What's everybody doing today?

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Thanks, LadyLocust. I'm tired and know I need to get some sleep but my brain is all over the place.

Sonya, I'm sorry to hear about the lamb.

Tank-Girl, did they change the formula on Roundup? I know there are all sorts of lawsuits for it causing cancer.

Backlash, glad you had fun fishing.

I'm relaxing in the cool air and enjoying how nice and cool it is. I still need to put away some leftovers and put the pups to bed but I may take a nap first.
Today is a regular work day...

Tonight I will get to install the alternator that arrived today and I need to mow the lawn.

I am doing spot checks of my food storage, my thinking is once people start talking openly about shortages here (right now the news is just talking about food shortages hitting 3rd world countries and we're exempt) it will won't take long till the shelves look like they did in the first year of the pandemic....
I am hoping to do a large grocery run on Friday morning....
Morning @Spikedriver , 60 here and no rain for a change. Off today so doing flowers at 3 cemetaries for memorial day. Hopefully you arent soaked the entire day.
Well, at the moment we are shuttling workers to several different sites around the area and I'm in the last group to go so I'm sitting in my car hiding from the rain. I'm about to get my Frog Toggs out and go to work though. Enjoy your day! I just found out I'll actually get to be off on Memorial Day so I'll get to enjoy the work that people like you do to beautify the cemeteries.
Is your seven days off already over with, Spike? Wow. Was thinking about Memorial Day for this year. My grandparents down the road at the Menno cemetery and my Great grandpa at the Amish one just a bit further. Was thinking about a visit to both, and flowers to both. I've never seen flowers at the amish one.
Neither of the twins have work today, so I'm going to have them help by cleaning in the basement. We have had rain for 24 hrs straight, and there's more rain off and on today. I have to pick up mom for the dentist. They are doing prep on her for two crowns. It'll take a while. Then maybe some greenhouse work.
Morning all. Typical day at work for me, I'd much rather be home working in the garden. I need to get my seedlings in the ground. I had planned on doing it tomorrow as I would have had the day off to bring my son to have his wisdom teeth out but the doctor postponed it until July. :mad: Now my plans for the while weekend have to be adjusted. Ugh, just when I thought I would have gotten on top of things.
Good morning all!

A few days ago my son (son#2) moved up from Georgia for his bone marrow transplant. We've been packing things in storage, unboxing, figuring out where his stuff is, and getting used to guardianship of his very energetic dog, lol. Said dog will be living with us for the long haul. He's very loving - although the cats and our older dog are of a different opinion...

Shortly I'll be heading to the hospital to discuss expectations and the overall schedule for his transplant and recovery. The transplant date has been moved back again, now to July 5th, which is a huge disappointment. He is so ready to have this done - no matter what the outcome, he just wants to have it done and be over with the waiting. But the change is due to the donor's schedule, so that's pretty important, lol.

If I get time later, I'll work on transplanting little growing things into planters - there's a lot of stuff on this property that we want to take with us to the farm when we move.
At last nights Board I finished two “things to do” and picked up four more. I’m losing ground! This morning composed and sent email inquires reference 2 of the 4.

Wet, dreary and cold morning. A good, stay inside type of day. The spreading of more mulch the wife wanted ain’t a happening today.

House heat has been turned off for two weeks. Alexa says it’s 69 F in the house and 62 outside.

Wife made a Doctor appointment for some joint discomfort that’s hasn't been improving.

Woke up at 3 AM and couldn’t go back to sleep till 6:30 AM. I used the toss and turning time to lay out plans and things to do. Now I’m thinking about taking my normal morning nap earlier today.
Good morning all!

A few days ago my son (son#2) moved up from Georgia for his bone marrow transplant. We've been packing things in storage, unboxing, figuring out where his stuff is, and getting used to guardianship of his very energetic dog, lol. Said dog will be living with us for the long haul. He's very loving - although the cats and our older dog are of a different opinion...

Shortly I'll be heading to the hospital to discuss expectations and the overall schedule for his transplant and recovery. The transplant date has been moved back again, now to July 5th, which is a huge disappointment. He is so ready to have this done - no matter what the outcome, he just wants to have it done and be over with the waiting. But the change is due to the donor's schedule, so that's pretty important, lol.

If I get time later, I'll work on transplanting little growing things into planters - there's a lot of stuff on this property that we want to take with us to the farm when we move.
Big prayers for success w/ his procedure G 🙏
Morning all. Typical day at work for me, I'd much rather be home working in the garden. I need to get my seedlings in the ground. I had planned on doing it tomorrow as I would have had the day off to bring my son to have his wisdom teeth out but the doctor postponed it until July. :mad: Now my plans for the while weekend have to be adjusted. Ugh, just when I thought I would have gotten on top of things.
Oh yes, I know that feeling well. The garden is like a siren's song.
Well, at the moment we are shuttling workers to several different sites around the area and I'm in the last group to go so I'm sitting in my car hiding from the rain. I'm about to get my Frog Toggs out and go to work though. Enjoy your day! I just found out I'll actually get to be off on Memorial Day so I'll get to enjoy the work that people like you do to beautify the cemeteries.
Hope you're able to keep dry and are rewarded w/ some good hot coffee.
I'm still house sitting and I'm off work so I have a list of things I need to do but don't have a plan of attack...so right now I'm drinking coffee and figuring that part out.

Get the owner's Home Chef meals off the porch.
Bring my Hyundai in the garage (owner was back last night for one night and had both her cars in the garage so I had to park on the driveway and we are supposed to have storms).
Unpack the Home Chef.
Load and unload the dishwasher.
Feed the cat. I did that already.
Do laundry.
Brush the cat.
Scoop the litter box.
Make and eat one of the Home Chef meals (I usually bring my own food when I'm house sitting but this time the owner said I could eat one or two Home Chef meals since she's traveling and won't use it all this week...I'm like, "Is it going to turn into a pumpkin?")
Put the trash and recycle out.
Do school work.

So far I've only figured out I can bring in the Hyundai, take out the trash and recycle, bring in the Home Chef, then unpack the Home Chef at pretty much the same time as long as I make sure the cat stays in the house.

After that, the owner has no plants to care for so I'll probably come back here and read posts and watch the YouTube videos about gardening on a slope.
I'm waking myself up. Had a good long sleep under a pile of 7 cats. I racked out somewhat early. I needed that sleep in cool air. Trying to get myself motivated bc I've been so tired. I need to do some cleaning today and take my truck to have the rear passenger tire looked at. It keeps squealing even if you bump the truck while it is sitting still. It kept squealing when we were unloading groceries.

At least AC is fixed. Dogs knocked over the trash can so I have a bunch of trash to clean up. And I forgot to put away leftovers last night so I have to throw those out. I hate wasting food but it sat way too long to be safe to eat.
Mostly housecleaning and cooking today. Made stock last night, and a big pot of beans this morning in prep for sacreligious chili with beans tomorrow.

And PT. The PT never ends, but at least I’m getting better.

We’ll have friends over tonight, so that’s good!
Good to see you! Been a few days!😊
I reworked the networking in the house and installed the UPS. Many years ago I ran cat5 cable through the house. It cost me zero because I harvested all of the left over cable when U of Pitt was wiring the physics labs. The cable ends were too short for the contractors to bother with but more than long enough for my place. I did have to buy the switches.

I dressed and ty-wrapped all of the cables and cords to find enough room for the UPS. Since we have battery backed fiber to the house we should have internet access for good while in the event we loose power for an extended time period. So we a little bit BETTER today than we were.

Tomorrow I may be dodging rain to tend to the garden or making more progress on getting the back porch cleared and ready to convert it to a greenhouse. I can tell The Princess is anxious about the greenhouse because she is already planning what goes where.

I'm waking myself up. Had a good long sleep under a pile of 7 cats. I racked out somewhat early. I needed that sleep in cool air. Trying to get myself motivated bc I've been so tired. I need to do some cleaning today and take my truck to have the rear passenger tire looked at. It keeps squealing even if you bump the truck while it is sitting still. It kept squealing when we were unloading groceries.

At least AC is fixed. Dogs knocked over the trash can so I have a bunch of trash to clean up. And I forgot to put away leftovers last night so I have to throw those out. I hate wasting food but it sat way too long to be safe to eat.
Might take a quick look to make sure there isn't a rock in the springs - don't ask me how I would know that one. ;)
Yesterday, I was able to rim out of work about half hour early. Got home and mowed the lawn then got some odd ball things ready to bring to work for garbage day. Our canopy cover was shredded by the wind last year but we kept it in case we couldn't find a new one and needed it as a pattern. Found a new one so the old shredded one went bye-bye. Things like that. I'm evidently in the spring cleaning mode. Have been decluttering and getting rid of junk, sorting and organizing. It's currently in the "it gets worse" part of the it gets worse before it gets better 😂
Finished up ironing this morning and have to get some things in order for an event we are attending on the 4th.
This week has been jumping form one thing to another at work. Still pushing the new work I got dumped on me and got another new project for that today. But have one thats almost finished and another out for review so I guess thats progress. My crew has all had a lot of work this week, getting called out to repair breakdowns, plus the normal workload stuff. More than we can keep up with even with the new tech. He's working out very good and fits in with everyone else.
Been raining most all week so haven't gotten hardly anything done around the house. I did make a stop at TSC tonight and picked up some supplies. Stocked up on some electric fencing and clips, drip system fittings, and other stuff. Prices are nuts on everything
Ha Ha you fancy ladies!
I survived mom's dental appt. It took a long time, felt sorry for her. And it was raining, and she freaks out about going out in the rain lately. And I couldn't take my car to get her, the dirt roads here and our driveway along...wouldn't make it. So I had to get her into our old pickup truck. Three doc days in a row. Already told husband that tomorrow is shopping at the other town's salvage store, and lunch at a hole in the wall Mex place where they don't speak english.
Doing odds jobs for room and board (piddling around the house).

Installing a small phone system for a local government entity as a favor.

Trouble shooting a video surveillance system. Another favor.

Rearranging some office furniture. A might have to stop doing favors? :)

While in Town stop at the bank again. Information they gave me last time isn't panning out.

Fix myself some lunch.

Load up the truck for a small competition this evening.

Take my morning nap this afternoon.

Wife doesn't know when she'll be home, plan on fixing my own early supper.

Participate in a competition.

Unload truck and clean and put away the competition stuff.

Shower then YouTube educations until I fall asleep.

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