Welp.. So much for any Shooting today...
Meh, no biggie, impeller on the waste-water pump is shot, but.. Might save to motor for [something down road] Could make for a decent AC-motor pump / fan-motor, etc.. Coil, et al are fine, otherwise.. Lasted 15 yrs / countless wash-cycles, so that's pretty good.. Anyhoo, $25. replacement ordered, and it'll be back in biz soon as the replacement lands..
Good 'op' to test the 'Alt-washer' (washboard / bucket-plunger style agitator / roller-press wringer, etc) and Also, learned something
I knew that 'BLDC' (Brushless DC) motors (this one is an LG..) can be used to
Generate AC... Did 'DIY AC motor > Generator projects' as a kid in school, etc, but... what I Didn't know / realize (and Learned..) was
Just How Very Efficient LG's particular 'Direct Drive' Motor-
Design is as a
Generator ..
..Comprised of Stator & Rotor (L > R):
'Discovered' this, when - barely manually spinning the drum -
with the washer completely Unplugged / 'caps discharged', etc - and it TURNED ITSELF ON (control-board / computer, etc) lit everything up, and started beeping thru it's 'startup program'..
..That's Nowhere's Near as much rotational speed typically needed to Generate AC (as-opposed to AC-motor 'conversions', which usually need ~1800+ rpm's etc) - I literally
barely hand-spun the drum a few rotations, and that gen'd Enough juice, to give the 'brain' a good 5-6 secs of Power On..

Homework Project.

Thinking: Acquire an old, used "cheap" LG washer (with a DD motor) and, once Verified that the motor / electronics, etc
Aren't fried, etc - Sack it out, and 'retrofit' to a bicycle / spindle / bearing rig, and see how much AC can be gen'd.

Will take some Homework, but.. I was amazed that just
One Quick hand-spin Gen'd enough to Power it Up.