What's everybody doing today?

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my back hurts uggh!
Wrestled with a sheep to trim her hoofs yesterday. She has bad hoofs that grow crooked if left alone for too long. THEN wrestled with Otto to trim his nails. It took all 3 of us to hold him to do it. Anyone have any tricks to get dogs to cooperate with nail trimming?

It rained last night but done now so everyone goes back out and we have lots of cleaning to do , if my back cooperates. But in my experience keeping working is the best thing for a sore back, or doing yoga. If I just sit and do nothing it tends to get worse

Hope everyone that is sick gets better soon!!!
my back hurts uggh!
Wrestled with a sheep to trim her hoofs yesterday. She has bad hoofs that grow crooked if left alone for too long. THEN wrestled with Otto to trim his nails. It took all 3 of us to hold him to do it. Anyone have any tricks to get dogs to cooperate with nail trimming?

It rained last night but done now so everyone goes back out and we have lots of cleaning to do , if my back cooperates. But in my experience keeping working is the best thing for a sore back, or doing yoga. If I just sit and do nothing it tends to get worse

Hope everyone that is sick gets better soon!!!
Yes!! Front legs, hold the dog's legs right behind the elbow and squeeze, they can't move that leg. Same for the back. Smack the tar out of him if he doesn't cooperate, you are the boss not the dog! Basic obedience commands should always be taught, down and stay are effective in this situation!
@LadyLocust I hope you get feeling better soon. I feel you on the mouth breathing. It sucks! It amazes me the amount of mucus our bodies can create. Like an endless font of snot.

@sonya123 Hope your back feels better soon. Back pain is no fun. Sounds like wrestling with critters was rough. That is one thing I don't miss about having livestock. But you're doing good work.

Feeling ok today. Still producing a lot of mucus but its thicker. Going to use the simply saline later on. Could be feeling a lot worse. I think resting has been helping. Mom seems to be feeling better and was up watching Youtube videos until the wee hours of the morning. My brother also seems to be feeling better.

My sister reported that she feels terrible but hopefully after she sees the doctor and gets some medicine she'll feel better.

Got a curbside order set up for 11am.
After being gone all day long yesterday, with just a little sleep....I'm back in action. Got a full 8 hrs sleep, and not leaving the farm at all today. Lots of animal chores, and little granddaughter can help. Lots of house cleaning, too, before company comes Tuesday night. I hear you, Sonya, it's clean and clean again. Mostly the upstairs just gets a bit dusty, and doing the floors, but I probably need to clean the upstairs windows, and there's a million of thing. Waiting to hear more from my cousin Wanda. Her brother, my other cousin Rodney, in his late 50's, up and had a heart attack. Was not breathing for awhile, and is not awake, on a ventilator. They are worried about brain damage if he comes around. In ICU. It's my mom's sister's family, and it's been a bad year. The one daughter died this year of cancer, then their mom (my aunt), and the other sis is in bad shape and is on home medical care, and now this. I'm feeling for them. It's been too much of a year for them. Wanda will come for my mom's bday tomorrow at the manor, and she always comes for Thanksgiving and Christmas at our place.
My mom will be 91 tomorrow, and she thinks she's 38!
Today is one of our daughter's birthday....she's 31 today
I've been up since 5 am..tried to sleep in a bit because next week I'll be going to work at 6pm!
I dislike shifting my schedule like this in only 2 days. It is possible we might not even be able to run next week at all, so maybe I'll get more time to shift myself.
We ran out of small diameter logs to saw on our small side machines..the big log side is still broken down and the electrical issues with one machine is holding the mill up.
I'm ok with that though..I'm tired and could use a break.
Today, I will enjoy walking my pups, I'm going to put a small stack of hay bales in my garden. The elk will enjoy the bales and I'm hoping they will crap all over the garden like they did in my other field where they ate down the haybale I had out there.
Anyways, outside stuff today before it rains tonight..no snow here yet..
I've been up since 5 am..tried to sleep in a bit because next week I'll be going to work at 6pm!
I dislike shifting my schedule like this in only 2 days. It is possible we might not even be able to run next week at all, so maybe I'll get more time to shift myself.
We ran out of small diameter logs to saw on our small side machines..the big log side is still broken down and the electrical issues with one machine is holding the mill up.
I'm ok with that though..I'm tired and could use a break.
Today, I will enjoy walking my pups, I'm going to put a small stack of hay bales in my garden. The elk will enjoy the bales and I'm hoping they will crap all over the garden like they did in my other field where they ate down the haybale I had out there.
Anyways, outside stuff today before it rains tonight..no snow here yet..
I HATED rotating shifts. There is of course a story that goes with that, but it was decades ago , not sure anybody is still alive to remember it but me :(
Left home at 3am mountain time for the Vegas airport, arrived in Reno about 9am pacific time, early check in for the hotel. I am now resting in my room watching the Michigan game. It is almost half time so time for a hot bath to relax my back. 1:30 is my sons high school state championship football game, thankfully it might not rain but I am prepared.
After the game the teams drives on the bus back to Vegas and I am here alone and bored for the night.
Hopefully I can find a good dinner and a couple drinks tonight.


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Burning a brush pile, wife is hurting and still sleeping up all night. Decided to sweep and mop kitchen and a bathroom for her. Find the mop buckets, clean the mop buckets (use two), move everything, then sweep, then mop, rinse the mop, then mop, then move everything back, then clean mop, and then put up cleaning supplies. We have kids coming in, knew wife would to it and hurt more. To everyone that mops my hat off to you that is a lot of work. I would rather mow and weed eat the 3 acres than do that. Now my back and shoulder is hurting.
Hey PeePaw, I clean for a living, doing an excellent job is TOUGH work!! Just got done doing some cleaning here at home, just what I wanted to do after a hard week of cleaning for others!! Taking a fast lunch break! Heading outside to do a few things next, beautiful day, almost 70°, sun and clouds!
Got some laundry done overnight,
Well, that would have been a good idea! If I had thought of it.

Walked first this morning.
Picked up trash from Church parking lot.
Hit Family Dollar.
Cleaned the cat cage (sleeping only) and did floors.
Made burgers for dinner.
Going to start my 2024 calendar in a few minutes.
Can't sleep 😕 Sigh
Sometimes I can’t get to sleep or back to sleep until 3 or 4 a.m. either @snappy1 , having to get up between 6:30 and 7:30, then off to work. I ran out of vitamin D and should probably be taking potassium or magnesium.
Strange I’m doing ok. Hope you can settle in for the night early
That really stinks, Lady L, but glad to hear you're sniffing again!
The nutso neighbor (Levi's dad) on the side of our property...has one acre and alot of junk all over his property...he decided to burn late afternoon, and we didn't know it. I had gone out to the porch and saw massive flames near our tree line, and things are really dry here. Called the volunteer fire dept, and a guy came out and got it under control. Don't know what he was thinking, I don't think he was thinking. Little granddaughter went over while we were calling, to bang on the door. Went to the back where the burn was, and it had already jumped to a bale of alfalfa. He had a 15 ft tall fire going, had a garden hose with not much pressure.
Had our own Joining the Panderverse moment today.

The kitchen faucet has been leaking for a week or so if not firmly turned off. K asked if I could order a new one so he could replace it. I said they are over $100 to replace but we could fix it for a lot less. He didn't believe me until I pulled out the garage copy of the household repairs book and showed him the page. It is an old book from the 70s but it is the same edition as the one my dad has and I grew up using. He got it fixed for a few bucks and now he knows it isn't as hard as he though. It just needed a new cartridge.

K grew up that you replace rather than fix things. His dad was a jerk who would have rather spent his time betting on the ponies than making needed repairs around the house for his family (or even paying someone to make the repair). I grew up 'helping' my dad with his honey-do list fixing all the little crap around the house from sweating pipes to repairing gutters on a 2 story house. I wanted Roo to help K but since he wasn't sure he was going to make the repair without breaking something I was his second pair of hands. Next time I am going to insist Roo helps her dad.
Yes!! Front legs, hold the dog's legs right behind the elbow and squeeze, they can't move that leg. Same for the back. Smack the tar out of him if he doesn't cooperate, you are the boss not the dog! Basic obedience commands should always be taught, down and stay are effective in this situation!
Yeah, we're still working on being obedient ALL the time not just when he feels like it....Heidi was much better at that but he is still young, I think she listened better as she got a little older maybe at least 2
Almost 3am, going to try to go back to sleep for an hour or so! Still in my crazy sleep pattern! Will clean my building today. Still have laundry to put away from yesterday. Will trim Bear's nails, polish mine. Have more cleaning I can do if it really rains, we will see!
I wished you could come to our house....I need help cleaning AND trimming dog nails....
Seriously, I think cleaning the house is harder than cleaning the barn. Spent half a day yesterday cleaning the guest bedroom , including things like taking down curtains and washing them by hand in sink and cleaning windows. We use that room for farmers market stuff mostly and storage so everything had to be moved out and upstairs in a different building

Today going to finish that room
put animals out and clean barn, we put them all in , sheep too , very cold this morning , about 20. I guess winter is now really here
Doesn't help that it gets dark so early , I seem to run out of time every day
We don't have proper lighting in the house except in the kitchen so nothing gets done after dark, and I sleep 9 hours a night in winter
O dark thirty again, can't wait for longer days....have the general malais and coughing going around.......I just chalk it up to a disturbance in the force...
When everybody else wakes up I am going to install our new dish washer from lowes. $389 for the cheapest with stainless steel innards. I used to get them from the Re Use
it store for $35 but they stopped selling them since they had so many duds donated.
I was shoveling heavy sandy gravel with big rocks in it for hours yesterday. I thought my right arm was going to fall off. It didn't, and I was awake massaging it many times last night. It's good to go for round two today.

The previous owner built the barn in a low spot and water pools in it making the barn useless. The only way to get the gravel in, is by five gal bucket. I am half done. I have to finish it before the gravel freezes up. Need to put french drains around the barn in the spring. We are still droughting so it's a good time to fix drainage issues.
I'm still recuperating. Got a curbside order of lots of soup and stuff from Walmart yesterday. Today I'm having muscle pain in my back and feeling tired. Mom has been nauseous so I have to keep checking on her and making sure she's hydrated enough.

I'm going to wait a couple of hours to go meet with my friend at Walmart. Give him some time to wake up and also time to take my meds. Waiting for naprosyn to kick in for my back.
The Princess was in prep for Thanksgiving mode. I did manage to tempt her away shelling chestnut with trip to the orchard on The Ridge using the side by side. Most of the leaves are down but some of the garlic I planted the end of September are up.


There some sign of what I suspect are wild turkey disturbances. We spent the first few minutes finding cloves that were unearthed and replanted them. Rather than nice rows and columns those will be growing in a chaotic mess.

We sat and discussed pruning the fruit trees and prepping other beds for onions in the spring. While apple trees are chaotic pear trees want to race to the sky. What do they call it? Water sprouts?

But then the sun was setting so we came home to continue our Tolkien marathon. Did Rings of Power series and completed The Hobbit trilogy last night.

Today, church was a bust. The wife was a little upset about missing out. Then it's back to laundry... the wife had some girls help clean her bathroom, they used some harsh chemicals, and put them in the laundry without rinsing them out... it ended up bleaching out some of the nice towels that the wife uses.... She was not happy... I did the laundry so it must have been something I did... After my reprimand I was not happy :(

My recliner died today, it has been sick, but when it tipped over backwards with me in it... it died... I will give it a nice landfill funeral.. I had repaired it at least 5 times over 30 years, we got it second hand, so it lived a long life....
- Correction: upon disassembly I discovered some missing screws and realized that I could repair said chair... So it get a reprieve.. and I saved a buck! 8 wood screws are much less expensive that a recliner for the man cave... ;)

I cut the tip of my finger on the wife's wheel chair at the doctors office on Friday, every time it starts to heal it breaks open again, it's a small annoying cut about 3/8" long, so today I broke down, cleaned it well, wiped it with alcohol, and super glued it closed, then applied a bandage after it dried, let's see it break open again now.... Did I ever tell you that my family says I'm a little course?

I read about the cantaloupe salmonella recall this morning, sick people reported in 15 US states and Canada... Not good. That is why we grow much of our own salad stuff..
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