What's everybody doing today?

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Yesterday was an egg-roll disaster, wife made them but too much juice, we it was time to wrap for freezing or frying them all the skins stuck together.. Wife is not a happy camper about the whole thing. This morning it was raining so I opened up my closed raised beds to give the plants a drink. I had a range day, it was nice except for the whole raining, everything's muddy thing. When I got home the wife was upset because she was not aware the I had a range day. It was on the calendar, there was a note on the fridge, and it was in her phone calendar... Short of having it tattooed on her forehead, I don't know what I could have done... I am going to try to grow some raspberries in containers this year, we will see how that works out... I think I'm going to take a break, I wonder if there is something to watch on the tube..
Stayed up late to see the GF off for her work trip. Slept good to about 7:30 then stayed in bed watching movies. I watched The Retirement Plan, with Nicholas Cage, on Hulu. I believe it is also on Amazon Prime. It is not a "great" movie but it is a good movie. Decent action, a little slow at times as is the case with all suspense type movies, and the typical one shot kills for most people and a couple two shot bad guys they came back to life unexpectedly. :p If you are bored check it out. For the price you wont be disappointed.
I will be at the neighbors party later, mostly because they let me watch the Michigan and Lions game there the past few months, but because there will be a party and food.
In a bit, if I quit procrastinating, I will make some sweatshirts for my boss. I think it is only 4 or 5 he needs now. I will probably try making a hat for him as well. I need to see if my new press works OK, and if I know how to use it.
Sunny day today, probably gonna be windy and mid-40's but the sun makes it almost T-shirt weather. I need to uncover the firewood to let it dry out and thaw out. It is mostly covered but it does leak so they are kind of damp, but it makes the logs a good slow burner at night after the stove has some good hot cools built up.
Have a great day, enjoy the game if you are watching. Hopefully it wont be too "swift" of a game. Oh, and I am giving 3 to 1 odds that the commercials will be pathetic and uninteresting to us older type folks.
Easy day for me. Finished up plying some yarn that was spun. I now have enough to knit the sweater jacket I have planned. Next weekend I’ll start to wash and finish the yarn then get busy knitting.

I cleaned and organized the second freezer yesterday and took out some short ribs for dinner—they’re in the oven now. I also found buried in the back and bottom two small prime ribs that had gotten freezer burn. Defrosted them and cut up in a ziploc bag. Will be pressure canned for the dog.
Woke up with a sinus headache when my alarm went off. Took some naprosyn and my antibiotics and went back to sleep. Woke up again around noon but had a stomach ache so I took pepto and went back to sleep. I was having a weird dream with my dad in it. I was aware that he had died but he was back alive again. It was his birthday and he was saying he finally found a good cardiologist but that he'd already had 3 heart attacks that morning and he didn't want to tell her (the cardiologist) about it for some reason and I was telling him I didn't want him to die again and was urging him to get help. I went off to find the cardiologist and then it morphed into something with talking butterflies, a bunch of hookers being held captive and using an electrical cable to laser cut through a roof, and Warwick Davis distracting the bad guy-- up until I woke up in a coughing fit.

My friend has to wait until his ex comes to pick up the toddler before he can come over to help with the phoneline thing so it might be awhile before he can come over. Most likely after dark or maybe not even at all with her record.
@UrbanHunter i thought raspberry plants had to be grown where they can spread out, vine, then not eaten the first year. Are these a hybrid you’ll be planting? I love raspberries, keep us posted!
I grow mine in an old, broken bottomed stock tank I brought home from the barn.

The nice thing is they stay contained and don’t take over the space.
Didn't get to the big tree branch, it never got above 35 today, so I'll wait for the next few days. Did get the floors mopped, and cleaned out three big boxes in our bedroom and hauled out a folding table husband had wanted in there a long while back. Looks better, boxes and table gone. Also got DVD's sorted, husband likes to have bunches of them brought in from storage to watch, and I got together ones that he watched already and ready to bring back out. DVD's were everywhere.
Worked in the kitchen, cleaning, organized a few more bins, labeled some, moved some stuff around, shelf liner in two big drawers. Progress, a little every day. Trash can is full again. I have plenty more to do.

Dog sitting while their owners are at a Super Bowl party. The 5 month old puppy needs to be let in and out frequently.
Just got back from changing the oil in the well pump generator. Dang it was cold and windy down there.
Still organizing the fur shed. Found a big box of gun magazines. Need to sort out what I want to keep and sell the rest. Already sold about 40 AR15 20&30 rd mags. Went through a box of dad's reloading stuff. He had several boxes of 38 special ammo. Some had sales tags of $2.50 each. There was several boxes of 45 acp, 30-06, tracers, blanks etc, plus a few thousand primers. I may shoot the ammo, except the tracers, not sure if the primers are worth keeping though. I'm guessing they're from the '50's or early '60's.
Almost 2am, waiting on thunderstorms, almost here!!
2AM - At what point do you begin thinking they stood you up?
Easy day for me. Finished up plying some yarn that was spun. I now have enough to knit the sweater jacket I have planned. Next weekend I’ll start to wash and finish the yarn then get busy knitting.

I cleaned and organized the second freezer yesterday and took out some short ribs for dinner—they’re in the oven now. I also found buried in the back and bottom two small prime ribs that had gotten freezer burn. Defrosted them and cut up in a ziploc bag. Will be pressure canned for the dog.
Gonna show us your yarn in the knitting thread? I need to do some spinning 😊
Didn't get to the big tree branch, it never got above 35 today, so I'll wait for the next few days. Did get the floors mopped, and cleaned out three big boxes in our bedroom and hauled out a folding table husband had wanted in there a long while back. Looks better, boxes and table gone. Also got DVD's sorted, husband likes to have bunches of them brought in from storage to watch, and I got together ones that he watched already and ready to bring back out. DVD's were everywhere.
Some folks are totally against it, but for the dvds I kept, I got one of those catalogs that you take them out of the case and keep them all in a zippered “photo album” style catalog. I can’t believe how many fit in such a small space and are organized.
Husband had a lot of DVDs too; I gave all the guy type movies to his friends and my brothers, kept the ones I thought I might like to see. I used one of those notebooks, slide the cover in the pocket with the disc and toss the plastic box. Saves a ton of space and keeps them organized.
I would like some snow here too. Haven't been skiing since my life fell apart; now my Mom can't ski anymore so probably won't be going again unless my Daughter makes a plan for it. But I still love the snow.
We had 50s this week, I even took my motorcycle out for a ride. But it's messing me up, February trees and skies with April warmth and grass. Half of me is panicked about not having seeds started yet while the other half is trying to get more wood stacked up for the fire....ugh. Mom and a friend of hers came over yesterday and helped me start on the apples; I got about six bushel off the old miracle apple tree but they've been sitting in the shed ever since harvest. They're in surprisingly good shape. Vacuum packing and storing them in the freezer until I decide to make pies or applesauce.
Had a roofer come to do an estimate, including skylights, and the wood stove guy coming tomorrow to measure for putting a wood stove in my fireplace. I've wanted a soapstone woodstove for a very long time and he has a smallish one in stock that he thinks will fit, so here's hoping it works out.
@Heartbroken it is important to do things that are for fun because if you’re like me you are still adjusting and you need that downtime. I love it that you have a motorcycle and try to find time to ride. Go skiing!! Start out slow or small with the gardening. I feel like I’ve rewritten who I am and what my goals are now. Different dreams.
Felt like garbage and kept napping throughout the day. Friend was finally able to come over but it turns out the problem is on AT&T's end so I'll need them to fix it.

Took friend to Walmart to get him some groceries (and some stuff on a list his fiance wanted). I got a couple of things and some more oranges. My brother likes the cara cara ones.

It was absolutely pouring rain on the way home. No street lights down my road so I couldn't see worth crap. Had to use the GPS to tell where I was. Made it home and Mom wanted me to cook for her. She had a burger. Then she wanted beef ramen. Then she wanted broccoli.

My sinus headache is back and I'm probably going to nap again.
Husband had a lot of DVDs too; I gave all the guy type movies to his friends and my brothers, kept the ones I thought I might like to see. I used one of those notebooks, slide the cover in the pocket with the disc and toss the plastic box. Saves a ton of space and keeps them organized.
I would like some snow here too. Haven't been skiing since my life fell apart; now my Mom can't ski anymore so probably won't be going again unless my Daughter makes a plan for it. But I still love the snow.
We had 50s this week, I even took my motorcycle out for a ride. But it's messing me up, February trees and skies with April warmth and grass. Half of me is panicked about not having seeds started yet while the other half is trying to get more wood stacked up for the fire....ugh. Mom and a friend of hers came over yesterday and helped me start on the apples; I got about six bushel off the old miracle apple tree but they've been sitting in the shed ever since harvest. They're in surprisingly good shape. Vacuum packing and storing them in the freezer until I decide to make pies or applesauce.
Had a roofer come to do an estimate, including skylights, and the wood stove guy coming tomorrow to measure for putting a wood stove in my fireplace. I've wanted a soapstone woodstove for a very long time and he has a smallish one in stock that he thinks will fit, so here's hoping it works out.
Hubby said something similar today- like we should be getting the garden ready etc but he also said he knows better.
2AM - At what point do you begin thinking they stood you up?

Gonna show us your yarn in the knitting thread? I need to do some spinning 😊

Some folks are totally against it, but for the dvds I kept, I got one of those catalogs that you take them out of the case and keep them all in a zippered “photo album” style catalog. I can’t believe how many fit in such a small space and are organized.
I wasn't stood up, my date was just late😃
Care to share your recipe in the baking section? I love ginger cookies because they’re good for the tummy and have a little zing to them. Do you roll yours in sugar before baking?

I'll post the recipe in a day or two. I keep my cookies plain. I do use fresh ginger that I dehydrated and ground, myself. It's got way more taste than the store bought powder.

Right now, I am trying to relearn how to make and roll dumpling wraps. It takes practice to get efficient at rolling those out.
Ugh you two. I really, really like to sleep 8 hrs. Tonight will maybe get 7 hrs at the most. Seven more infusions to go. I think. The appointment on Tuesday will determine.
Sleep. ZZZZZZZZZ lovely.
I'm apparently in an 'I never sleep' rut! 🙄🤔 It's animal related!😮
Today we have several medical appointments for the wife.... That will take up most of the day. I will do some dishes and laundry while waiting for launch time. I took leave for the day however I have 1 work related meeting that I can't miss so I will have to call into it from the waiting room... thank goodness for ear phones....

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