What's everybody doing today?

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We've got in on the ground, but not melting yet, since it's only 29. Yak Trax were needed for animal chores. A few brave chickens came out to see what the snow was about. Guinea fowl were looking for chicken scratch since they weren't finding much of anything else out there. We are meeting little granddaughter's mom and the boyfriend in the bigger town mall for a visit. Kinda tricky since husband can't go very far on his walker. I haven't been in that mall for years and years since most of the stuff in it closed down. We'll see what it's like, and hopefully there is a place for husband to sit close to the doors. Bad weather doesn't permit us to park at the park and watch her visit from the truck. Off to favorite cousin's place for dinner tonight. She is making breakfast for dinner...egg casserole and biscuits and gravy. Husband won't eat any of that on his diet, so I need to bring him a dinner. I'm going to bring some strawberry crepes for the breakfast dessert.
Glad your wife had a good morning, Urban.
I'm struggling a little this morning. There's nothing wrong, I just don't feel like doing a doggone thing. I think I'm trying to get mentally prepared for flying back west for another 8 straight days of work and my brain doesn't want to accept it. I just found out I have to rent a car at the last minute and I'm hoping that doesn't cost me an arm and a leg...
They put the mostly empty container back in my truck after using it. I use Mobil 1 high mileage oil & they use Syntec oil or something. The oil I bought was about $40 so even if they just dumped it out (which they had no reason to do) they still used my oil.
That is good to hear.
When my appendix was acting up it was hurting in my hip/pelvis. Turns out my appendix was "in the wrong place" and they had to search for it once they cut me open. They put the cut where a bikini line would be- about 6" long. I'm glad they didn't have to cut wider. I suppose now they have better tests to determine if its appendix or not. Hopefully its just something pulled that will heal with time and rest.
About 18 months ago before they took out my appendix they did some sort of fancy scan to verify it was the appendix. I forget what it was called, the morphine had me a bit dazed.
We have white fluffy stuff falling. I think I will kick back and maybe catch a show, then the game this afternoon, and during half time experiment making a Philly Fold. then enjoy a cigar.
32 degrees outside, not my ideal enjoyment temperature, so enjoy one for me too :)
The wife laid back down, so she didn't make church. I was able to cover it..

I just finished washing all the dishes and cleaning the waffle maker, it had some rancid oil and old wash water under the plates, when they got hot it came out. I was able to clean both sides of the plates and the inside of the plastic outer shell, it even worked when I put it back together, no sparks, honest :)

I am hoping to get into the woods before the month is over (would like to harvest another deer), work is asking me to visit some sites to conduct project reviews, everything is contingent on the wife's health. Sometimes, I feel like it is going to force me into early retirement, sometimes I feel like it won't matter soon.

While washing the dishes I felt a little melancholy, so I asked Alexa to play" Glennwood Canyon" by C.W. McCall, she played a mix including "Country Boy Can Survive"; it made me feel better...... and worse.
I went to two funerals in the last two weeks, and I can tell you that the food committees were appreciated, Snappy.
Met little granddaughter's mom and the boyfriend at the mall while they visited for awhile. There's not much left of that mall, most all of it is closed down. No food places anymore. We sat in the "food court", and I did some reading. There were alot of mall walkers, though. Went and grabbed lunch afterwards, and on to pick up geese and turkey feed. I need to unload that, get the geese some pool water (it's above 32 now) and gather chicken eggs. Then make crepes to bring to dinner. But first...this cup of coffee.
Got another seven dozen eggs in the freeze dryer. Fed the chickens and they are rabid for dried worms/larva that I get at the feed store. Just too expensive aside from a treat in the morning.
The teenagers we have around got the eviction notice to be out at the end of the month, the one we have been raising refuses to get a job so he gets the camper in the drive way and instant noodle cups and cheap pizza.
Suddenly they both want to wash dishes and clean up more????
Sold the last 2 weaned bunnies. Now I just have the 3 week olds who are still nursing. I will be using a bit of the cash I made to make repairs to cages and buy needed supplies. I already grabbed 100 lbs of pellets from the feed store yesterday. I will get a bale of hay in another month or so when things warm up a bit. I need to get some PVC coated rabbit wire to replace the grates in the litter boxes and maybe some new boxes so I can rotate and clean instead of cleaning the one box in the cage then putting back.

Roo and I are cleaning cages today so we can start the week clean and fresh. Roo has been half-assing the cleaning so we are doing a through cage clean. In the spring we will do a deep clean with bleach and sunshine. That way I can leave the buns in temp cages in the fresh air while we get the hutches de-pooped and de-peed.

Ran to the grocery store yesterday. $170 but I only got some meat for the freezer and some shelf stable goods. Better than nothing I guess.
The meter reader from the electric company read my meter on Friday and now I'm waiting for my e-bill to arrive in my in box.
I'm terrified of how much it's going to be and today is pension day / shopping day and I won't do any shopping or put in a on-line delivery order until it comes so I know I'll have enough to pay the bill.
I hope it turns up today so I can get it over and done with.
The meter reader from the electric company read my meter on Friday and now I'm waiting for my e-bill to arrive in my in box.
I'm terrified of how much it's going to be and today is pension day / shopping day and I won't do any shopping or put in a on-line delivery order until it comes so I know I'll have enough to pay the bill.
I hope it turns up today so I can get it over and done with.
I don't know what your electric providers system is but it is fairly common around here for people that rent out a RV parking space or small rental to have a second hand electric meter in the line going to the rental. The meter doesn't get read by the electric company but if it has dials you can read it and using the cost of electricity figure out your bill. Helps not to dread that bill and be able to plan for it.
We have a all electric property so we have heat, well pump and lights as well as my side job of welding and our bills can soar. Fortunately we belong to a electric co op (cheaper rates) and I have the availability to heat with wood standing by.
Dade, I think it is awesome that you put out shelters for the stray kitties. I wish more people would do that.

Spike, I hope you can get in a better mindset and that you will be feeling better by the time you have to get back to work.

Inresponse, I wonder if it was an MRI or something. When the did mine, they didn't even have laparoscopic surgery. As an aside, my surgeon was Dr. Ernest Wong Wing Kwong. I only know that bc the put his name on the photo of my appendix (I asked for it in a jar but they said most they could do was give me a photo). My biology teacher thought it was cool. I know medicine has advanced a LOT since then.

Patchouli, I know that feeling. Some days I don't feel like doing anything.

Mountaintrapper, I hope you had a restful day and that when you go to catch the otter that it goes well. They are cute little buggers. Sound like dog's squeak toys though.

I changed the cabin air filter in the truck (it had leaves in it), picked up a sick friend's curbside order from Walmart, got more grits (mice got the last ones) for Mom, got containers for the grits to keep mice out, & hung out with my friend. His daughter showed me the ceiling fan I got her & was super happy about the remote control for it. She's also happy with the ladder pads for her loft bed. Had my friend ride with me to Walmart so he could listen to the weird sounds truck is making. Might be suspension but he's not sure. Local tire shop might be able to tell. Cooked vegetable fried rice for dinner. Mom actually liked it. The dogs were begging for scraps. Princess (the dog) was so happy afterward that she jumped up and hugged me. She's a sweetheart.

Cats have been using the new litterbox and have not been crapping on the hallway carpet in front of Mom's door anymore.

I did my shoulder exercises. I usually do them in my bathroom bc I have more space in there than in the rest of the house- plus the pulley thingy is in there.
Dade, I think it is awesome that you put out shelters for the stray kitties. I wish more people would do that.
They get free rooms and food, then when it's a little warmer they get get trapped, Neutered/spayed and brought back here :). We do not need more little kittens running about.
Inresponse, I wonder if it was an MRI or something. When the did mine, they didn't even have laparoscopic surgery. As an aside, my surgeon was Dr. Ernest Wong Wing Kwong. I only know that bc the put his name on the photo of my appendix (I asked for it in a jar but they said most they could do was give me a photo). My biology teacher thought it was cool. I know medicine has advanced a LOT since then.
I don't remember what type of scan it was but I know it wasn't an MRI. No goop or knob rubbed across my belly. It wasn't an X-ray or an MRI.
Either way it easily confirmed to them that it was the appendix. Mine was laparoscopy and they gave me a picture too. They were all surprised it didn't burst as soon as they touched it, pretty darn swollen from infection.
Quiet day, cold and overcast outside so I spent the day inside. Watched some tv, listened to music while I edited other music files. Finished processing 2 of my new cd’s. I figure out the key of each song then edit them individually, add time and normalize the decibel setting. It’s a pain but the result is worth it. I can concentrate on picking and not the computer.

Today, out of 25 new songs 19 were suitable for my picking folders. I need about 300 songs so I can play several days without repeating them. I have 184 songs now but have 13 more cd’s ordered. If I get 100 songs from those that I’d enjoy playing, I’ll be happy.

Why would I do any of this? Because of cfs. I keep about a dozen hobbies going. All of them chosen because they keep some aspect of cfs at bay (or the symptoms at a minimum). One of the most difficult things I try to do is stay sharp mentally. Playing music is great for mental acuity and it requires very little physical energy. A ++ in my book.


I had my appendix out while working in France... bummer when you don't speak the language. 😁
Good to hear you have things that help you with CFS, @Peanut
@zannej hope your shoulders are feeling better and glad the cats are doing better. @INresponse hope you're feeling better.
@Mountain trapper I don't know much about the otters. What ruckus are they causing that your friend wants them gone? I'm not picking a fight, just curious. They eating all the fish? Do you guys skin them too?
@Mountain trapper I don't know much about the otters. What ruckus are they causing that your friend wants them gone? I'm not picking a fight, just curious. They eating all the fish? Do you guys skin them too?
Yes, the otter are eating the fish in their ponds. Last fall I was trapping some ponds on another ranch and in one pond a pair of otters bit dozens of fish in half. Some of these fish were still alive. Otters can quickly decimate a fish population in a small pond.
Otter fur is very valuable. I skin and stretch their hides and sell them. Trapping is one way for me to supplement my retirement income.
Well, yesterday I lazily worked in the garage while watching DVDs. That is my hideaway place to be away from everyone. Ultimately I need to clean and organize EVERYTHING so the garage can be useful but I am working on placing the air compressor in the front corner under the work bench and running airlines to various locations in the garage, plus one that will punch through the wall and be available to the driveway without having to open the garage door. I have a variety of fittings, and a few more arriving in a day or two, and yesterday I made a 3 way hub and mounted it underneath the countertop just above the compressor so if needed I can connect 2 air lines there, in addition to the one line that will run to the middle of the garage where I will hang a retractable air line. I am using rubber air hose and brass fittings for everything, and I learned that the hose clamps designed for high pressure fuel lines clamp down tighter and wont strip and loosen like the worm gear hose clamps. They are just a little more expensive but definitely worth the price for the better quality.
Today I may hit Harbor Freight and pick up the retractable hose reel and a couple 50' lengths of rubber hose that will be cut to length as needed for the runs and also for a couple extra lengths of hose to connect to air tools.
Between the movies and the slow paced work and some bourbon I was sipping on I was well relaxed last night and slept great........ until waking up at 3am. Since I work nights during the week I find that on the weekends even when I do sleep good I still wake up about 3am or 4am and can't go back to sleep. That is why I am awake now, but at least I am not tired.
Today will be cold and windy, they are guessing it wont get above freezing until maybe tomorrow.
Delivered a meal to a sick friend after cleaning up from funeral meal, yesterday. Got home and DH could hardly breathe. Way too short of breath. Took him to ER and he was admitted. The nebulized antibiotics weren't working for his lung infection. He is getting IV antibiotics now. Not sure when he will get out.

This morning, I will walk first.
Start laundry.
Take my friend to vet to get more food for her cat and take my chihuahua to get her nails clipped at the same time.
Take a list of stuff up to DH in hospital and get update.
Have several phone calls to make.
Hopefully, rest a little.
It's snowing. Our friends didn't come yesterday because of the weather. Oh well, we will reschedule for when it's better.
Nobody went out the barn yesterday so it will be a mess today but they will stay in today also. We might put the sheep out for a little while to clean. But they are only a few weeks from having lambs so I don't want them to get sick either. But so far it's only snowing a little
I have tons of food leftover from yesterday, happy belated Chinese new years btw. Grimm it's the year of the rabbit :)
I made dumplings, soy chicken, fried rice, and Donauwellen ( a German pastry with cherries , buttercream and chocolate). Everything was good, and I won't need to cook today
Star needs a spa day/week. Still muddy, and clumps of dirt, but it's the cold part of winter so no horse washing yet, just brushing. I saw pictures of where she was hoarded, I will have nightmares.

She isn't there anymore :heart:

All the alive cows have been placed on a new farm, the donkeys and horses are all at the rescue getting the care they need.

I hope there is a hell for people that treat animals like that. That's all I am going to say

Glad you got Star out of there and she has a better home now. I always worry about that if we sell any of our animals to private people they might end like that. That's why we mostly sell to the larger auction where they most likely just go to the meat processor ( and not suffer for very much)
Went to see mom today , looking really bad , skin is white ,mumbles when she talks and losing her ability to write . Still getting around but not well , Brain is very sharp though . I really don't think its gonna be much longer . Hate to see her go but i think its time . Shes miserable not being able to communicate and the rest of the family doesn't give a damn and won't help out , they say their to busy , she'll be 98 in sept. if she makes it.
Mom at 95

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