What's everybody doing today?

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Cage cleaning for the bunnies and moved 2 of my male kits to their own cage to start weaning them from mom and to slowly dry her out. There are 4 bucks in that litter and 2 does. I have a waiting list for does a mile long. Looks like we will have some rabbit to put in the freezer from this litter.

K took the donations to Goodwill. I made some last minute decisions to donate some treasured things to get them out of the house since they are sitting in my garage collecting dust. I have to keep plucking along and purging. I still have tons of work in the house but seeing some of these things taking space in the garage just got to me.

Organizing my herbs so I have get a few remedies in the cabinet. It feels like it is going to be a wet spring and that means colds and fevers.
Well..I've been up since 2 am.
My neighbors husband is on the fire dept. She didnt know if I was at work or not, but texted me at 2 am to see if I was ok.
Her husband got the call to respond as aagency assist to the mill..its on fire.
I let her know I'm home n start my shift this am . I get up about now, 4am.
I just got text from one of the managers to not come in. It was a bad fire but other than that I dont have info.
I'm sure they will keep us updated at some point..but ..life just got a bit more interesting..
Awesome Sunday today. Great Sunday school and church today. Left early and spent hour at nursing home to supervise mother in law and assisted her eating. Stopped at neighbors barn to check out baby goats. His college granddaughter and her SO are on kid watch. They have different color ear tags for owners. Stopped 2 weeks ago and 1 momma had quintuplets but mom got mastitis again and they are bottle feeding babies. Most goats have 2 embryos in them. High dollar show goats. Anyway 2 went into labor and I got to see first goat delivered. However 1st baby was a big boy and mom required them pulling him. 10 pound boy. Perfect. Left so not sure if she had a twin. Got home and husband tilled the garden!

Baby goats are the cutest! Ours are not due until mid March. Right now we are just having the lambs. Our goats have anywhere from 2-6 kids and usually don't reject any or get mastitis. We only had 1 with it and got rid of her after she recovered.
I hope our oldest one this year will be ok., she has anywhere from 2-4 usually and is almost 10 years old. This will be the last year we are going to breed her. I don't know what to do with her afterwards. I really don't want to send her to the auction, she is our best goat and has produced many kids.
Wingnut, welcome back!

Amish: I like liverwurst, but never seen the kind they have in Germany here , it has chunks of meat in it, unlike the mushy stuff they sell at Aldi ( which I can eat, but not my favorite). My mom used to make Liverwurst ( Leberwurst) sauce gravy over potatoes. Do you know what Blutwurst is? I like that too LOL, it would probably make the "worst food you ever ate" list on the other thread for some people....

Finished the tax stuff to send to the accountant but my very old computer with windows 7 is acting up. I don't think it will last much longer. Did back it up, but now I have to get office for another one since this is the only one that has Excel and Word on it. How annoying. I hate spending so much money on computer crap.

Well, we got about 1 inch of snow, not the 12 inches they forecast. It was mostly rain yesterday and it's melting fast.
No new lambs, no grandkid yet either. Waiting....
DH's oxygen machine died a couple of nights ago. Had to hook him up to a big oxygen tank for overnight. They replaced it the next day. That's the only excitement we have had. That alarm was loud! Just as we were going to bed. Sigh

Today, I will walk first.
Take my car to mechanic for tune up.
Take bill that I have already paid to hospital to dispute as they just billed full amount again.
Do laundry.
Purge office shelves.
Call and set up tax appointment.

I have to keep plucking along and purging.
I am trying to do that several times a week. I made a master list, yesterday. It will be added to and crossed off as I go.
Quiet morning here at the ol' hacienda... gotta go replenish the birdbaths and feed the wild birds, I already fed the cats and they're doing their own thing outside, except for little Z-Girl who is sleeping on the table next to my computer, lol. I'll have to get some pics of the cats later for Pearl... but they're all doing fine, I'm taking good care of them. I had four of the blasted varmints sleeping with me last night... goldurned mattress hogs too, sometimes they make it difficult to get up and visit the bathroom in the middle of the night, lol. :oops:

Otherwise, I have no plans except regular household chores, and maybe some serious vacuum action... the carpet has some leafy bits and whatnot that the cats dragged in from the yard. At least I haven't seen a goathead in ages, but with spring around the corner I'll have to start checking for goathead vines again... I made a HUGE dent in the population last season, but I'm gonna remain on the lookout so I can keep those things off my property, lol. Well, I reckon I'll don my work boots and take care of those birds & birdbaths... :rolleyes:
Yikes, fires are not good! I hope no one was hurt.

My nose was making the weirdest noises last night & kept me awake. Finally got to sleep but woke up coughing. Had to go to the bathroom and then got back to sleep for another hour when the dogs woke me up again. They were barking at the window. I looked out and saw the neighbor's dogs. A white pit bull with grayish spots and a reddish brown mutt. I went out to see them and said "Hello pretty doggies!" they put their tails up and ran over to me to sniff me and greet me. I could be wrong, but I think they are both female. The mutt jumped up on me wanting me to pet her. The pit bull jumped on her and knocked her off of me. They were adorable the way they were looking up at me wanting some affection. I decided to walk them toward the gate to see if I could get them to go home. They were following like good doggies when Princess came running out and charged over yapping like Scrappy Doo. They flanked her with their tails straight up and sniffed her. I distracted them and told them she was my doggy & petted her. Then I petted them. She started growling at them so they turned back to look at her. She realized she messed up and the Scrappy faded and she jumped into my arms like Scooby. LOL. She was shivering while I carried her back inside. I had her halfway over my shoulder telling her what a dumbo she was. I put her in my brother's room so she couldn't go outside again & the dogs got bored and left.

At least I got a little exercise and fresh air, but I'm still coughing and ran out of cough drops.
Took husband to a doc appt after morning chores and dropping off the neighbor girl to school. Then we loaded up the pickup with feed. Came home for lunch, and I need to go unload all the feed and clean the chicken coops out, so I'll be outside for quite a while. Lucky for me, it's in the low 50's and the sun is out...I can pretend it's summer!
I had my surgery Thursday. I do have some pain, and while recovery so far has not been hard, it won't be easy either, as the implant has to be done in phases and I could still reject it. But here I am yesterday, working on baby bibs for my friend...she had her baby the night before I had my surgery!

So..it sounds like at least part of our mill is very damaged but I'm not sure all of what. I will find out tomorrow. Most everyone is getting laid off for at least 2 weeks or ?? Me n a few other folks will go in tomorrow to help with some areas but after tomorrow..not sure.
We have a flooded mill..below freezing temps up there tomorrow and damaged machines to assess . One machine is totaled for sure..the debarker, pony rig next to it and the new line is still undetermined if damaged. If any of these are damaged..we cannot cut small logs. With the head rig destroyed..we cannot cut big logs for sure. The market kinda determines what we cut to sell..and lately..that has been crappy.
While it's not looking good..I will try not to stress..i live a lifestyle like I do for a reason. I will roll with the punches ..
So..it sounds like at least part of our mill is very damaged but I'm not sure all of what. I will find out tomorrow. Most everyone is getting laid off for at least 2 weeks or ?? Me n a few other folks will go in tomorrow to help with some areas but after tomorrow..not sure.
We have a flooded mill..below freezing temps up there tomorrow and damaged machines to assess . One machine is totaled for sure..the debarker, pony rig next to it and the new line is still undetermined if damaged. If any of these are damaged..we cannot cut small logs. With the head rig destroyed..we cannot cut big logs for sure. The market kinda determines what we cut to sell..and lately..that has been crappy.
While it's not looking good..I will try not to stress..i live a lifestyle like I do for a reason. I will roll with the punches ..
Hopefully all gets back up and running quickly! All your jobs and the tree cutters who depend on the mill need it going!! Good luck tomorrow! Keep us posted!
Hey Bacpacker, I have one to process. So did you just did up some of the roots and leave some?
The two I dug were both in one of my beds (shouldn't have planted there). I hope I got all the roots. I was raking thru with my fingers and just stopped finding anything. I still have 3 other plants in my lower garden spot that will mature more this year (2nd season). So we should be set for years to come.
@Mel there you are actually sewing away on that old Singer! You've got to let us see your finished bibs. I didn't realize you were going to use the machine for actual projects. Glad you're feeling well enough to be sitting at a machine.
@Hooch Everything will work out for you, somehow. Guess it's time to get caught up on stuff for you at home? I had ice here the other week and stayed home for 4 days in a row, you'd think I'd have gotten something done.
Hopefully all gets back up and running quickly! All your jobs and the tree cutters who depend on the mill need it going!! Good luck tomorrow! Keep us posted!
I will..I was told to dress warm, wear my waterproof boots n bring lots of flashlights n power if I can. So..that tells me alot...I'm game tho..I was hoping to get a few years outta it again..well see
@Mel there you are actually sewing away on that old Singer! You've got to let us see your finished bibs. I didn't realize you were going to use the machine for actual projects. Glad you're feeling well enough to be sitting at a machine.
@Hooch Everything will work out for you, somehow. Guess it's time to get caught up on stuff for you at home? I had ice here the other week and stayed home for 4 days in a row, you'd think I'd have gotten something done.
I will.
I still feel cruddy but I got my friend to go with me to pick up the surround for my tub from HomeDepot. They put it in the truck with the part that said This Side Up facing down and the corner was smashed but I checked and there didn't appear to be any damage. Friend got it tied down for me and when I got back home he and my brother carried it in to my bathroom. I had stopped at Taco Bell to get him some food to thank him. He briefly talked to Mom and then I drove him back home. Got back home and practically collapsed. I'm exhausted & my body does not like me. As an aside, he said it sounds like something might be wrong with my CV axle on my truck. I need to get that checked asap.
It's 3:35am, been up since 2:30, Bear had to go out! It's raining, the power keeps going out! Waiting on a line of storms just to the west! Pretty sure coffee is happening shortly! I only have one small job today that I will probably reschedule. Was going to take Bear shopping after, may just stay home, time will tell!!
Monday night at work, we had a truck to unload which is my favorite way to start the night and quickly kill off 2 hours. Before we started our supervisor gave us the usual informative talk about the store, how well sales are doing, how we are selling more product than the store was designed to handle, and how our team was in the top two of the district for using the new app in our handheld computers when packing down the overheads and documenting how much product we are taking from above and placing into its home on the shelves. Yay, right? Well, not really. Because we are doing so well not only is he going to continue checking our work at the end of the night the store management will be auditing every bay we work to see if we missed anything, because the game plan is for our work to be "perfect". Well, they have been harping on "perfect" since day one of the new program and we were supposed to do "perfect" even in the old program, but they also tell us to do it quick and that we need to get "X" many done in a night. Some bays we can do in about 15 minutes and others may take 3 hours or more if it is supposed to be "perfect". I don't mind them following up to make sure I am doing my job right, because I wont cut corners. They have been harping on "perfect" for years and occasionally checking our work so I make sure it is "perfect', BUT if the manager has time to nit pick my work why doesn't he have time to make sure the price tags are accurate and the bay sequencing of product is accurate? Many things I pointed out 6 months ago are still not fixed, all things that would help me do my job a lot faster. You know, because finding the location of the product on the shelf is the easiest way to put the product on the shelf.
Well, guess what? I have begun my exit strategy. While being very annoyed and not focusing on my work tonight I began a mental list of who in my family will be offered the various old, collectable stuff I have and this summer I will be giving a lot of stuff away. Stuff I realized I will never get to. My '72 Chevy pickup I bought in '89, I will offer to my niece including the way cool GM crate motor that is in it and the original motor that came with it. I will ask my sister to decide who should get my dad's old 1947 wood/canvas canoe, niece or nephews or cousins I don't care, I will never get time to use it around here with the forever drought in Utah. My oldest son wants my '02 Chevy Avalanche I custom ordered 23 years ago so I will fix it up for him this summer. My youngest son is only interested in his phone, iPad, and computer games so he has no interest in anything I have so I guess he will have to settle for a little cash when I croak. One nephew collects old phonograph albums so he can have my small collection of 45's and LP's and my old top of the line Sony stereo system. Another nephew will get my antique firearms and a few of the newer ones and if he wants it he can have all my reloading components which are no use to me since my ex sold my reloading presses. That is just what I thought of tonight at work.
I need to unload all this stuff I will never get to, deliver it all this summer, and walk away from an over paid easy peasy job that is proving more an more each day to be an unnecessary headache. The sooner I dump all these "treasures" I have held on to for far too long the sooner I can relax and just live day to day.
I am starting to feel better just making the plans.
Aside from that, I haven't slept much the past few nights so maybe I can catch up tonight. We shall see.
Good morning to all ya'all, sweet dreams (maybe) to me.
Good morning and Happy Valentine's Day! We don't celebrate because we don't use extra money if not necessary.
Today, I will walk first.
Walk dogs.
Purge office shelves.
Cook venison roast with vegetables in instant pot.
Supposed to start raining this evening and continue the next couple of days- then get cold again.
...BUT if the manager has time to nit pick my work why doesn't he have time to make sure the price tags are accurate and the bay sequencing of product is accurate? Many things I pointed out 6 months ago are still not fixed, all things that would help me do my job a lot faster. ..

Owner of the company I retired from put the Salesman in charge of the company's 50 year "celebration". One of the Salesman's responsibilities was to gather pictures of the company through out the years and scan them. Salesman in turn bullied a female Customer Service Rep (CSP) to do the work instead. I saw the Salesman sitting in the CSP's office taking pictures from boxes and looking at them before putting back in the box. Half hour later I passed the CSP office, Salesman hadn't moved and was still looking pictures. I mentioned to the Salesman that he could have scanned a lot of pictures while he was just sitting there. The look on his face was priceless!
I woke up to cuddles from kitties and one of the dogs. I gave them kisses and petted them. The dog, Princess, started whining. I asked her what was wrong and then asked if she wanted to go "walkies". Fippy, who had been asleep on a pillow, suddenly popped up and just about lost his mind. He as spinning in circles and wagging his tail. I thought maybe my tone made him think I was asking if he wanted to go see Mom (he reacts like that when I say "go see mommy" to him). Princess was out the back door before I got my pants on. Fippy trotted along ahead of me and kept stopping to look back and make sure I was following. He led me to the front door and waited for me to open it. Then he trotted outside. Princess was already zipping around the yard. I followed them to the front gate. They both went out but I stopped to call them back. Princess kept running around but Fippy came back. It was nice outside-- cloudy but not too cold. No direct sunlight. So I walked around the yard. Not sure how long. Legs still feel like lead. I started to get lightheaded so I came back in to lie down. Dogs are now napping on my bed again.

I want to be productive today but I'm feeling a bit weak and clumsy.
Finished morning chores, and did the school driving. Took husband to two doc appts, the pharmacy, and to get his blood work done. Then we went out for a barbeque lunch that was excellent. Having some coffee. and will get to afternoon chores, soon. Husband and I will be going out for a nice dinner on Thursday, neighbor will watch little granddaughter. Or as neighbor puts it, little granddaughter will watch her three younger kids while she gets things done!
The sooner I dump all these "treasures" I have held on to for far too long the sooner I can relax and just live day to day.

As we get older, I think it's important to streamline our lives and get rid of stuff we no longer need or want, or are willing to tackle... otherwise we get bogged down in hoarding and having too many projects to complete. Just recently, as a prelude to climbing back aboard the 'home rehab work' horse, I donated several more boxes of stuff I had kicking around my home and sheds. That included my large audiocassette collection which dated back to my 'trucking daze'---as well as a box of VHS tapes for which I no longer have any use (no VHS player). Now, many of those tapes were still perfectly good, but I knew it was time to let 'em go... and there are folks out there who still have the necessary equipment to play 'em, while the thrift shop also contributes to community causes and projects. Now I have more room in my home, I no longer have to think about the stuff I donated, and somebody else will be able to enjoy those tapes... a win-win situation in my book. I still have some very cool things here in my home, all top quality, and THOSE are what I will leave to my nieces & nephews... plus this home itself, which isn't a bad place to live. :D

INresponse, you're doing the right thing, and the sooner you unload some of that stuff, the better... don't wait until you're dead to unload it, lol. Trust me, you'll be glad you sent the stuff on its way, and you'll never have to worry about it again... unless you help repair one of the vehicles later. When I'm done with my home rehab work this spring (and possibly part of this summer), I'll have a nice open & airy home with very little clutter, a comfortable home with everything I need or want, and my five cats to live out the years with me here at the ol' hacienda. I'll be 61 years old in June, and I still do most if not all of the work necessary in my personal life: home rehab work, automotive work, everyday household chores, etc., but I have it down to a manageable level that gives me plenty of time to relax and enjoy life too. I still have a few boxes of stuff to go through once I complete the interior painting, some of it will go up on the walls and some will get donated. In the White Mountains of Arizona, I donated heaps of stuff to the thrift shop run by the humane society, which was a great cause since they also operated the no-kill animal shelter, and the money from thrift shop sales helped offset costs in feeding & maintaining the animals. Truly a win-win situation... :cool:
So..it sounds like at least part of our mill is very damaged but I'm not sure all of what. I will find out tomorrow. Most everyone is getting laid off for at least 2 weeks or ?? Me n a few other folks will go in tomorrow to help with some areas but after tomorrow..not sure.
We have a flooded mill..below freezing temps up there tomorrow and damaged machines to assess . One machine is totaled for sure..the debarker, pony rig next to it and the new line is still undetermined if damaged. If any of these are damaged..we cannot cut small logs. With the head rig destroyed..we cannot cut big logs for sure. The market kinda determines what we cut to sell..and lately..that has been crappy.
While it's not looking good..I will try not to stress..i live a lifestyle like I do for a reason. I will roll with the punches ..
Prayers it's not a long lay-off and is easily repaired. 🙏
Retired my 07 GMC to the farm today. Replaced it with a 2021 GMC 1/2 ton 4x4 Duramax diesel. It looks like an old man truck, if the shoe fits….


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