I suspect you are taking the necessary medications or supplements for your congestion but here are a few things that worked well for me the last few times I was sick.
Mucinex. It works well at thinning the mucus and helping to get rid of it.
Sinus flush, even if it isn't a stuffed up nose it helps clear the sinuses and adds moisture to your bronchs and lungs to thin the gunk.
If you are able to drink a little, Fireball whiskey or other brands of cinnamon whiskey, it helps reduce frequent coughing to help you through your day and to help you sleep at night and the cinnamon helps clear your sinuses and airway so your coughs will be more productive. In the olden days cough syrup had alcohol in it for a reason (or two) but because kids were (supposedly) stealing cough syrup for the alcohol the adult population is denied this helpful elixir. When they cut the alcohol over 20 years ago I always chased my nyquil with a shot of whiskey, because it works. (modern nyquil is junk compared to 20 years ago)
Humidifier or pot of boiling water on the stove. Cold winter air has little moisture and the furnace dries the air even more causing congestion in all of us, and not just when we are sick.
Most over the counter cold medicines have been stripped of what works. The replacement decongestants and expectorants do not work near as good as the old stuff. Mucinex is still fairly good. Couple that with the Fireball mixed with some honey and lemon juice and you have a good cough syrup with an expectorant and decongestant. I know most medicines suggest every 4 hours but if the symptoms return in 3 hours take another dose. If you can wait 5 hours good for you.
I hope you get well soon.