Good Morning all!
Been absolutely insane in our world lately! Our oldest started his new job at Pizza Hut this month, according to the manager whom I spoke with yesterday, he is proving to be a valuable asset to their operation and she is working him as many as hours as she can (makes me proud as years ago, that same Pizza Hut was my place of employment through high school, college and even after I started my career). We are starting to put the screws on him to pick a path in life. He is over halfway through his junior year and is reluctant to pick a path. Youngest son has been busy every night of the week. Between robotics, drama and church and the youth center on Fridays, we see him for about an hour a night. My wife has been working hard on finishing her early childhood education degree and at the point where she is doing her practicums with the different age groups, this semester she is with infants and toddlers, which is good, as it scratches her baby itch, but doesn't mean sleepless nights for us anymore!
Closed on an adjacent piece of property. It is roughly an acre on the corner next to our property. Has an old house and a couple of buildings on it, but they are in such a sorry state, they will have to come down. We started working on this deal last summer and finally were able to get things finished up last week. We are going to have quite the chore of cleaning and clearing the lot this year. I'm trying to decide if I want to buy a dump trailer or just try and use my car hauler and the occasional dumpster rental for this project. I'll be adding a new winch to my car hauler, as there are a couple of abandoned cars on the property that I'll need to haul 45 miles to dispose of. We are planning on putting my shop on this lot and then straddle the property line with a garage. The garage is going to have an apartment over it. We are going to use the apartment as a place for us to stay while we are building the new house, and then it will be fore my parents and other guests when we get moved into the house.
Got our seed order in from True Leaf last week. Going with most of the old standbys but we are going to try a different beefsteak tomato. It is a hybrid, but the last 3 heirloom varieties I've tried have really left me wanting, granted, I have gotten to the point where I would rather eat Cherokee Purples or Black Krims over the red tomatoes. Put in an order with Meyer's for 20 meat birds. I am going to split them into two tractors and run them on the side lot of the shop. It's not technically allowed, as their is a permit required for fowl in city limits, but my body shop is on the edge of town, there is one house across the street (which is out of city limits), a pasture that butts up to the south of the shop and the owners run cows and sheep in there all the time, so I am just going to do it. What is the saying? It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission?! The way I look at it, for the six or so weeks those birds will be in tractors on the side of the shop, few if anyone is going to notice. That's just one of the many reasons I am more than ready to sell my shop and head for the homestead in the hinterlands with no rules or codes to abide by.