What's everybody doing today?

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Today I am working in the garden, the wood upper on one has rotted and I am replacing it, the bed only has access from one side so I am making it with a high center and back with the front having a 45 degree slope. I was going to paint the new wood but paint is like $45 a gallon, so I a wrapping the wood with black plastic, it will keep the water out and seal the edges nicely, and I have a couple of rolls on hand.

I ordered a roll of window screen, I plan to put it on the outside of my walkout growing station. It will help keep insects out of the plants and it will keep flys out of the house... win win....
Intended to get something done this afternoon… When I started the tractor hydraulic fluid began spraying all over the front end. Evidently I cut a hydraulic hose on the front end loader yesterday. I found the leak, a cut on a short 2ft piece of flexible hydraulic line. Shouldn’t cost much to fix. I have to take it off and then take it to town for repairs.

The hose wasn’t leaking when I parked it yesterday but that happens sometimes. After no pressure on a line for a few hours then put back under pressure when I started the tractor, it started leaking. So much for that idea… I was going to skid a couple trees to the burn pile.

I putzed around in the shop for a while. Topped off assorted power equipment with fuel and oil. I put a new clevis hook on a big logging chain. I need off-road diesel so I cleaned several 5gallon hydraulic oil cans. They sit in a tractor shed with a dirt floor. Dust/dirt gets kicked up and covers the tops of the wet fuel cans. The dirt can fall into the funnel when fueling a tractor so I scrubbed 6 cans. They’ll stay relatively clean for a few months then it’ll be time to clean them again.

Nothing planned but dinner...
Mowed and weedeated all day got a shower and started trimming buds. Did a couple quarts that’s enough for today.

Naaah, I'm gonna let mine grow until October, just to see how big those spears get, lol. Some local hand told me that's when he harvests his homegrown dope, so I'm going with that month, unless the plants start looking like they should be harvested earlier. We'll see what happens... I'm hoping for a Guinness World Record spear, lol. :rolleyes:

I'm using natural sunshine to grow these plants, so they don't develop as quickly as plants grown under lights... but that's okay, I'm not in a hurry, and it's all an experiment anyway, lol. I let some weeds (not goatheads) grow up around the plants as camouflage... not too close, just enough to hide 'em from any thievin' crackerheads, lol. :cool:

P.S. When that record-breaking spear is harvested, I might just mail it to the local cop shop, lol... being careful not to leave any fingerprints on the packaging, of course. I bet that'd come as a surprise, lol. I suppose I can address it to the 'Chief of Police'---I'm sure he'd get a good laugh out of it. Might even share it with the others, who knows? :oops:
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Naaah, I'm gonna let mine grow until October, just to see how big those spears get, lol. Some local hand told me that's when he harvests his homegrown dope, so I'm going with it, unless the plants look like they should be harvested earlier. :rolleyes:
This was my smallest auto flower, they are done in 90 days or less. I let it go about 93 days.
Yeah, I'm not on any growing plan, I just stuck these plants in the ground to see how they'd do in the long run, and they seem to be doing pretty well. The soil amendment worked, that's for sure... and that's what's really important. I'll grow more plants next season, I'm just curious how well plants do on their own here, ya know? Apart from soil amendment and watering, of course. :rolleyes:

P.S. I meant what I said about mailing a spear to the Chief of Police, I'm just the sort of crazy fool who would do that so my friends could get a good laugh out of it... ;)
I got alot done this weekend. The weather is cooler n beautiful so it's been easy to get motivated.
I got a bunch of areas organized. Went through it n donating a bunch to unload crap I no longer need or have use for. Walked the dog alot too.
The fire over hear is still going strong. Kinda blew up a bit bigger with the wind.
Pics later..
I'm back in the hometown visiting family. They got "million dollar rains" this last week. 1.3 inches a week ago, 2.1 inches yesterday. That will hold the soybean crop until harvest and fill the pods out nicely. It will also add test weight to the corn and improve that yield too, although it already looked good.

We didn't get quite as much rain an hour away where I live. But it will still hold us quite a while. Yields are looking good this year.
After my rant about K being a pack rat I got back in the garage and we got that pervious side cleaned out again and I made sure K loaded all the donate crap in his truck with all of his work junk. We filled the trash can, recycling can and the green waste to the brim and a little over the top but the lids still close over. Now we just have the boxes in the middle section to go through. Once that is done I will be happy the garage is purged and we can move on to the rest of the junk.

I was able to sell a tiki print I had sitting in the garage. I found the rest and will be putting those up for sale as well. Lots of purging left to do.

I did make K aware I will not tolerate him re-cluttering the garage going forward.
Still feelin rough today. Slept till noon, then got up and aint been worth shooting. Headache aint as bad, just sore and rough sinuses.
I think I got into some mold Friday and this is how it's hitting me. I hadn't been around anyone to catch the vid from

Bac, I'm convinced this is a hard hitting little virus going around... The 4th day after the wasp venom I was just starting to get over it... Then wham! It was like I'd been stung again... felt bad, same nasty headache, almost.

Didn't realize for a couple days that the headache was slightly different. Had a weird bought of sneezing one night... 72hrs it was over.

It was hard for me to notice because of cfs and the wasps, but I think it's a bug. The main symptoms are headaches and feeling crappy.
Bac, I'm convinced this is a hard hitting little virus going around... The 4th day after the wasp venom I was just starting to get over it... Then wham! It was like I'd been stung again... felt bad, same nasty headache, almost.

Didn't realize for a couple days that the headache was slightly different. Had a weird bought of sneezing one night... 72hrs it was over.

It was hard for me to notice because of cfs and the wasps, but I think it's a bug. The main symptoms are headaches and feeling crappy.
Well that's top 2 for sure. Sneezing some, stuffy at times, some drainage.
Hopefully I'll be past it tomorrow
Can't do the oatmeal, I'd be sick in minutes. :( Pity, I used to love it!

Anyway, my recipe for no bake peanut butter fudge.
Melt a quart of peanut butter in the microwave or in a double boiler.
Swirl 1 cup of Hershey's chocolate syrup OR 1 1/2 cups chocolate milk powder.
If you used the powder you can omit the 1/2 cup of powdered sugar.
While its still in the "goo" state you can add walnuts or whole peanuts or just sprinkle them on top. dehydrated bananas are good too!
Ladle into a pre warmed pie crust lightly sprayed with Pam butter spray to ensure proper mating to the crust.
Stick it in the freezer until an hour before serving.
Guaranteed to turn every kid that eats it into a berserker. If you're mad at their parents, give them a big slice and a frosty Mt. dew before they leave your place. that car will be like the mosh pit at a metal concert inside ten minutes!:fun fun:
:Dancing Chicken::drink buddy:😅
Thanks, I'm gonna try that!
Worship service online.
Did my workout after lunch.
Went to work. Tried kombucha for the first time at lunch and found out I like it. This one was KaVita Pineapple Peach.
Came home. Played with Ruby some more. This time I did some controlled turns in my seams. I did sharp turns yesterday, just getting used to her. I do love how these old machines sew.
Shut the irrigation off of my new seeding early in order to spend another day caring for aging parent. Dad's prepared for hip replacement in a couple of days pending today's last minute hospital test procedure.

Terrible timing for me; new seeding, irrigation, third cutting harvest, fall lambs. But I expected as much, never prior considered of convenience. I'm grateful for all the family and neighbors who've offered help. Despite dad's grumpy refusal since he'd rather put all the burden on me?

I'm hoping to address my ongoing pocket gopher problem a bit before committing a couple of hours to the new insurgents of goat heads I discovered yesterday. All before that long drive to take dad to town again.

"If you really want something done, you give it to the busy man. Because he'll make time for it..." Danny deck chair
Trying no to get too many germs from my student. I work one on one with a visually impaired special needs student and her parents NEVER keep her home from school. So today they send her to school sick and she does not understand personal space 😷 I'm not wearing a mask but will keep as much distance as possible and also have the hand sanitizer on my lanyard. She also seems to feel miserable so I'm not expecting much from her today.
Different kind of weeding today: I can't fill & empty the trash bin fast enough with the regular weeds going off (on top of the goathead problem), so this morning I'm gonna don my welding gloves & pull a truckload of tall weeds & just stack 'em in bare dirt areas to dry out, so I can burn 'em later or fill the trash bin once it's empty. Today is trash day and it marks the fifth week of filling the bin to overloaded with goldurned weeds of all sorts... it's a large wheeled bin too, but these weeds are ape$h!t. Good news is that I earned a breather on the goatheads, so now it's time to deal with the other weeds. Boy, will I ever be glad when fall & winter roll around... :confused:

I also have to water, but I may shorten that program to just the essential plants & trees, this miserable weeding has become top priority round here. :oops:
Naaah, I'm gonna let mine grow until October, just to see how big those spears get, lol. Some local hand told me that's when he harvests his homegrown dope, so I'm going with that month, unless the plants start looking like they should be harvested earlier. We'll see what happens... I'm hoping for a Guinness World Record spear, lol. :rolleyes:

I'm using natural sunshine to grow these plants, so they don't develop as quickly as plants grown under lights... but that's okay, I'm not in a hurry, and it's all an experiment anyway, lol. I let some weeds (not goatheads) grow up around the plants as camouflage... not too close, just enough to hide 'em from any thievin' crackerheads, lol. :cool:

P.S. When that record-breaking spear is harvested, I might just mail it to the local cop shop, lol... being careful not to leave any fingerprints on the packaging, of course. I bet that'd come as a surprise, lol. I suppose I can address it to the 'Chief of Police'---I'm sure he'd get a good laugh out of it. Might even share it with the others, who knows? :oops:
Mowed and weedeated all day got a shower and started trimming buds. Did a couple quarts that’s enough for today.

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I am so Jealous! I wish it was legal here! thats some pretty buds!
Well that's top 2 for sure. Sneezing some, stuffy at times, some drainage.
Hopefully I'll be past it tomorrow
I am just coming out of a knockdown no energy flu sort of thing. Upset stomach and so achy it has been hard to sleep. The better part of five days. Finally slept well last night and woke up tired but feeling much better.
this miserable weeding has become top priority round here. :oops:

Just an observation from an old farmer... Every year I grew crops in the fields. Every year I had to replace the nutrients these crops took from the soil.

Have you thought about composting those goatheads? Is it possible? I don't know, no experience with them.

But with so many of them... they are taking all the nutrients left in the soil around your house. Those nutrients are now in the form of foliage. If you compost them you can put the nutrients back where they came from.

Seems a waste to toss all those nutrients in the bin for the county landfill.
I am just coming out of a knockdown no energy flu sort of thing. Upset stomach and so achy it has been hard to sleep. The better part of five days. Finally slept well last night and woke up tired but feeling much better.

2 weeks ago a friend had the version of this bug with some stomach upset... Who knows, maybe some fast changing variant of vid? That's what I've been wondering...
I hope you all get well soon! So far, taking the L-Lysine has kept me well and hope it continues to.

Yesterday was Church and then home to walk dogs.
Set up my vitamins for the month.
Picked okra and figs.
Grilled up some pork steaks for breakfasts.
Watched a movie with DH.

Today, walked first.
Started laundry.
Pruned around property for mowing fellow.
Have okra in the dehydrator.
Still need to peel garlic cloves to add to honey in fridge.
Yo, Peanut, I just built 5 stacks of pulled weeds in my yard, using 5 different locations on the property for ease of stacking, lol. Yes, I've thought about composting some of these weeds, but I don't need to include goatheads, there are enough of the other weeds out there. I believe I'll choose a site or two for permanent compost piles, maybe even buy or build some composting bins in the near future. I hear ya about the nutrients, this soil NEEDS nutrients, BIG-TIME! :oops:

Now I have a proposition: any site members out there wasting money on a gym membership? Go ahead and CANCEL that BS, come on over and pull weeds by hand on my property... you'll get a heller workout each time, be bulletproof in a week, and I won't CHARGE YA any gym fees, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Dang, I've been dealing with these weeds for WAY too long... had another BRUTAL WORKOUT this morning, now I've cleaned up and it's time to CHILLAX!!! ;)

I must admit, when I stagger into my home after another brutal weeding session, drenched with sweat and gasping for refreshment, that tall cold glass of combo iced tea & lemonade is one heckuva thirst quencher!!! I drink juice and water before I even head out to do the darned weeding, but the workout is intense and I still get thirsty! After the tea & lemonade combo, I'll drink more water and jump in the shower to rinse all those sweaty toxins off the big organ (my skin, lol). 🤣

Nothing wrong with exercise and heller weeding workouts, that heavy sweating really helps to eliminate toxins from one's body, but ya don't wanna leave that cr@p on your skin for too long, best to shower and get rid of it for good. Some days, I don't even bother shaving, I just drag my sweaty... er... self straight into the shower and let the water carry that funky sweat away. I can skip a shave if I'm not going anywhere, lol... I can grow a mustache & beard too, but it comes out gray and I look 20 years older, so no dice. Sooner or later I'll scrape my face and be presentable again, lol. Cheers!!! :dancing:

P.S. Next season, I am gonna use Azomite as you recommended, I guess I'll hafta break down and buy it online. :confused:
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