elevator...) . Good thing son is done with finals and can help

I went nuts planting and ordering more stuff ....2 citrus trees are on the way I hope
Cleared some of the weeds off the oldest compost pile. I plan on planting pumpkin seeds there . Anyone have any good idea how to get rid of $ weed? It's SO hard to pull it up. The compost pile is covered in the stuff. I pulled some up and covered some with a plastic tarp and hope it dies

Planted a row of beans, will plant another one today

for those of you without livestock, here is what it takes to feed them:
about 5 lbs a day in winter for goats and sheep ( each) , 40-50 lb square bales, lets say 50. So you can feed 10 goats with 1 bale per day. That's 30 bales per month. That's 120 bales per winter approx. Only problem we have about 60 animals to feed. But we buy round bales also which are cheaper and less work initially.
Prices have gone up also.

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