Me neither. Maybe it is from a movie. And, I have no interest in looking it up or knowing the meaning.

Annoying night at work. For months I have been pointing out price tags that are significantly lower that actual prices that will be rung up at the register, I ignored the small price changes because I was trying to make a point with the big errors. Nothing has been done. I have complained that the number sequence of the bays/shelves were wrong and that often something that should be in space 100 was found in space 5 or space 54 or whatever. This doesn't usually concern the customer but when trying to put 500 different items on shelves throughout the store it goes a lot faster if their computer tells me the right place to look on the shelf. Nothing has been done. Two weeks ago I found a price for a ceiling light was $40 more than the sticker on the shelf, I showed my boss and he told me to take it to the store manager who was nearby, and the manager simply said "I will email so-and-so and them him know." No thank you or nothing for me pointing out the error or for me replacing the old price tag on the shelf with the correct price tag. I will never worry about changing price tags or pointing out the wrong prices again. I am just an hourly nobody now, and I am good with that. Today I pointed out a few problems to a department supervisor about one bay and asked what he wanted me to do or if he could fix the problem. He told me to leave the boxes in question on a nearby shelf with a note for them (whoever reads the note in the morning) to fix it. Well, that is what I did 2 weeks ago and all they did was put the boxes back where I had found them and ignored the problem.
A couple hour later my boss was talking about something he found in the overhead, Christmas decorative lighting something or other on a pallet but someone had adjusted quantity in the computer even though all of it was clearly visible on the pallet on the top rack. The total dollar value was quite high and he asked why the manager would not question the change. Well, I was already grumpy and blurted out "Because he doesn't give a damn." but then apologized and said I was a bit annoyed due to the other crap I dealt with earlier. But I did explain that I have been pointing out several important problems for at least 4 months when I first noticed a DeWalt power took kit was priced on the shelf at $150.00 MORE than the current sale price and that many sales were probably lost because customers didn't know about the discounted price. I told my supervisor that I shared information for 4 months and nothing has been done and the only response is that it is so-and-so's responsibility or they will let so-and-so know. He is the damn manager of the store and ultimately the responsibility is his but he doesn't care and he is making no effort to fix the problems in the store. Assign someone the task to scan everything in each department and correct price tags and take the 1 minute effort to sequence each bay so the computer knows the correct location for each item. But, NO, the manager doesn't care about that, but each morning they review what me and my coworkers do and let us know if we missed one little thing out of 100 or 200 items in that bay. They want to time me and review my work but they wont fix real problems?
In 5 or 6 weeks they claim the District Managers will come in at night for once and have a discussion with everyone on the freight team about concerns or questions. I told my supervisor I don't know if I should give them my list of store problems or if I should keep my mouth shut. Time will tell, depending on my mood that night.