Not sure yet.
Today is "fix the Traeger grill" day. It's not coming up to temperature as it should. A bit of online research shows that this can be caused by excess pellet dust and chips in the feeder. So I'll try to empty out all the pellets and use the Shop Vac to clean out the feed tube if I can get it in there. Then I'll re-prime the tube and see what happens at tonights grilling.
Glad you went! Sorry for your CFS! Awesome pics, hope you can go again!Woke up exhausted, still exhausted now. I waaay over did it yesterday. At least 4 days to recover, maybe 5. It was a 2hr drive to Pine mtn on roads I haven’t driven in many years. The last 30min were a royal pain, a series of mtn ridges. All roads on the tops were mtn something. All the roads down below were valley something. Only drove 10miles out of my way. Missed one of the dozen roads that had ridge in the name.
I met another picker from tuskaloosa. He’s real good, been playing banjo and guitar since the 90’s. He and I know the same people, just never met. I think he’s a late starting prepper (avid hunter/fisherman). He hunts mushrooms too, chanterelles mostly. Been trying to learn foraging from a poor excuse for a book. Wants to come out to the farm and learn some plants.
I left the mtn early, 1.5hrs before the festivities were over. I was too exhausted to play and it was getting late, took the long way home on roads I knew. Got supper in tuskaloosa, gyro from the Lebanese place. Hadn’t had one in a while.
Nothing but rest on today's schedule, same for tomorrow. Another pic from the mtn, inside the old school room. I met the dobro player at the folk school a few weeks ago, a cabinet maker. He and his wife want to come learn some plants also. The guy with the guitar is the beginning prepper, has a style of play I like. Funny, his boss is a classmate of mine, thru 12yrs of grade school. How did I not meet the guy before this?
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SoooI got an email a coupe weeks ago from the state park department. There was a new campground built at a state park we had never been to. Drove up there today to check it out. Turns out there was 2 campground, one was old, run down, and the spots were tiny. The newer one was nicer, much nicer, but still not very good campground compared to others we go to.
Had a great trip though.
WOW!! How AWESOME!!We had breakfast/lunch with @Cascadian and his wife.
It's fun meeting people you only know through this board.
We had a good time.
If my wife and I start traveling around the country I'll try meeting more of you folks.
Thats great! Hope you and the wife get to make a trip or two. You're certainly welcome down south, especially old salts!We had breakfast/lunch with @Cascadian and his wife.
It's fun meeting people you only know through this board.
We had a good time.
If my wife and I start traveling around the country I'll try meeting more of you folks.
We enjoyed meeting you as well.We had breakfast/lunch with @Cascadian and his wife.
It's fun meeting people you only know through this board.
We had a good time.
If my wife and I start traveling around the country I'll try meeting more of you folks.
The ex was in the Air Force, stationed in Germany. He would go on and on about the Autobahn. Living in Germany was also why he had a thing about Porsche's. He could talk for days about them, all the different models, etc. On one of daughter's trips to Germany she went to a Porsche museum.Speeding: LOL you guys are speed demons! I hated driving on the Autobahn in Germany without limits. I think I went 100 mph there once in a rented Audi and it scared the crap out of me....husband didn't want to drive there at all because he couldn't read the signs