What's everybody doing today?

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My brother actually emptied the kitchen trash and took it out. He didn't pick up the stuff that spilled though. I took trash out of the living room but need to take it outside. He brought in a water case and I brought in 2 cases. He went to the store with me for groceries. I was still feeling cruddy so he did most of the scanning and bagging & he loaded the cold stuff into the cooler. I put non-cold stuff in the back seat.

Got home and I pulled the meat off the bones of the rotisserie chicken. Set some aside for Mom to eat right away- she likes the thighs. Also set aside the wings for my brother because he likes them. Doggies got to eat the skin and the tougher meat. Watched the local news and am about to take a nap.

There were 4 cats on my bed when I came back. Aminatu was in my spot but she moved when she realized I was trying to get to that spot. She's now clinging to my arm. Fippy just came in and climbed up on the bed. Princess is already in the spot he usually claims, but at least he's not growling.

Don't feel as bad as I did earlier but am still tired.
Is Princess a boy? If so, that’s funny. I knew an old gal who had a cat named Heshe because when she got him as a kitten she didn’t know which he was so didn’t know what to call him. That was her solution.
Finished prepping 300 brass cases for my 9mm. Started to re-adjust my 9mm dies, as I plan to load much heavier bullets for it (165 grain). Tomorrow I will start loading some test rounds. I will start with CFE Pistol @ 3.0 grains and move up 3/10th (0.3) of a grains until I start to see pressure signs. Once I find my maximum safe load, I will reload several hundred rounds. Next week I will do a range visit and test out my reloads and the new shotgun.
What grain were you loading? I thought 165 was pretty low.
What grain were you loading? I thought 165 was pretty low.
Typical 9mm is 115 and 124 grain. I loaded a few 124 and 147 grain bullets but wanted to move to a more subsonic round. 165 grain 9mm bullets are not even in the Hornaday reloading manual (10th Edition). I am having to guesstimate the powder charge. One reason I am starting out at such a low powder charge. 3.0 grains. 165 grain bullets are a very heavy bullet for a 9mm.
Typical 9mm is 115 and 124 grain. I loaded a few 124 and 147 grain bullets but wanted to move to a more subsonic round. 165 grain 9mm bullets are not even in the Hornaday reloading manual (10th Edition). I am having to guesstimate the powder charge. One reason I am starting out at such a low powder charge. 3.0 grains. 165 grain bullets are a very heavy bullet for a 9mm.
Ah ha. I don’t have much experience with 9mm so that makes sense. It’s kinda fun testing different loads in different firesticks.
Is Princess a boy? If so, that’s funny. I knew an old gal who had a cat named Heshe because when she got him as a kitten she didn’t know which he was so didn’t know what to call him. That was her solution.
I had a boy cat named Isabella! He got tossed out at dark, he found us at Hubby's shop, didn't see balls, assumed he was a girl! I think he liked his name, he always came running when called!!
Husband's eye surgery went fine yesterday, just took most of the day before we got home. Today was a marathon day, and I'm wiped out. He had a recheck on his eye early morning, the to the lab for bloodwork, then to the pharmacy pickup, then for a flu shot. Then home to make him breakfast and get some animal chores done, but not all of them. Had to leave again at 10:45 for another doc appt recheck with his pulmonologist. Ran in and grabbed Aldi's butter special (limit 6, at $2.49 a lb). Home again by 12:30, an hr more of animal chores, then lunch at that point. I was starving. Three days of this craziness. He's fine, just very grouchy. Tomorrow afternoon is little granddaughter's Tdap shot she's evidentally missing (according to the school nurse), another lab visit for husband, and I might as well fill a cart at Aldi since it's around the corner from the lab. I'm wishing for a day at home. One of these days.
So, hey, Urban, how is your wife? You said she was cleaning out her sewing stuff, so that's a good sign.
That is so much, @Amish Heart
I'd have skipped the butter though.
@LadyLocust I'm so glad you can remember what is going on here and with whom.
@Bacpacker I hope it wasn't some hidden ailment or condition that is wrong with your co-worker and glad he got to take the day off.
Fell asleep through part of my zoom meeting, good thing I had decided to put it on no video of me. No, it wasn't work, just some educational stuff for photography. I have fallen behind.
Yesterday at work was super weird. Fire alarm, suspicious characters, people being arrested, and other jaw dropping activities. Today was calm.
Is Princess a boy? If so, that’s funny. I knew an old gal who had a cat named Heshe because when she got him as a kitten she didn’t know which he was so didn’t know what to call him. That was her solution.
We named our dumped kitten Charlie so it would work out either way. Turned out to be a boy.
Have we heard from @Amish Heart today. Hope all is going well with Hubby’s eye surgery. Which on that note @UrbanHunter is Mrs UH recovering more to both of your liking? Who was the third person with eye surgery? Was that Snappy’s husband’s but then he fell?
Not my DH. He fell but that's it. Still doing well!
Another day in my chair, can’t wait for a little energy. Got so much to do! Still battling the kitchen, keeping dishes washed at least. Played a little music this evening, watched some tv.

I’m glad all the eye surgeries went well. Mine were 2yrs apart. Went alone for the second one, they did a local. Stayed at a Hilton a block away. Drove myself back from Birmingham the next day. No issues and I’m very glad I did it. My vision is better than when I was a kid, further than 3ft. Less than 3ft, not so good, no reading small print or much of anything. I have readers now. I ended up getting the half lens. Liked them so well I bought a pair for every room in the house. Now if they could only help my memory. 😁
Is Princess a boy? If so, that’s funny. I knew an old gal who had a cat named Heshe because when she got him as a kitten she didn’t know which he was so didn’t know what to call him. That was her solution.
Princess is female but the other dog, Fippy, is male. He's in Mom's room right now so I can have some peace and quiet without him snapping and complaining. He used to only sleep with her until we took him with us to visit my sister. We had to share a bed & he slept between us. So now he sleeps in my room part of the time and then wants to go into her room. Her door stays shut so he can't just go in when he wants and my door is broken so he'll get in my bed even when I'm not in my room. Same with the cats. They like to sleep on my bed.
I’m glad all the eye surgeries went well. Mine were 2yrs apart. Went alone for the second one, they did a local. Stayed at a Hilton a block away. Drove myself back from Birmingham the next day. No issues and I’m very glad I did it. My vision is better than when I was a kid, further than 3ft. Less than 3ft, not so good, no reading small print or much of anything. I have readers now. I ended up getting the half lens. Liked them so well I bought a pair for every room in the house. Now if they could only help my memory. 😁
Yeah, the replacement cyborg lenses are fixed-focus. They ask you if you want to see better up-close, or distant without glasses. You have to choose one.
When we are young, our lenses are pliable and can thicken up in the middle allowing us to look at something close up. Everybody's lenses get less pliable after we pass age 40 anyway. IE: why older people complain their arms are 'not long enough' anymore.
Mine are just like yours, 3-feet out to 300-yards, perfect. Need readers up close, just like before.
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Been splitting firewood all day. The wife is using the tractor and stacking it in the wood shed. We have about 2 more cords to split and 3 more cords to cut down.
We took a break today and drove up the hill looking for some dead doug fir trees.
Here's the view to the west.
View attachment 119340
Interesting story about the guy who "discovered" Douglas fir tree?

He was a biologist from jolly old England and attended an expedition before the westward expansion to find a route into California. He fell into a pit the Klamath Indians dig to catch wild game. He was rescued by the other members of the expedition. Fast forward years later, he was on another expedition in the Hawaii islands. Fell in another pit! That time was fatal.
Walked first.
Fed dogs and put them in bedroom.
Handyman here again.
May walk dogs if they go to lunch. Tomorrow should be raining.
Will write military friend as that hasn't been done.
Go to local bank after handyman leaves.
Make muffins if I have any motivation left.
Bible study this evening.
Woke up under a pile of cats & dogs. Fippy was actually being friendly and crawled toward me while wagging his tail. Got up and fed the kitties. Fippy is back asleep next to me, some of the cats have migrated back in to snuggle. Princess is hiding under a pillow or blanket somewhere. Adjusted the USB hub holding the dongle for my wireless mouse so it has better line of sight-- was having signal issues with it.

Found out that the polling place will be closed on Friday due to some BS so I'm waiting for Mom to wake up so we can take her ballot in. I was mistaken about dates for the polls due to being tired when I read my calendar.

Need to pick up mail as well.
"Day off" ish today, yesterday we cleaned, sorted and packed the lower kitchen cabinets, a truckload went to "clutter 2care" a local place that sells/rehomes thrift items and donates the proceeds to local charities.

Packed 4 more bags into the car today for C2C, a couple more and I'm calling it quits :p
Went to the Amish store to buy flour and some other baking stuff. Found some buttermilk powder I have never used before. A lot of baking recipes ask for a small amount of buttermilk, so I never use up the half gallon it comes in, so this might work better
All the animals are in, supposed to rain and then get cold, one of the goat bucks didn't want in, and headbutted everything in his way, including me ( not hard)
Baked pretzels , son requested some
ordered stuff to fix bathroom
The granddaughter begged her way out of tutor time so I returned to the generator project. While the owners manual seems to have been written in English, it is sadly lacking in details. I followed what assembly instructions and was still looking at a pile of left over parts.

That makes it a fun project trying to match up the parts with the exploded view. I am convinced I mounted the brackets for the handles upside down. And then there are the four large flat washer that I guess should fit on the axles but are not shown in the exploded diagram.

So I have more fun scheduled for tomorrow.

A trip to the little town for lunch and a few groceries. Felt a little better today, had some energy. Oh, found my cell phone. It’d been missing 3 or 4 days before I noticed, sometime last week. No cell service where I live so I have a land line, use it about as often as I do the cell.

No plans but a little tv this evening... and a little music. :)
The granddaughter begged her way out of tutor time so I returned to the generator project. While the owners manual seems to have been written in English, it is sadly lacking in details. I followed what assembly instructions and was still looking at a pile of left over parts.

That makes it a fun project trying to match up the parts with the exploded view. I am convinced I mounted the brackets for the handles upside down. And then there are the four large flat washer that I guess should fit on the axles but are not shown in the exploded diagram.

So I have more fun scheduled for tomorrow.

Did you try pulling up the model on youtube?
The granddaughter begged her way out of tutor time so I returned to the generator project. While the owners manual seems to have been written in English, it is sadly lacking in details. I followed what assembly instructions and was still looking at a pile of left over parts.

That makes it a fun project trying to match up the parts with the exploded view. I am convinced I mounted the brackets for the handles upside down. And then there are the four large flat washer that I guess should fit on the axles but are not shown in the exploded diagram.

So I have more fun scheduled for tomorrow.


The directions for blind I mounted on Tuesday, followed to the last detail, had absolutely no relation to REALITY. 2 vet techs came in to check when I threw the instructions out the door :p. Then I did it the right way, Improvise, Adapt, OVERCOME. They may, or may not, have an expanded vocabulary :p

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