What's everybody doing today?

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@Neb Ben sounds like the garden lives year round at your place. LOTR sounds good. What’s your favorite movie snack?
@UrbanHunter glad you got your favorite chair fixed. I need to sit in my recliner more often, good for the legs. I’ve got some laundry to do also. Sorry about your cut.
@Amish Heart happy birthday to your mom. Hope that’s a good time. Glad youngest granddaughter is doing so well. You made all the difference, and she keeps making good choices.
@Neb Ben sounds like the garden lives year round at your place. LOTR sounds good. What’s your favorite movie snack?
@UrbanHunter glad you got your favorite chair fixed. I need to sit in my recliner more often, good for the legs. I’ve got some laundry to do also. Sorry about your cut.
@Amish Heart happy birthday to your mom. Hope that’s a good time. Glad youngest granddaughter is doing so well. You made all the difference, and she keeps making good choices.

Garlics freaks me out growing through the snow. We don't snack during movies.

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I've been up since 5 am..tried to sleep in a bit because next week I'll be going to work at 6pm!
I dislike shifting my schedule like this in only 2 days. It is possible we might not even be able to run next week at all, so maybe I'll get more time to shift myself.
We ran out of small diameter logs to saw on our small side machines..the big log side is still broken down and the electrical issues with one machine is holding the mill up.
I'm ok with that though..I'm tired and could use a break.
Today, I will enjoy walking my pups, I'm going to put a small stack of hay bales in my garden. The elk will enjoy the bales and I'm hoping they will crap all over the garden like they did in my other field where they ate down the haybale I had out there.
Anyways, outside stuff today before it rains tonight..no snow here yet..
Well, the temp here is upper 30's, but the wind's blowing at 25 mi/hr (gusts to 45). Finally dragged myself out of bed ~8:30 and did the critters, then went to Twin Falls to get baking supplies. Now it's staying at home brining the turkey, baking a coupla sourdough loaves, and just squaring the place away.

A quiet, lazy day, no big chores, no guilt -- retirement definitely has its privileges.
Today, I fed the animals around 6 a.m. After that, we went to church and stopped by the house of my first cousin, who was killed in a shooting. Then, we visited the flea market and ran into an old friend named Bobby, who took us to Golden Corral. We talked about old times, and I had the chance to discuss prepping with him. He seemed open to the idea!
I read about the cantaloupe salmonella recall this morning, sick people reported in 15 US states and Canada... Not good. That is why we grow much of our own salad stuff..
our dogs have been eating salmonella dog food , so far nobody sick. I wonder if we get a refund if we take the remaining 2 bags back
After Jake got off stand this morning he and I went to Home Depot and bought mulch. We got over a 100 bags put down in our landscape beds and blew, burnt and mulched leaves the rest of the day. This old man is dragging ass tonight.

We had a few inches of snow yesterday and a high temp of 33 degs. Whenever we have a storm, or heavy cloud cover, we lose what little cell service we have here, sometimes for days at a time.
We gave away a few of our roosters yesterday too.
Haven't been feeling well for the last couple of days, and it's too early to tell how I feel today.
The dog woke me at 4.00 this morning because he was cold. Seems the fire went out. Got it going again. It'll take awhile to warm the house up again. When it gets light out I'll get a fire going in the smoke house and make some jerky. I made a marinade yesterday and soaked a few pounds of meat strips overnight.
Later today me and the grandson are going to take the wife's Grand Cherokee down and get the studded tires put on. We'll both get haircuts and have lunch while we're waiting on the tire change out.
The wife is going to a tea party (hen party) in town with some of her friends later today.
It sure is! Pitch dark out still.
Taking the girls to school in about an hour. Husband has appt in the bigger town with the ENT. Only appt this week, thankfully. Maybe pick up prescriptions for him after, and maybe Dollar Tree after, we'll see. Otherwise, rain all day long is forecasted, and more housework needing to be done. Filled one dehydrator with chopped onion yesterday, and one with chopped red and yellow bell pepper.
I'm up way too early again. I'll try n take a nap before I leave for work. If i cant nap it wont be the first time to have a super long day.
The sun just came over the mountain and it's so clear n bright out! Super chilly tho..I think it's in the upper 20's.
I'd like to go walk to dogs..debating if I should. I've been feeling a tad froggy. There is some nasty crud cycling around..tis the season. So far I'm just a tad more tired than usual, throat kinda scratchy n a tad head stuffy but nothing crazy. I know I'll be stressing myself with this later than usual shift the next few days. I'm hoping to escape getting a full blown cold or whatever is going around this time.
I have a hard time staying down tho...
Time to go water n feed the critters..
Evil Drugs and Ryobis invade H&CLF!!

I am shocked! Shocked, I say! I cannot believe that my colleagues here -- people I've come to admire and respect -- have actually confessed to buying (and actually imbibing?) the ethanol-laced Draught of Death and are considering actually MAKING THEIR OWN!!

Why, don't you people realize that alcohol is a gateway drug to those Evil Mexican Anti-God marijuana cigarettes that have ruined the lives of so many American youth? All I can say to you is this: Lips that Touch Whiskey shall Never Touch Mine!

And onto another facet for my sermon today: tools.

Dawn and I, lifetime city slickers for all our adult life, grew up with the motto: "A Screwdriver can be Used to Pound in Nails if you Can't Find the Pliers". When we became Idaho Farming Idiots, we learned that we needed a whole raft of these little Engines, none of which I recognize or even have seen. Dawn said we need a better saw than the ancient hand-saw I'd picked up as a youth. "Good idea", I said, "let's go look at one". We went to Home Depot and got her replacement saw: a 12-inch compound miter saw/stand from the friendly folks at DeWalt.

I figured we'd better learn how to use it, and, since that day four years ago, we both use it for building just about everything!

Later on, I bought a yellow-green battery-powered impact driver and 1/4" drill, before I realized that if I buy any other tool, it has to be yellow-green, too, since the batteries will only work with that color tool. So our flock of chickens is now one DeWalt and nine Ryobis.

Given that I use power tools no more than four or so hours per week, I feel pretty "tooled up" with what we now have (I guess you'd call them "mid range" tools).

We still have the pliers in the garage, saved for detailed questioning of IRS and BATF agents, when and if.
Evil Drugs and Ryobis invade H&CLF!!

I am shocked! Shocked, I say! I cannot believe that my colleagues here -- people I've come to admire and respect -- have actually confessed to buying (and actually imbibing?) the ethanol-laced Draught of Death and are considering actually MAKING THEIR OWN!!

Why, don't you people realize that alcohol is a gateway drug to those Evil Mexican Anti-God marijuana cigarettes that have ruined the lives of so many American youth? All I can say to you is this: Lips that Touch Whiskey shall Never Touch Mine!

And onto another facet for my sermon today: tools.

Dawn and I, lifetime city slickers for all our adult life, grew up with the motto: "A Screwdriver can be Used to Pound in Nails if you Can't Find the Pliers". When we became Idaho Farming Idiots, we learned that we needed a whole raft of these little Engines, none of which I recognize or even have seen. Dawn said we need a better saw than the ancient hand-saw I'd picked up as a youth. "Good idea", I said, "let's go look at one". We went to Home Depot and got her replacement saw: a 12-inch compound miter saw/stand from the friendly folks at DeWalt.

I figured we'd better learn how to use it, and, since that day four years ago, we both use it for building just about everything!

Later on, I bought a yellow-green battery-powered impact driver and 1/4" drill, before I realized that if I buy any other tool, it has to be yellow-green, too, since the batteries will only work with that color tool. So our flock of chickens is now one DeWalt and nine Ryobis.

Given that I use power tools no more than four or so hours per week, I feel pretty "tooled up" with what we now have (I guess you'd call them "mid range" tools).

We still have the pliers in the garage, saved for detailed questioning of IRS and BATF agents, when and if.

Our beer and elderberry wine turned out fine.

I purchased a Ryobi combo hedge trimmer, roto tiller weed- wacker gizmo. The motor died and rendered all the tools useless. Never considered a Ryobi again.

Dewalt black and yellow batteries for me.

I am pacing the floor with my anxiety mounting. Second guessing
Lol. I am a mess
Decided to add to my inventory and branch out into selling knives and jewelry
Merch is ordered and on its way here
Knives show up today
All of this expansion leaves me nervous and doubting my decisions. On the other hand I can see opertunity
I am pacing the floor with my anxiety mounting. Second guessing
Lol. I am a mess
Decided to add to my inventory and branch out into selling knives and jewelry
Merch is ordered and on its way here
Knives show up today
All of this expansion leaves me nervous and doubting my decisions. On the other hand I can see opertunity
We support any decisions that you decide. You are a craftsman, your work is impeccable, and I guarantee that you will do well.
Keeping 4.5 year old twin grand babies today. Prayed before that none get hurt or lost under my care! Scheduled eye exam for husband on Wednesday. Lost all vision in one eye last week and refused to have checked out. Called to give appointment info and he wants to know cost. Does it even matter. All I hear is I can’t see it……..
Just took 4 blocks of cheese out of the smoker; Swiss, cheddar, mozzarella, and Colby jack. The hot peppers and jerky need a few more hours to finish. I'm making a sweet candied jerky and a sweet hot jerky. I'm going to start making a batch of chili today too. It takes a couple days to make really good chili.
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