Despite the 'late start' at 0830 this morning, I spent 3.5 hours in the yard, half an hour watering and 3 solid hours of hand weeding. The Second Goathead War is raging, and I made a HUGE dent in the puncturevine population today! I reckon I pulled around 500 vines, but at least 200 of those were mature vines absolutely LOADED with goathead fruit, and each goathead fruit creates 5 actual goatheads!!! These goathead vines are INSANE, they are SO invasive!
Many of the mature vines I pulled today were in the dirt alley or lane on the west side of my property... technically, this is NOT my property, it's a right-of-way used by meter readers & utility workers, but I'm going to clear it anyway because it borders my property. I intend to create a "no man's land" between my home and the adjoining vacant home & property to the west, in order to better control these miserable puncturevines.
That darned alley was chockablock with puncturevines just LOADED with goatheads, but I still caught them in time, so all the wicked fruit went straight into the trash bin. I'm talking half a dozen Walmart bags JAMMED full o' vines, and when I say "jammed" I mean JAMMED, lol. Literally THOUSANDS of goathead fruit got trashed this morning, to the point where I was sweatin' buckets and my back hurt... and I've always had a strong back, lol. MAN, these goatheads!!!
Anyway, I'm beat, I've already showered and I'm drinking a well-deserved cold beer... the rest of the afternoon will be spent recovering from the latest battle in the Second Goathead War. Tough fight today, but I hammered those miserable friggin' puncturevines HARD!!! And every time I pull one of those mature vines over 2' across and LOADED with goatheads, it's like friggin' PAYDAY, because I know I just kept that many more goatheads off my property.
I know y'all are probably tired of hearing about the Goathead Wars, but I'm the poor fool that has to actually deal with 'em, lol, and these things are NASTY! Tough & salty customers, I'll give 'em that much, but I'm gonna win this fight... if I don't, the goldurned goathead population will EXPONENTIALLY INCREASE, that's what makes this invasive noxious weed such a bloody nuisance. Folks before me let the problem go, now I'm paying the price in blood, sweat & tears, lol.
Never did get to the flamethrower action today, that'll happen tomorrow morning with an earlier start... however, I'm quite satisfied with the huge dent I made in the goathead population this morning, my trash bin is loaded with the suckers. Other weeds too, but mondo goatheads, lol. I wonder what it'd be like chowing down on those nasty burrs... it'd be a serious torture test. Maybe jam some up the old nostrils, lol... do a Pat Travers cover of 'SNORTIN' GOATHEADS!!!'
Snortin' Goatheads
Edit: Holy Cow!!! That's the perfect song for the Goathead Wars!!! That moment deep in the song where the bass guitar kicks in like ol' Pat is havin' a monster headrush, THAT is the very same way I feel when I look ahead and see another area CHOCKABLOCK with GOATHEAD VINES, lol. And the subsequent blistering lead guitar riff reminds me of TACKLING that next area... only the pace of the actual weed-pulling is just a tad slower, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Pat Travers had to be one of the most underrated guitarists of all time... dude could JAM on guitar, lol.
Further edit: When snortin' goatheads, it is wise to first chop 'em up with a razor blade, lol. Using a standard safety razor blade, it'll take you approximately 1/2-hour to chop 1 gram of goathead action, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! These things are tougher than dollar steaks, and it takes a while for the razor blade to "saw through" each goathead. Just the way it goes when you're dealing with goatheads, aye? Meh, life could be worse... but I doubt it.