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I usually catch a couple mice a day in the garage and in our vehicles. I've got a several poison bait stations and a few glue boards too. When I worked in the middle east, Asia and Africa it was always interesting to check the glue boards every morning.
I think mice are cute out in a field but they are not welcome in our buildings or vehicles. They are so destructive!
That's an intriguing game/challenge. I know I would do better in some areas than in others. Some I used to know but have since forgotten etc.
One of the harder parts of it, at least for me, is you don't have any idea of the scale of size of the country. So the little country of Slovakia is a horizontal blob and huge Russia is also a horizontal blob of about the same size when viewed in the game. You start to get ideas of what country a given blob may be by the orientation of its blob. Or one side of the blob is very ragged - indicating a probable ocean coast - so you can get ideas of where that piece may fit with the oceans/seas. Then you start naming things. Like "The T-Rex, or maybe it's a duck, is Pakistan". "The Spoon is Benin". "The Teardrop is Sri Lanka". But easily recognizing the circular blob of Lesotho vs. North Macedonia's circular blob vs. Poland's ... I'm not quite there yet. That's where the direction arrows and distances come into play for your guess (distance being something I still need work on).

Here's the game:

One of the harder parts of it, at least for me, is you don't have any idea of the scale of size of the country. So the little country of Slovakia is a horizontal blob and huge Russia is also a horizontal blob of about the same size when viewed in the game. You start to get ideas of what country a given blob may be by the orientation of its blob. Or one side of the blob is very ragged - indicating a probable ocean coast - so you can get ideas of where that piece may fit with the oceans/seas. Then you start naming things. Like "The T-Rex, or maybe it's a duck, is Pakistan". "The Spoon is Benin". "The Teardrop is Sri Lanka". But easily recognizing the circular blob of Lesotho vs. North Macedonia's circular blob vs. Poland's ... I'm not quite there yet. That's where the direction arrows and distances come into play for your guess (distance being something I still need work on).

Here's the game:

Oh - scale is a thing for sure! Oh a related note: I think this is similar to what pilots go through in order to recognize the shapes of certain water bodies, islands, etc. Fun!
I got my Charlie Brown Christmas tree :)

All trees at Kroger were $5 , I think this one is not bad. It's not exactly level yet but I wanted to decorate it today, since tomorrow is the winter solstice


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Jake was exempt for finals because of good grades and got to go on Christmas break 2 days early. They expected him to do a couple days of job shadowing over his break and write about them. I took him with me today and I turned him loose with a D6 an off-road haul truck and an excavator. I really think he had fun!
Yep. We have. And I think it's too risky. And he thinks it might be ok. So that's where we're at. But I swear, these docs change their minds every couple of hours. And husband is coherent, so it's his decision, it's not mine. He knows how I feel. There is nothing I can do about anything really.
You need to get pushier, with everyone involved!! Just me being me!!
Husband is pretty pushy. He does not appreciate it if I chime in, so I just don't anymore. Well, as of now, it's no bronchoscopy, and yes on the endoscopy tomorrow. So no food or drink after midnight. They haven't assigned a time yet on it. If he does well after the endoscopy, then we can go home Friday morning without the IV, but with tablets to finish off the blood infection. It would be so good to be home by Friday night, but the rate things have gone, I'll believe it when I see it. Saturday and Sunday, and maybe Monday will not be good weather days to drive in. Friday looks ok, as long as we get a way before lunch start. He needs frequent stops and medical help on the way, and lunch, and O2 watched, and it's an 8 hr drive. I don't like driving in pitch dark. It'll be a wing and a prayer trip home, for sure.
Husband is pretty pushy. He does not appreciate it if I chime in, so I just don't anymore. Well, as of now, it's no bronchoscopy, and yes on the endoscopy tomorrow. So no food or drink after midnight. They haven't assigned a time yet on it. If he does well after the endoscopy, then we can go home Friday morning without the IV, but with tablets to finish off the blood infection. It would be so good to be home by Friday night, but the rate things have gone, I'll believe it when I see it. Saturday and Sunday, and maybe Monday will not be good weather days to drive in. Friday looks ok, as long as we get a way before lunch start. He needs frequent stops and medical help on the way, and lunch, and O2 watched, and it's an 8 hr drive. I don't like driving in pitch dark. It'll be a wing and a prayer trip home, for sure.
Hoping for a "wing and a prayer" Friday trip!! 🤞🙏
I'd bet it was what was formerly known as Denver General, now known as Denver Health Medical Center, SW of downtown.
It's not called "DG" anymore? I guess I learn something new everyday.

I did some of my paramedic clinical training in the ER there. Although I wouldn't call it "training" by any stretch of the imagination. I remember walking in the door, identifying myself, and the first thing they said was "Do you know how to start IV's?" I answered affirmative. So my job for the rest of my "training session" was to go in as one of the initial evaluators of incoming patients, identify if they needed an IV or not, and start one if they did. My choice of what fluid, drip set and catheter to use (that is straightforward, no brainpower needed there). This was all done solo. The only "training" I received was someone pointing to the cabinet that held the IV supplies. I don't think anyone spoke another word to me or interacted with me in any way the whole time I was there. Except for the patients - they were either very nice, or complete scumbags. I was already proficient at starting IV's while being throw all over the place in a bouncing ambulance for years already, so nothing to learn with a patient quietly laying in a bed in an ER. I was just their free labor for the duration of my shift. I'm glad I never ended up in DG as a patient myself. That "doctor" looking at my X-rays is probably just some hobo that walked into the ER off the street looking for narcs, and got drafted.
It's not called "DG" anymore? I guess I learn something new everyday.

I did some of my paramedic clinical training in the ER there. Although I wouldn't call it "training" by any stretch of the imagination. I remember walking in the door, identifying myself, and the first thing they said was "Do you know how to start IV's?" I answered affirmative. So my job for the rest of my "training session" was to go in as one of the initial evaluators of incoming patients, identify if they needed an IV or not, and start one if they did. My choice of what fluid, drip set and catheter to use (that is straightforward, no brainpower needed there). This was all done solo. The only "training" I received was someone pointing to the cabinet that held the IV supplies. I don't think anyone spoke another word to me or interacted with me in any way the whole time I was there. Except for the patients - they were either very nice, or complete scumbags. I was already proficient at starting IV's while being throw all over the place in a bouncing ambulance for years already, so nothing to learn with a patient quietly laying in a bed in an ER. I was just their free labor for the duration of my shift. I'm glad I never ended up in DG as a patient myself. That "doctor" looking at my X-rays is probably just some hobo that walked into the ER off the street looking for narcs, and got drafted.
I have visited people at DG. A neighbor's husband was in DG. I asked her if she had been to visit him. No, because I think she had quit driving and would have had to walk. She said it was so far away. I drove her there.

I went to DG after I moved here in 1986 and before I started teaching to get tested for tuberculosis. It was a requirement for teaching in DPS. I can tell you I found all of that a little unsettling. Tuberculosis? I had really never been around any conversation about TB. I was told that because the area gets so many people coming in from around the world, TB is a problem and everyone who went to work for DPS at that time was tested. I was told that they do get results back that are positive. So what about all of the immigrants? How much TB is coming in with them?
I remember I had to get a TB test back when I was a teenager in Texas, getting a job in a restaurant. Busboy of all things. I guess they didn't want me to get the dirty dishes sick.

The test was an injection into my upper arm (I think?) Supposedly positive if it turned red or something like that. Mine turned red. The doctor was skeptical. They took an X-ray of my lungs I think (my memory is failing me on the details), and they said "You don't have TB, and never have". So they cleared me and I became the best busboy that restaurant ever had. I was famous. Customers would ask me for my autograph as I was clearing the tables around theirs, TB and all.
Yesterday's Drs visit went sub-par... Oh the doc was fine, but the nurse that administered the shots was the pits. I hate needles so I usually close my eyes. I noticed big air bubbles in each of the pre-measured syringes and the nurse didn't even try to remove them. The just jabbed and pressed, I could hear the bubbles going into my arm at the end of each shot... I think that I am going to bring it up in my post visit review....

FYI my arm has a raised welt and is sore as all get out... I'm grumpy again...

I need to mail holiday cards for the wife and get her a few more cards, she under estimated at the start.

Maybe I should go for a walk in the woods, I could imaging Bambi with that nurses face, that would make me feel better :)
Husband is pretty pushy. He does not appreciate it if I chime in, so I just don't anymore. Well, as of now, it's no bronchoscopy, and yes on the endoscopy tomorrow. So no food or drink after midnight. They haven't assigned a time yet on it. If he does well after the endoscopy, then we can go home Friday morning without the IV, but with tablets to finish off the blood infection. It would be so good to be home by Friday night, but the rate things have gone, I'll believe it when I see it. Saturday and Sunday, and maybe Monday will not be good weather days to drive in. Friday looks ok, as long as we get a way before lunch start. He needs frequent stops and medical help on the way, and lunch, and O2 watched, and it's an 8 hr drive. I don't like driving in pitch dark. It'll be a wing and a prayer trip home, for sure.
You'll have plenty of prayers from all of us AH
Sending my best wishes to Amish and husband.
Doing all the final bits today, so I was in town early before the madness - stupid things I had forgotten about like blu tack and a few birthday decorations for my daughter. I can't cram anything more into the freezer, everything is wrapped, I've all my Christmas knitting done and I'm all ready to pack the car tomorrow to go visiting. Finally, my ear/throat is easing so I'm sleeping better, a bit of cleaning, Sunday will be spent prepping, Monday eating and then.. lots of reading. I bought everyone a vinyl each, but the record player stopped working, so I do have to fix that at some point.
If the weather plays ball (we've a storm here at the minute) I'd love to get into the woods with the dogs, and take my camera.
I took the Christmas tree down yesterday morning. Easy job as no decorations on it. I just couldn't take the cat messing with it for one more day. I feel so much better and so much less stress without DH yelling at the cat every other minute! I did put 4 flameless candles in the window so there is something there.
Also made brownies while DH was at his doc appt. He was gone most of the day.

Today I have a doc appt. here in my little town.
Walk dogs.
Haircut this afternoon.
Easiest day in awhile!
I'm fine with garlic for some reason, but not with onions and I don't know why. Even my doctor doesn't understand-- and I have the reaction if I eat something without knowing it has onions so its not psychological.

Trying to catch up. Was completely exhausted on the 19th. It was the anniversary of my parent's marriage and Mom was a bit down. Yesterday was her appointment with the diabetes specialist. She initially refused to get up and go but I persuaded her. She was half asleep through the appointment and didn't want to answer. I showed her meter readings to the specialist, Emily, who said she absolutely needs a CGM and should also get an insulin pump. Said she'll try to find somewhere that takes her insurance to send supplies and get the lowest out of pocket price possible. Also said that she'll show Mom how to use everything and set up the insulin pump for her. Said if she ultimately doesn't like it, she doesn't have to use it, but wants her to at least try. Didn't really say anything about diet much bc she's trying to recover.

My coordination was off so I kept stumbling, dropping things, etc. I cooked for Mom and then dropped the butter tub-- it landed upside down and all the dust and cat fur flew up into the container and all over the butter spread. Then I opened the wrong thing on the garlic salt and it was the pour spout so it dumped too much garlic salt out. I also dropped the container for the potatoes a few times. Hit myself in the head with the refrigerator door while shutting it.

Sun is just coming up now so I'm about to go check on Mom to see how she's doing and check her sugar. It was too high last night (over 300) so I had her take half a dose of insulin since she would not be eating anytime soon. Previously she took a full dose and it was too much. Having a pump that decides for her will make things easier, if she doesn't mess it up somehow.

Need to go back to the store and get more butter and some other stuff. Brother said he'd go with me to help me lug groceries.
Two small cleaning jobs then I'll take my two 93 yr old friends to lunch! Going to our favorite mom and pop cafe. Always fun with those two!! Have plenty of inside jobs when I get home, may be raining.
Change of plans, one of my ladies can't make it today because of a change in her doctor appointment. So lunch with them will happen tomorrow instead!!
Later shift today, no choice, not happy about that. But glad I got enough sleep for a change.
Not ready for Christmas. I remember when I didn’t work and I could take care of all this stuff.
Hoping everyone has a good day.
I’ve been kinda grumpy this week, or just quiet myself @UrbanHunter . Sorry about those needles and mean nurse.
@Amish Heart Sending more prayers your way. Especially for a safe passage home.
Husband is grumpy, was hoping for the endoscopy this morning, because no food or drink before it's done, and it's showing at 1:00, but it is subject to change, so he's hoping. Wow, amazing how many times people come in this room and turn on the lights and do something with him all night long. Not sure if I slept or not. Hoping we go home tomorrow, but not being said till after we see how he does with the procedure.
I've been grumpy, too, Patch, and need to snap out of it because it does no one any good. I feel like I've aged ten years this week. And had to let go of being the Christmas person...gifts, cards, food, decorations, baking for neighbors, the school programs, all that stuff. Those things aren't happening this year, so it'll just be. And it'll be fine.