More prayers headed your way AH
I'm not close to where you are, but I see a dog close to you at 1:00. If I can do anything for you, I would be happy to.Husband is grumpy, was hoping for the endoscopy this morning, because no food or drink before it's done, and it's showing at 1:00, but it is subject to change, so he's hoping. Wow, amazing how many times people come in this room and turn on the lights and do something with him all night long. Not sure if I slept or not. Hoping we go home tomorrow, but not being said till after we see how he does with the procedure.
I've been grumpy, too, Patch, and need to snap out of it because it does no one any good. I feel like I've aged ten years this week. And had to let go of being the Christmas, cards, food, decorations, baking for neighbors, the school programs, all that stuff. Those things aren't happening this year, so it'll just be. And it'll be fine.
At least if they took him early, there's a chance you can get going for home today - right?Yep, eating cafeteria food...just finished a sandwich and salad. Bummer that husband will probably be on a limited soft food diet after this procedure, so we'll have to pass on the mexican food. But it does sound yummy, thanks, Weedy.
Grabbed the cafeteria food, went shopping at the gift store for the son and daughter at our farm for Christmas. Ha. I'll have something to wrap for them anyway. Just waiting. They took husband early for his scope, and they'll bring him back to the room after recovery.
That's an awesome offer - wish we were all closer so we could somehow help outI'm not close to where you are, but I see a dog close to you at 1:00. If I can do anything for you, I would be happy to.
You are probably eating cafeteria food, but there is a Las Delicias less than a mile from the hospital, a branch of the place we have eaten at together. It is actually the first one and the rest came later. It is in the area where all the condos were built after St. Luke's was torn down. It is crowded and often a challenge to find parking there, but I could do a pickup for you from there.
I will cross my fingers, my toes, my eyes, my T's, dot my I's, and probably send up a prayer as well.Nope, no chance today. He responds bad after procedures, he's high risk. So how he does after recovery and tonight determines whether we can go home in the morning. Cross your fingers! Hoping for at least a 91 oxygen level on him in the morning. Looking at the time, he should be heading into recovery. I have to sit in this room. Mother in law keeps calling and driving me mental with theories. And wants to know what's taking so long. She needs to cool her jets.
Sounds like she is scared, worried and wishing she could do something to help. She may not be capable of flying out to help, but the offer probably came more from the heart than from the brain.MIL is freaking out thinking he might be leaving too soon ha ha ha
And asking me if she should fly to Yoder to help out NOPE. She's 90.
Glad you told the doc about his nurse, he needs to know!! Who is driving home from the eye doctor??I'm feeling much better after 2 days of fever and chills... The shots I got on Wednesday really did a number on me... It was bad enough that I fired off a nasty gram to to doctor including a picture of the shot sites (still swelled up after 2 days). Basically I said that I would prefer to never get another shot from their nurse.... EVER!
I may still be grumpy... But I'm better than I was...
Today I and the wife are going to the eye doctor, we both have appoints back to back, that will be fun, neither one of us being able to see....![]()
My seeing eye dog will be driving us home! Nope, I'm just going to use the force!Glad you told the doc about his nurse, he needs to know!! Who is driving home from the eye doctor??![]()
So good that you get to go home today! If you have a 10 hour drive, you will probably be driving home in the dark, but maybe staying overnight somewhere.I'll be using the force, too, to navigate thru Denver. So, May the Force Be With You Today, Too, Urban. Met with two docs and AOK to leave today, but not till after Respiratory Treatment, IV out, and pharmacy delivery, and I get him dressed. Took a load to the truck in the parking garage, got out his nebulizer and inverter. Rearranged things for his trip...O2 ready, also. Went to the cafeteria and got stuff to bring for lunch cuz we'll be on 70 in western Kansas where there is nothing much. Bought some "bougie" coffees from downstairs to have during our wait. Now just waiting.
Yay! I agree ~ Safe and efficient travels.I'll be using the force, too, to navigate thru Denver. So, May the Force Be With You Today, Too, Urban. Met with two docs and AOK to leave today, but not till after Respiratory Treatment, IV out, and pharmacy delivery, and I get him dressed. Took a load to the truck in the parking garage, got out his nebulizer and inverter. Rearranged things for his trip...O2 ready, also. Went to the cafeteria and got stuff to bring for lunch cuz we'll be on 70 in western Kansas where there is nothing much. Bought some "bougie" coffees from downstairs to have during our wait. Now just waiting.