What's everybody doing today?

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We're heading off to Sams in the big city after morning chores are done. Haven't been in a very long while. I have lots of housework to dos this afternoon, and putaways, I'm sure. Little granddaughter got the pool filter figured out yesterday, and she will be working on setting that up this afternoon. The neighbor amish boy did the mowing yesterday, so everything looks nice and cut clean. Big fowl sale (auction) tonight, but don't think I'll make it. It's hard for husband to go to an event like that anymore. Jordan's Harvest on youtube will film it though, and I'll watch later.
Managed to be off yet another Friday (4 in a row). Doing laundry, cleaning my house, mowing, cleaning the inside of my truck (😮), poisoning fire ants, and a little pool float time later. Also checking in with a few of my elderly friends. Will also try to get a bunch of carpet cleaning jobs scheduled for next month!!
Yesterday when I was working the fence I found several dead Doug fir trees. They'll make a lot of firewood, just need to figure out how to get them down off the hill. Wish I still had my draft horses.
My dad had a team of Belgian draft horses when I was a kid! They could get into places a tractor never could!!
I disagree. When I went to the Rapid City and Mount Rushmore area I thought it was all beautiful and I even had the thought of moving there. My ex, not so much, but she is my ex so take that with a grain of salt. I hope to revisit the area in the next year or two.
I think the area around Deadwood is beautiful, especially headed from Deadwood into Wyoming!

Walked first thing, this morning.
Mixed up two gallons of baked beans and baked them for funeral meal at Church today. That is where I will be most of the morning and afternoon (serving and cleaning up).
Maybe pick up more branches.
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I disagree. When I went to the Rapid City and Mount Rushmore area I thought it was all beautiful and I even had the thought of moving there. My ex, not so much, but she is my ex so take that with a grain of salt. I hope to revisit the area in the next year or two.
I liked SD also. We went there several times. Black hills, gold mining, Mount Rushmore, Badlands, and several interesting tourist traps ( Wall and the corn palace)
Hiked up the high point of SD in the Black Hills
The Black Hills are nice, there are some sweet ranch properties up there, but I imagine they're expensive if you're looking to buy. Another area I like is around Vedauwoo and the Medicine Bow National Forest, that area is absolutely gorgeous! :cool:

While figuring out where to put these various posters, framed pictures, etc, I noticed a few holidays I missed, so today I'll be painting those and putting up artwork. Warm day out already, so I'm glad to be indoors... ;)

While I was watering this morning, I noticed that my entire yard is swarming with those gnats I mentioned... there must be a million of 'em, lol. Fortunately, most are far enough away from the home to not cause any problems, it's only the ones close up under the windows that eventually breach the defenses. I'm beginning to think that this is one of those years when environmental conditions are just right for gnat infestation: we had no such infestation this time last year. :oops:

Oh, well, they won't last forever, and only so many make it all the way into the home. I can live with that, knowing that they'll soon be done. I never did use the flamethrower, and now it's too breezy to use it (don't want flying sparks), so I'm just gonna file this info away for future use, and not allow the weeds to grow under my windows. Once the nutrients provided by the decaying weeds are used up, the bugs will disappear... I hope, lol. 😬
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Trying to get my second wind with a cup of coffee. We did morning chores, then Sams Club. Not quite a cart full there, and $700 later. Wow. We don't go there often at all. Then to our little town to the post office, and the feed store, and the first of the farmer's market of the season. It's busy in town today because of the monthly fowl sale going on, lots of out of towners, some even from Oklahoma come in to buy. So unloaded 450 lbs of feed, got the meat we bought at sams wrapped and put in the freezer, and still have putaways. A neighbor came by to pick up some turkey eggs to try in his incubator. Offered duck eggs for me to do when I have the time. I'll be puttin g in a different neighbor's turkey eggs and duck eggs tomorrow. That'll take 28 days, if they're fertile. The neighbor that was over is setting up rabbits for breeding tomorrow...he knows I want another male unrelated to the rabbits I have, so I'll get one soon enough. He just hatched 60 chicks, and was thinking about raising them instead of selling them for meat, so we talked about that. I do that. We don't sell our roosters, we eat them. Skipping out on the fowl sale tonight, keeping husband company. We'll make some pizzas and watch more of The Chosen. Am enjoying it.
I disagree. When I went to the Rapid City and Mount Rushmore area I thought it was all beautiful and I even had the thought of moving there. My ex, not so much, but she is my ex so take that with a grain of salt. I hope to revisit the area in the next year or two.
I think it depends upon where you are driving from. I have had many people tell me it was the most boring place to drive. I love it there, and would like to live there again. Rapid City is a great small city. I have an aunt and uncle as well as a brother who live there. I also know many people who live there. It is a conservative state, but not as conservative as it used to be.
We'll make some pizzas and watch more of The Chosen. Am enjoying it.
I'm wondering when The Chosen first started? I was talking to someone about the Marlboro Man, the man from my home county who was also an actor. I then decided to reread his obituary and saw that he played a Roman soldier in the beginning of the Chosen series on television. I think he has been deceased since 2019. Person I was talking to said there was something done about him, maybe a documentary, talking about his cancer. I looked for it and can't find it. He never smoked, but was the face of Marlboro cigarettes. He was a cowboy who was a rodeo man who rode in rodeos for a long time. He was also a Christian.
While I was watering this morning, I noticed that my entire yard is swarming with those gnats I mentioned... there must be a million of 'em, lol. Fortunately, most are far enough away from the home to not cause any problems, it's only the ones close up under the windows that eventually breach the defenses. I'm beginning to think that this is one of those years when environmental conditions are just right for gnat infestation: we had no such infestation this time last year. :oops:

Oh, well, they won't last forever, and only so many make it all the way into the home. I can live with that, knowing that they'll soon be done. I never did use the flamethrower, and now it's too breezy to use it (don't want flying sparks), so I'm just gonna file this info away for future use, and not allow the weeds to grow under my windows. Once the nutrients provided by the decaying weeds are used up, the bugs will disappear... I hope, lol. 😬
You might consider spraying a natural oil around the windows and doors. My first thought is to try Tea Tree oil diluted with rubbing alcohol, it works great for mosquitoes which is what I first started using it for but it would also work for ticks and flies and other undesirables.

10 parts rubbing alcohol to 1 part Tea Tree oil. Shake well and lightly spray. I first used it camping with family and friends in Michigan years ago. A light mist on arms and legs and neck and then a mist on any clothing and they stay away. I even sprayed a mist on the grass around our chairs at the campfire and it chased most of them out of the large area. The first night me and my kids and one of my sisters used my spray, the others used their various store bought stuff. The next night about 15 of the others came over for me to spray them, the rest of the week everyone lined up after dinner for me to mist them with the "good stuff". I was fortunate enough to find a 10 ounce bottle of rubbing alcohol with a spray top, I think it was at a Meijer's, similar to a WalMart. I just poured an ounce of the Tea Tree oil in that bottle and shook it a bit and then when needed use alcohol out of the cheaper, larger bottles to top it off adding an appropriate amount of oil at the same time.
EDIT: I forgot to mention you can dab this mixture on Mosquito bites and it will reduce the itch considerably. I also use it on scratches and minor cuts, and around here we have Spider Mites in the bark of the Juniper (cedar) trees and when I cut and clear or work around those trees I sometimes get bites that end up like a pimple and are very annoying. A dab of the mixture clear them up within a day or two as well.
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I think it depends upon where you are driving from. I have had many people tell me it was the most boring place to drive. I love it there, and would like to live there again. Rapid City is a great small city. I have an aunt and uncle as well as a brother who live there. I also know many people who live there. It is a conservative state, but not as conservative as it used to be.
That is true, some people may not enjoy the wide open "plain" desert areas and get the mindset that the entire state is ugly.
This is the next corner post I'm going to start on tomorrow. It should go pretty easy. I can drive my 4 wheeler and trailer to within 300 yards of it, then I have to carry the posts, tools and barb wire the rest of the way.
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I would be too distracted by the view to accomplish anything but meditation.
Got a good bit done on the coop today. Hoping to have it finished by tomorrow evening so I can get the chicks moved over. Work on finishing the run this weekend if the the weather holds. May meet with a couples gals from work this weekend for margaritas. I've been told by multiple people that I'm spending too much time alone with my grief :rolleyes: like dang it's barely been 3 weeks
Spend whatever time you need on your grief. There’s no “use by date” on it.
I just got back from taking my daughter to state testing. We left at 6:30 this morning. She finished at 10:00 am. On the way back, the belt on our car broke on the interstate. We have the car tow; they want $1,000 to put a belt on. They tried to sell me a pulley that we didn't need. We call our friend he put the belt on for free. We have an old belt in the car. It paid off not to throw our old belt away. Time we got home the belt broke in the yard. Tomorrow our local mechanic is going to put a belt on tomorrow. It was a long stressful day.
I saw SD long ago, don't remember much but the open country. I was military and traveling on orders. Payday came so I stopped at an airforce base near rapid city and got a partial pay in cash. They announced several times... 'Sergeant Smith'. They were calling me but I didn't realize it. I was navy, wasn't called "sergeant". Finally dawned on me... 😲

Saw mt rushmore on the 4th of july, had a big fireworks display that evening.
I saw SD long ago, don't remember much but the open country. I was military and traveling on orders. Payday came so I stopped at an airforce base near rapid city and got a partial pay in cash. They announced several times... 'Sergeant Smith'. They were calling me but I didn't realize it. I was navy, wasn't called "sergeant". Finally dawned me... 😲

Saw mt rushmore on the 4th of july, had a big fireworks display that evening.
The last time I was here was 1975
Got enough of the coop finished that I was able to move them in this evening. Will continue working on it and the run this weekend. Just glad I could finally get them off the front porch, they were making such a mess being in a dog crate. Still looking like maybe I got lucky and only 1 of my 8 straight run chicks is a rooster 🤞 that would make me so happy because then I wouldn't have to get rid of any. Also ran to the TSC in small town to get feed and salt blocks. Was very tempted by the chicks, they had Easter Egger pullets, but talked myself out of it. There's always next year lol
I went to my daughter's dress rehearsal for her dance recital tonight. I decided I would go to the rehearsal and take a metric crap ton of pictures. That way I can just sit back and enjoy the show at the recital tomorrow. One of her routines is for a song from the musical "Hamilton" and her costume looks kind of like the singer Prince from the 80s...🤣

She's doing a Pointe routine too. I'm so proud of how much she has improved since her freshman year...
Spend whatever time you need on your grief. There’s no “use by date” on it.
It's not that they think I need to get over my grief yet. They just all think that it's not good for me to turn it inward. I have a tendency to internalize feelings and emotions and retreat into myself. They don't think it's healthy to isolate myself. I have to force myself to eat at least once a day and drink water. I'm not just heartbroken, he took my heart with him. I don't see any point in living without him. And before anyone gets alarmed, I'm not going to unalive myself or anything, I just have to force myself not to curl in a ball and give up.
ABR, I know that feeling. It really really sucks but eventually it gets better. There are still some bad days, but it gets easier to cope. People can be well-meaning, but many really don't get it. It's like how people seem to think a person can just get over depression by walking it off or something. It can be frustrating when people are pushing and you just want to not feel anything anymore.

I'm trying to catch up. Heat has been getting to me and keeping me exhausted. Been using Mistplay while playing games and earning points to get gift cards. I've got enough for a $5 amazon card thus far.

I need to do some cleaning when it isn't too hot. Got my brother to lift a trash bag out of the trash can for me in the kitchen (I couldn't lift it by myself). It was so heavy that I couldn't lift it afterward and had to drag it.

Got the PVC boards painted but not happy with the texture bc the roller covers I got sucked.

Friend's daughter had her appendectomy & is feeling a lot better.

Brain doesn't want to work anymore right now.
It's not that they think I need to get over my grief yet. They just all think that it's not good for me to turn it inward. I have a tendency to internalize feelings and emotions and retreat into myself. They don't think it's healthy to isolate myself. I have to force myself to eat at least once a day and drink water. I'm not just heartbroken, he took my heart with him. I don't see any point in living without him. And before anyone gets alarmed, I'm not going to unalive myself or anything, I just have to force myself not to curl in a ball and give up.
You’ve got good friends.

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