Well, after a 3 hour sleep tonight I decided to get out of bed at 1am and pass some time before I get tired again and hopefully get a few more hours of sleep.
I started a new thread in the Chickens/Domestic Foul section after learning that "possibly" Dumor brand chicken feed had ZERO protein. So far I would say this is a rumor but someone claims that someone claims they sent a sample of the feed to a lab and the test results showed Zero protein in the food. Sooo, the first someone claims she sent off her own sample and is still waiting on the results. What is funny about this is a neighbor texted me that she learned on a pod cast that someone with chickens noticed an unusually sharp decline in egg production and for whatever reason started feeding the birds table scraps and other meat products and the egg production jumped up again, even though it is the slow winter months of egg production. I don't know nothing, but it is interesting and worth researching for those inclined.
Paid all the bills for the month online, should be good for a few weeks. It is always nice when the work check arrives the same time as the retirement check. Neither one is huge but that brief moment when you look at your account balance and see a big number sure is refreshing. Feeling good about the finances with it closing in on income tax season and with out side of beef due in 2 or 3 weeks. GF is supposed to pay for the beef, I bought the freezer, but still comfortable to know we can cover that payment when the time comes.
Saw this picture online a couple days ago, reposted on the neighborhood page asking is anyone knew what it meant. One guy knew but wasn't interested, another guy knew and sounded enthused. Hoping to get the occasional game going on a regular basis.
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