What's everybody doing today?

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Mow church lawn and parsonages lawns, convert a fluorescent light in #1 parsonage to LED, remove two exterior nonfunctional lights from church.

Wife informed me that I’m helping transplant flowers. I know nothing about flowers, why do they always need to be dug up and replant somewhere else?
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Taking it easy on this holiday weekend... already watered, gonna putter around and put up wall art in the bathrooms. Got some clouds moving into the area with a slight chance of rain, which would certainly be welcome (no painting today, lol). Otherwise, I'm just planning on making a good meal later, maybe watching the Indy Race tomorrow if I can get it on my TV without having to pay for it, grrrrr! I can remember when major sporting events were all free on TV, seems like the greedy b@stards wanna charge for EVERYTHING now, pffffffft. I'm so tired of the GREED... it's the root of all evil in this world. 😒
Played hookey today a little, didn't get up till 8.30am, as husband was away and didn't get in till late, so I waited up, and just fed animals and watered polytunnel. Youngest and I drove to a town we rarely visit about an hour away, poked around book and music stores, and second hand shops, went to a supermarket our town doesn't have. Listened to daughter complain about the cost of food (shes a student, can tell you any price of anything in the last two years to the exact cent) had a coffee then came home. Husband is off to a rally on the coast. It was a scorcher here today, so going to water everything, then relax for the evening with a book and my knitting. Enjoy your weekend folks.
Got home a bit ago. Cooked up a big batch of taco meat and a big batch of peppers and onions. Was going to make burritos tonight but Hubby called and said the lady he is working for today went to town and picked up pizzas. One is coming home with him!! Yay🍕! Got a list a mile long, ambition is not on it!! Going to put some laundry away then vacuum the pool. Have a few cold ones on the float too!😉 The donkey is still shedding so I'll brush and play with him later. A fast nap is happening first!!
went to the market today and sold pretty much everything. We even sold a leg of lamb.
Weather was ok but windy and cold, but at least no rain. It does not feel like it is almost summer here. Only my cold weather plants are doing well in the garden so far. I sold all my broccoli.
I was worried my Yukon was going to break the entire time during the trip there and then back lol, yeah I am nuts....it made it no problems
Spent the day working in the backyard with Dad. Tonight taking him to softball game in the town where his legion post is. The towns first responders will be playing against USA Patriots softball team. The team is made up of all wounded vets tomorrow they’ll be a pancake breakfast for them and then the parade on Monday. Money raised from it goes into a fund for the vets children to go to college.
Well, danged if I didn't go and fall asleep earlier... took about a 3-hour nap before a phone call from a friend brought me out of it. It was one of those deals where I told myself, "I'll just lie down for a moment..." And BAM, I was out. I know why, I've been staying up late reading Westerns, and that slowly added up to the point where I felt a bit tired. So I don't mind the nap, I clearly needed it... it's unusual for me to nap that long during the day, but I reckon I needed it. Never did start hanging stuff in the bathrooms, I suppose that can wait till tomorrow. The phone call was cool, I hadn't heard from this friend for awhile, so we talked for at least an hour, just catching up, ya know? :)

One factor in this equation: I've reached the time of year when I just keep sheets atop my bed (with a pad, of course), and I swapped out sheets this morning, so those nice clean cool sheets may have helped me nod off, lol. I originally meant to just lie down and read for a bit, but the Sandman was lurking and standing on my eyelids, 10-4? I guess I didn't get very far with my book, it was lying off to one side along with my reading glasses, lol. Meh, I figure if I was that tired, I needed the nap... no harm done. I don't really feel like getting started on those bathrooms now, so I think I'll just sip this wine cooler I made and watch a movie on the 65" curved screen. Sounds like a plan... ;)
We made it to Estes Park Colorado today. Alex had always wanted to stay at the Stanley hotel so we made that happen. We have a beautiful view from our room. We got to stop by Devils Tower on the way down here it was a long drive today but we had a great day.

Sounds like you guys are having a killer trip. Minus the ticket and hail storm of course.

Watered the beds good again. Also got a roost built for the coop. Stretched a tarp over the top and moved the chicks out into it. They freaked out for about long enough to move three of them. They were already eating grass by the time #4 came out. They like it better and now I can clean the basement out.
It's not that they think I need to get over my grief yet. They just all think that it's not good for me to turn it inward. I have a tendency to internalize feelings and emotions and retreat into myself. They don't think it's healthy to isolate myself. I have to force myself to eat at least once a day and drink water. I'm not just heartbroken, he took my heart with him. I don't see any point in living without him. And before anyone gets alarmed, I'm not going to unalive myself or anything, I just have to force myself not to curl in a ball and give up.
I know exactly what you mean. Today is day 510 and it hurts just as much as day 1. I'm working and doing but the whole time it just seems so pointless. Without him my life is just an empty shell. If it weren't for my daughter I would have no reason to continue. I know I'll see him again some day, but I miss him in the now. Hugs for you, you are not alone in this suffering.

Planted a bunch of tomatoes and peppers, gave a lot away and still have too many so I stuck them out front with a for sale sign. Haven't seen anyone stop yet, but hopefully they'll find homes. Got some of the flowers planted and all of the grass cut. Ordered two flower pots for the front porch and amazon delivered them in a box big enough for six or eight of them. The joke is on them, though, since the giant box is the perfect size to flatten out and slide under the trailer so I can crawl under there to rewire it.

Had a couple of horse's patoots drag racing on our road today. The first couple of times I just rolled my eyes and figured the neighbors were being idiots. After a half dozen times of them going by side by side at probably over 100 mph I finally called the cops and asked them to do a patrol. Doubt if they bothered to, but I'd surely love to see these idiots get a ticket instead of kill somebody. Half of their "race track" has the double yellow line in the middle.
Had a great time on Pine Mtn this afternoon. Sat and picked under huge oak trees, a beautiful day, temps in the 70’s. Even though I’d never been there I knew about half the pickers.

Small crowd because of the holiday, only about 50 people, most were pickers. There was a potluck at 2pm, great food. Even had 3 different dishes of chicken n dumplings. I admit it… I ate way too much. I wanted to try a bite or two of everything. Someone made the best peanut butter cake I’ve ever had, excellent!

There was a small stage, 5 bands were there but everyone not on stage was picking in small groups. Sort of hard to play a song with the group your sitting with when you can hear 3 other songs being played by other groups or the stage. I got confused a couple times as to which song I was playing.

A church who bought new pews donated the old ones to the community center. They were even padded, nice and comfy for watching the stage.

The community center had been a 2 room school house 70yrs ago… too funny… they even had a walk in cooler.





And the walk in cooler, from the outside... 😁

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We did a little faster than that when I was driving. 😉
I happen to be a bit of a speed freak, so I love this.

The fastest I've ever gone? Really fast, in the Porsche, for quite a few miles. I was trying to drive from Orange County, California to Denver, 1000 miles, in a day, when the ex had ALS and could no longer use the men's room alone. "Hey, sir, can you help him use the restroom?" was not going to happen. I know I would have been locked up if I had been stopped by LEO, but we left at 6 in the morning and were in Denver about 7:30 p.m. Of course we gained an hour in our travels.

One of daughter's fond memories of riding with her dad the speedometer clocking triple digits.

I was around Hot Springs, SD once, driving way over the speed limit. We met a Highway Patrolman, and he used a motion, pointing down, to let me know he knew I was speeding. I slowed down for a few minutes.
I happen to be a bit of a speed freak, so I love this.

The fastest I've ever gone? Really fast, in the Porsche, for quite a few miles. I was trying to drive from Orange County, California to Denver, 1000 miles, in a day, when the ex had ALS and could no longer use the men's room alone. "Hey, sir, can you help him use the restroom?" was not going to happen. I know I would have been locked up if I had been stopped by LEO, but we left at 6 in the morning and were in Denver about 7:30 p.m. Of course we gained an hour in our travels.

One of daughter's fond memories of riding with her dad the speedometer clocking triple digits.

I was around Hot Springs, SD once, driving way over the speed limit. We met a Highway Patrolman, and he used a motion, pointing down, to let me know he knew I was speeding. I slowed down for a few minutes.
132 MPH in the city on a 4 lane street. Of course I was in a police car at the time, I just had to make sure the supervisor was on the other side of town and that I did not crash. I also had to slow down before I got to the bump at the railroad tracks. We had just got the new Police Pursuit Package Chevrolet Caprice with the 5.7 LT1 engine and the old guy on our shift was also the training instructor for our annual driving class. He joked about how he took one up to 133 to see how it felt, well I was jealous and I did it myself that night. Of course back then the city was still small and that road rarely had any traffic on it at night and was straight and flat and wide. I was very nervous, not of the speed but if I crashed I would be out of a job. Many years later at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway they opened a road course where you could rent their vehicle and race around the course for a few laps. It is quite pricey and I was tempted but their top speed allowed was 130mph and I had already driven faster than that and also had many high speed Code 3 drives through the many city streets so I just didn't have the desire to spend the money on something I did many times prior on real city streets.

But, it is a rush.
My top speed ever was in 1978bwhen I worked at a Datusn dealer. Customer brought in his pretty new 1978 280Z complianing about his tail pipe turning red when he ran for very long over 150 MPH . He had been running at a circle track doing time trails, fully stock. Only way to test it was to try it. So me and the service writer hopped in and took off on a straight highway that at the time was rarely used. I hit 150 quickly and held it for 3 miles. Pulled over and yep you could damn near see thru the pipe. Glowing bright red. Phone poles were just zipping by.
Back to the shop and hooked up to the computer (totally new concept to me using fuel injection) and detuned it. He came back a week later and demanded we reset everything. Cost him 10 MPH. But the tail pipe no longer glowed.
My fastest car was a 76 mustang. 302, 4sp, with very high gearing and I hopped it up a little. It would top 140. But 1/4 mile times were bad. That 4 spd just didn'tT like 2nd gear with that kinda power. Top end though it would fly.
My fastest car was a 76 mustang. 302, 4sp, with very high gearing and I hopped it up a little. It would top 140. But 1/4 mile times were bad. That 4 spd just didn'tT like 2nd gear with that kinda power. Top end though it would fly.
My dad had a '53 Ford (no idea what model, probably a sedan) and the engine went bad so Ford replaced it but dad paid something like $30 or $50 more for the Mercury engine with 10 more horsepower. It was a 3 speed. He said with the Mercury engine he could take off in 2nd gear without a problem and when he would race it he took off in 2nd gear and when the other guy had to shift from first to second dad would pass him and pull away. Similar to how the Chevrolet 2 speed PowerGlide is popular in drag racing.

Ahhh, the good ol' days.
I've never owned a "fast" vehicle. I've had powerful vehicles, but they were so big and heavy they weren't fast. However my Mazda could corner with just about anything out there. I had a lot of fun dropping it from 6th to 3rd and then ripping around cloverleaf ramps, coming out of a 25mph ramp and grabbing gears before I hit 6th again at 80 on the freeway entrance. I scared my ol' pops half to death by taking a 25mph 2 lane curve, diving in at 50 and coming out at 70. He said that was too much fun for a man in his 80s...
Hashbrown: your trip brings back lots of fun memories for me! We've been to all those places too but long ago. Went to Devil's Tower in 2015 and it was very hot there. We were there for the 4th of July and grilled at the picnic area.
Estes Park : climbed most of Long's peak with 2 kids. They were the only kids up there
Sometimes I really miss being young and able to do those sort of things.

Speeding: LOL you guys are speed demons! I hated driving on the Autobahn in Germany without limits. I think I went 100 mph there once in a rented Audi and it scared the crap out of me....husband didn't want to drive there at all because he couldn't read the signs

Ok, have to work fast before the rain hits this morning
Yesterday I got the corner trim primed. Today I painted it. I woke up at 3 something in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Went out with a flashlight and started clearing some things out of the truck. I was looking for some caulk I bought that disappeared. Couldn't find it anywhere so I went to the store and bought more. It will turn up later I'm sure.

Saw a red-eared slider on the side of the road so I got out and nudged it off the road with my foot. It was very confused.

Got home from the store & put away groceries and stuff. Cleaned a new Brita filter pitcher and set it up.

I'm currently waiting for my friend to say if he's available today to help with the bathroom. I'm ready to get the surround up.

In other news which may not seem like a big deal to some but is exciting for me: I am now able to lift my left arm up from the side and bring it above my head without pushing or pulling with my other arm. Even a few days ago I couldn't do that. I can't get it completely straight up and down, but its still a lot of progress considering a few months ago I couldn't even lift it 2 inches from my side.

I'm letting my back rest a bit while Rupert is curled up on me. I'm about to take my meds and then maybe eat a salad. Rupert will probably protest but I'll make it up to him later.

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