Back to work. Gonna be a long busy 4 days
That's so funny! Yonks isn't a word over here. I've heard it and read it, but fun to "hear" it in conversation.Away day yesterday- Visited my Dad and popped into a friend on the drive home, as we hadn't seen them in yonks. Planted a few turnips in the evening but the soil in that bed isn't great, realised I have no room for most of the seedlings, the other two beds aren't deep enough so will have to come up with a plan B. Heading off for a few days- on my ownone of my lecturers is having a book launch so I will stay with a relation and have a mooch around the city. Today is some chores and writing lists of what to water for the kids.
If you don't feel like tackling that at your house yet, come on over and feel free to practice and refine your strategies at our place first. Then you'll be really efficient and get yours done in no time. I'm pretty sure that's a great time saving techniqueToday is going to be a busy day. I have a lot of cleaning up to do around the house and I also need to do some laundry. It's not my favorite task but it needs to be done. I'll start by picking up any clutter and organizing everything. Then, I'll move on to cleaning the floors, dusting, and wiping down surfaces. Once the cleaning is done, I'll focus on washing my clothes. I have a big pile of laundry that needs to be washed, dried, and folded. It's going to take some time but I know I'll feel better once it's done.
Hope that helps your mom AH. I think sometimes the combo of meds messes with folks' systems. Also hope little Granddaughter likes sewing and the sewing machine. It's really a great skill.I never thought about using a UHaul as a livestock hauler...Ha! How'd it go, Sonya?
Was surprised this morning when I went into the goose enclosure and a baby goose was staring at me inside the coop! Adorable! I have not tried to incubate their eggs because the females don't let me get near them. Had to go back in with some gosling feed in a low pan and a regular waterer. Too short for a bucket, of course. Husband got his allergy shots, and little granddaughter and I brought the sewing machine in for servicing, and got her class sorted out for next week. Our youngest pharmacy MD daughter took a look at mom's med list and said that the dementia meds they put her on recently has a side effect of decreased appetite and UTI, so I called her doc right away and she is now off of it. She's has two UTI's in 3 months, and she's lost over 10lbs or so recently, and is soooo skinny. Hopefully it was just the med, we'll see. I'll see how she reacts to another milkshake later in the week. Mama kitty decided to move her six kittens yet again, so that was interesting to watch. From the milkhouse to the little garage by the house.
I just rented it, haven't actually picked it up . I guess I should have said I made the reservation to rent it. It's just a pick up we are going to attach our livestock trailer to.I never thought about using a UHaul as a livestock hauler...Ha! How'd it go, Sonya?
Ya know, we're not getting those cut-rate deals on the Crudweiser, in fact the prices on all Bud cr@p have gone UP, go figure. What's the deal with that? How come we're not seeing those "$1 per case" deals here in Alamo? Is it because the Injuns & rednecks would buy it all up at that rate, not giving a damn about the whole tranny grinder scene? It kinda chaps my @$$ that I'm not seeing 30-packs of regular Crudweiser for $1... I'd stock my shed with that cr@p, lol. Anyway, that's my rant for the day, lol. I'm already over it, and I'm sipping a Coors as I key this post. The good news is that I just started two jugs of busthead cider, since I'm tired of these ridiculous beer prices. I'm trying a new twist: doubling the yeast while still adding at least 1/2 cup of sugar to the mix (on top of the natural sugars in the cider). One gallon jug is actually regular apple juice, but I read that it can also be fermented... we shall see.
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Honestly, if I can crank out a gallon of busthead cider or fermented juice for approximately $10 (including the cost of yeast & sugar), I'm gonna start drinking this and to heck with the corporate BS beer. I'm really getting tired of these slimy corporate scumbags jacking up the prices on everything. Frankly, their products aren't worth the price, so I'm forced to find alternate party materials. That busthead cider may not win any competitions for taste, but it gets ya hammered... in the words of Mark Twain, each gallon jug is good for two drunks and one delirium tremens, lol. Yesiree, that cider sure gets ya ripped, no two ways about it. Maybe it's time to give the corporate brewmeisters the boot, and just make my own stuff, ya know? I think I'm gonna look into making moonshine as well, and no more paying $30 per bottle of tequila or whiskey or whatever. The greedy b@stards... I get so tired of the GREED, aye?
We have had more than our share of vehicle problems lately! It's pot luck if my truck will start, and with 450,000+ miles on its a gamble to get to town! I always park where the wrecker can get it easily! I have to drive it today!!Have to do some shopping today. Woke up in the middle of the night and worried about if my Yukon will start and make it there....(it ran just fine last Saturday, last time I drove it)
It's still raining. Officially there is zero rain forecast nothing showing up on the radar but it's raining anyway. We put all the animals except the bucks up last night, so barn to clean. I hope the bucks are ok being in the cold and wet all night.
Do you ever feel like everything is out of your control and nothing goes well? I feel like that lately
You know how many miles my Yukon has? 140000....I have owned it for most of that, and did all the maintenance regularly. Other people's vehicles last that long, not ours. The broken truck only has 75000 miles on it. Son's Durango had a busted block last year with only 130000 miles on it. We take care of all the vehicles as best as we can, but everything breaks anyway. This is what I mean, we must be just unluckyWe have had more than our share of vehicle problems lately! It's pot luck if my truck will start, and with 450,000+ miles on its a gamble to get to town! I always park where the wrecker can get it easily! I have to drive it today!!![]()
You have me interested. Do you have a link for the recipe?
I'm a bit surprised the Yukon is crapping out with 140K on it, usually you can get those up around 200K before they go bad. But I'm not surprised about your son's Durango. I will never, ever own another Chrysler made vehicle, including Ram and Jeep. I've only ever seen one, in my whole life, that wasn't garbage. My '96 Ram was 8 years old with 102K on it, and the entire interior fell apart. All the latches and handles were breaking, the radio quit working, the steering wheel controls only worked half the time, the interior door panels fell off, and the freaking rear view mirror fell right the hell off the windshield. What a piece of crap that thing was. It looked good, but everything else about it sucked...You know how many miles my Yukon has? 140000....I have owned it for most of that, and did all the maintenance regularly. Other people's vehicles last that long, not ours. The broken truck only has 75000 miles on it. Son's Durango had a busted block last year with only 130000 miles on it. We take care of all the vehicles as best as we can, but everything breaks anyway. This is what I mean, we must be just unlucky
And today it ran like a champ!!We have had more than our share of vehicle problems lately! It's pot luck if my truck will start, and with 450,000+ miles on its a gamble to get to town! I always park where the wrecker can get it easily! I have to drive it today!!![]()