What's everybody doing today?

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I lost power for just a few minutes. Came back on thankfully. News said only 5000 customers have lost power with crews working to restore. Wind is gusting over 20 here. Up in the TN valley gusts are over 40. It'll be here in a couple hours.

I went and checked dad's house (4th time) and made sure he understood the plan if the power goes off. Temps still above 40 but it's about to get cold. Supposed to be 10 deg by morning.

I got new satellite internet gear this afternoon. Decided I'd better wait til morning to mess with it. Don't want to lose power for the night while in the middle of setting up the gear.
Howling wind woke me up early. The lights are flickering already. Puppy refused to go out and its not even that cold yet, just windy and blowing snow
it's only a matter of time till the power goes off most likely. But not a problem other than the internet, we can just push the freezers outside.....
Daughter got to her resort last night, but today she is driving here in the even worse weather. I finally got the whole story, she is getting some free resort stay and a gift card for some time share thing. They have no plan of getting one but she wanted the free resort stay and gift. But my gosh , in this weather I would have skipped it for sure. She has no common sense sometimes. Husband already told me " don't say anything about it when they get here" lol . I won't . She is an adult and makes her own decisions.

Going out to the barn early today, it is only going to get colder, just waiting for it to get a little bit light

Stay warm everyone
Had to buy my Mom a new fridge. Looked them up on the internet at HD . found one just right so I called them and they said thats the floor model I said can I buy it ,she said no its a floor model. Hung up and called back and got someone else and he said same thing i told him I guess i'll have to go to lowes (silence for a minute ) he came back and said I've got two of them on floor and you can have one .
Momma got a new fridge ($895.00 on sale for $589.)
Although I don't know the full details for appliances, since I only unload the freight, but they (normally) do not sell the floor models. I know some appliance stores do, everyone has their own rules. Usually people steal parts off the floor models which adds another level of problems with trying to sell them. Anyways, I am glad you were able to make the purchase. Someone bent the rules, or had to ask a manager to bend the rules. As for me, I had to pay full price for the freezer they are delivering in a few hours. No employee discounts, for any employee. Unless maybe the people who have their nose up the bosses backside. That is definitely not me. I am just a hard working, do it right, don't goof off, nobody that the store manager treats like a total stranger.
Well, I have been tired and busy all week. I had no desire to get on the computer, even to just relax and surf the net. But, I just got home from my night shift at work and since I have to be awake in 4 hours to accept delivery of my new freezer they are delivering I decided I would stay up all night and do some Tshirt printing I have to get done today.
Anyways, as I was driving to work last night I flipped through some radio stations and came across a football game. I paused for a minute only to find out what teams were playing. It was the jets and someone else. Beginning of the game, first possession, and the quarterback (I think) had just been sacked and fumbled the ball. The announcers were talking about it and one of them mentioned that two guys hit the guy causing the fumble, but he said "He got "Malachi Crunched". Now this immediately caught my attention and I started laughing because I am certain the majority of the people listening had no clue about the origin of "Malachi Crunch".
I have (imaginary) 1000 Monopoly Pesos for the first person who can explain Malachi Crunch. :ghostly:
Waiting for daylight to go out to feed and water the donkey. The outside cats had warm milk and canned food earlier, then went back in one of the insulated kitty houses after they braved a potty break. Nice fire burning in the woodstove, the house stayed nice all night. Only added wood once! Staying home again today, the old truck doesn't like the brutal cold! Planning on cooking, eating, napping, and getting a few more things on the inside list done!! Good cup of coffee right now!!☕
Good morning! It's 16 degrees now which is definitely not normal Southwestern Mississippi weather! Supposed to get up to 26 for a high.

I have plans to clean up shoes to sell.
Clean baths and dust.
Put deer sausage, bell peepers and onions in crock pot for dinners.
Walk dogs later if wind dies down a bit.
Stay warm!
.......And will call several elderly folks to check on them. Yesterday they all seemed ready for this cold blast.

What am I doing today? Absolutely nothing. Just got up and the temp is -5. High for the day is supposed to be 6. Days like this it is nice to be retired. We don't have to go anywhere, and don't intend to. Turn on the fire, and listen to Christmas carols. The storm wasn't bad. We didn't get more than an inch or two of snow.

Pearl, you are earning your place in heaven checking on the elderly. Stay safe. Lots of layers. P.S. I did the dishes last night.
What am I doing today? Absolutely nothing. Just got up and the temp is -5. High for the day is supposed to be 6. Days like this it is nice to be retired. We don't have to go anywhere, and don't intend to. Turn on the fire, and listen to Christmas carols. The storm wasn't bad. We didn't get more than an inch or two of snow.

Pearl, you are earning your place in heaven checking on the elderly. Stay safe. Lots of layers. P.S. I did the dishes last night.
Just how does one go about turning on a fire? A few strong drinks and some hot suggestions? :ghostly:
Just how does one go about turning on a fire? A few strong drinks and some hot suggestions? :ghostly:

Turn on the gas, and light the pilot. Wife is severly asthmatic, and the real fireplace wreaked havoc. Even the smallest amount of smoke caused problems. We had to go with gas. Broke my heart, but that is the hand life deals you. It is pretty, and warm, and easy.
Sitting by the wood stove right now waiting for the wife to get up. We have an appointment in town at 10.30 this morning. I cleared the road last night. Had a little new snow over night. The road should still be passable unless it drifted in out in the open areas. Supposed to snow every day until next Saturday. When we go out I'll leave the snow blower down at the bottom of the road in case we have problems driving back in.
Turn on the gas, and light the pilot. Wife is severly asthmatic, and the real fireplace wreaked havoc. Even the smallest amount of smoke caused problems. We had to go with gas. Broke my heart, but that is the hand life deals you. It is pretty, and warm, and easy.
Very understandable. I was just being humorous. I had a gas fireplace in my old house. I used it very little but it was nice at times.
I am very grateful to have a wood stove in my now home. I would never have bought or built here if wood stoves or fireplaces were not allowed. Sadly, on cold mornings, I can't just turn on a switch, I have to warm it up with a propane torch before even trying to light paper and stuff or the cold air pushes the smoke down the chimney and into the house. I don't mind, but it is an effort to light a cold stove on a very cold day.
Turn on the gas, and light the pilot. Wife is severly asthmatic, and the real fireplace wreaked havoc. Even the smallest amount of smoke caused problems. We had to go with gas. Broke my heart, but that is the hand life deals you. It is pretty, and warm, and easy.
No cutting, splitting, and stacking wood!
Sitting in my chair with a blanket. Worked myself silly yesterday just plowing through chores to get as ready as possible for winter weather. Even managed to clear enough room in the shop building to squeeze the truck in out of the weather. Battery tender on the motorcycle, made a run to the coop and got some burlap on the little tree I hope will survive and enough birdseed to satisfy the hungry flocks through the winter blow. Gathered up and burned the huge piles of trash that had accumulated from my sorting and clearing efforts. Hauled in firewood and kindling. Swept out the greenhouse and rolled the planter boxes in. Picked up and burned all the branches I had trimmed out and left laying under the trees. By the end of the day I could hardly move. Out of shape!
Daughter rolled in last night before all the weather came in so now we have a lazy day together.
Work closed due to the bitter cold and snow/ice. They don’t do that very often so I’m surprised and relieved.

-2° F at the moment. Have the heat pump on emergency heat, no sense running the compressor at these temps. Have a small kerosene heater helping out to try and keep the energy bill a bit lower.

Oh, and I’m off work until January 3rd. I’ll get used to it!!
Slow morning here, just the routine animal chores to do... goldurned birdbaths keep freezing after I pour scalding hot water on 'em, the baths are frozen solid. I think I'll empty 'em tonight and refill 'em tomorrow morning, since the temp is supposed to drop to 15* F tonight (or early tomorrow morning). I have 5-gallon plastic jerry jugs for camping, I can haul one of those out there in the morning and refill all three baths with it. In the meantime, the birds are having a hard time at the baths, pecking at solid ice. Maybe I should try again with the hot water, lol. At least they have plenty of cracked corn on the ground feeders (pavers), but they don't seem to like the 'layer pellets' I bought. I'm thinking about soaking the pellets in hot water, then grinding them into a mash and letting that dry, maybe I can break it up enough afterward to put it to good use. Meh, the cracked corn is a hit, but I don't think I'll buy 'layer pellets' again. I'm tearing up some sale loaves of bread for the birds as well, they like those... the black birds with beady yellow eyes take the pieces of bread and soak 'em in the water first, same way crows do. But the water is frozen solid right now... :confused:
The wind switched around to the north some time last night. The cold water line to my shower thawed out, which is great. But the cold air is coming straight through at my kitchen window on the north side of the apartment, which sucks.

Currently I have all the water trickling to keep the lines from freezing up any more. Landlord isn't going to be happy about the water bill, but she's the one that put vinyl siding on the building without adding any insulation, so I don't feel too bad about it. She makes plenty of money off the building. I'm quite sure that between my rent and the insurance office rent below me, her costs are more than covered, and the storage units in the warehouse attached to my apartment are just icing on the cake. I pay all utilities other than water so she can handle a few extra dollars this month.

I'm still just going to stay inside and ride the storm out until tomorrow. Me and the kid have a dominoes game going. She's kicking my butt. We're 5 rounds in and I still haven't won a round. 7s are up next, maybe it'll be my lucky number! 😁
Spike she’ll complain more about having to replace plumbing than the water bill. When it’s gotten beyond bitter cold here, I tell my tenants to trickle the water. The three apartments that get rented out usually don’t have a problem they’re over the furnace and that part of the building is warm. My place over the garage however, not so much. Very little insulation over here.
Day off! Slept till I woke up naturally at 7:09 AM. Took care of a round of fleece washing. I’m hoping to have it all done by Groundhog Day. Made a run to the grocery store, finally found heavy cream. It was $5.19 a pint. Ouch! But at least they’ll be whipped cream for the chocolate cream pie on Christmas.
No cutting, splitting, and stacking wood!

Crazy as it sounds, that was something I really enjoyed. One of my neighbors at the time heated his house with a wood burning stove. A few times a year he would give me a call. "Hey, we got a tree to take down." Usually it was a dead tree in someone's yard. We would fell the tree; cut it up enough to put it in a pickup truck; and divvy it up when we got home. There was never a shortage of wood. Many years ago when I could still swing a splitting axe. Great memories.
Today, we are having high winds, it snowed just before sun up this morning and then rained. The power has been going on and off like a strobe light. I had a bank of LiFePo4 batteries that I had not installed (logistics/space issue) I took this as a sign that I needed to install them in the linen closet next to the oxygen machine. After hooking up the batteries, installing the inverter, and testing the inverter in the dark.... the power came back on. They are all fully charged and the inverter carried the oxygen machine with ease, so we are now ready for the ugly day the weather man scheduled... The wife was planning to use today as a baking day, with an electric oven that may not be the best choice. I'm just switched into relax mode....
Watching the snow fall as I watch my sheep's graze from the comfortable proximity of my woodstove. Sometimes using the binoculars. They make the same 2.5 hour rounds every morning. Unless if the snow is too deep and then I must feed them hay.

The snow and cold (18 and ten mph wind) prompted my craving for fresh bread. So delicious when it's warm, fresh outta the oven. And the whole house smells so good? Hard to duplicate that aroma with candles and chemicals?

My dad was a main cook in the sheep camp when he first came to America. He is still well known for his sheep herders bread. And he takes great pride in the difficulty of the process. Somehow all that fit and pomp had adverse effect on me? I look for suitable shortcuts and modern methods.

Beer bread! Less than an hour and you be devouring the creation:
3 cups sifted! Flour.
1/4 cup sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
Whisk together while thinking light thoughts. Feathers. Fluffy kittens.
12 oz room temperature beer
Mix thoroughly but don't overdo it. Put in greased loaf pan. Top with two pads of butter.
Bake 350 for 50 minutes (38 convection)
Watching the snow fall as I watch my sheep's graze from the comfortable proximity of my woodstove. Sometimes using the binoculars. They make the same 2.5 hour rounds every morning. Unless if the snow is too deep and then I must feed them hay.

The snow and cold (18 and ten mph wind) prompted my craving for fresh bread. So delicious when it's warm, fresh outta the oven. And the whole house smells so good? Hard to duplicate that aroma with candles and chemicals?

My dad was a main cook in the sheep camp when he first came to America. He is still well known for his sheep herders bread. And he takes great pride in the difficulty of the process. Somehow all that fit and pomp had adverse effect on me? I look for suitable shortcuts and modern methods.

Beer bread! Less than an hour and you be devouring the creation:
3 cups sifted! Flour.
1/4 cup sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
Whisk together while thinking light thoughts. Feathers. Fluffy kittens.
12 oz room temperature beer
Mix thoroughly but don't overdo it. Put in greased loaf pan. Top with two pads of butter.
Bake 350 for 50 minutes (38 convection)
Great story, memory for you! Thanks for sharing the recipe!!

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