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the stupid belt just needs to last 2 more months ( until son graduates) , it's a 2004 Buik Parkavenue
we bought it when the engine in his Durango gave up and in the middle of Covid shortages. It was the only thing even remotely reasonable ( some old person car that died and it came from an estate sale with low miles and in decent shape, passed inspection last year without any issues which is something none of our other vehicles seem to do)
I would expect that the idle / tensioner bearings are drying up, you tube is full of how to lube them videos, most can be done inplace with a vetrenary needle and a grease zerk +grease gun, one shot of grease and its good for another decade
@sonya123 I don't work east of Chicago. My railroad, Union Pacific, is a western railroad. We go from Chicago, Memphis, and New Orleans to the west coast. Because of certain Union rules, there are even parts of that territory that I can't work in unless I give up my Union rights in other parts of the territory. So, I don't spend much time east of the Mississippi River...
that's interesting! DIdn't know that. I wished they had more trains in the US like the do everywhere else. I would love to be able to go to the train station and go somewhere without having to drive there. I would be visiting daughter this weekend, but can't because there is no public transport of any kind and I am afraid to drive that far on my own plus vehicles are all older.
Amazon said Mom's new computer is being held for pickup at the post office, so I need to go pick it up in a bit. I also need to see if I left my new tool over at my friend's house. I think I set it down when I was loading stuff into my truck. I just hope his crackhead mother didn't decide to "borrow" it.
that's interesting! DIdn't know that. I wished they had more trains in the US like the do everywhere else. I would love to be able to go to the train station and go somewhere without having to drive there. I would be visiting daughter this weekend, but can't because there is no public transport of any kind and I am afraid to drive that far on my own plus vehicles are all older.
I know Amtrak runs a lot of trains on the east coast. They are profitable out there. In the west and Midwest the cities are too spread out for them to make any money. There just aren't enough stops to generate the kind of passenger numbers needed to make money. Plus, Amtrak runs on tracks owned by other railroads, and passenger tracks must be maintained to higher standards than "freight only" tracks. That costs the railroads more money and time.

There is a proposal in the works to create a high speed passenger line from Chicago to Omaha over tracks owned by the Iowa Interstate Railroad. The Iowa Interstate loves the idea because their whole line from Chicago to Omaha would get upgraded to 70mph standards with federal money. Their tracks are mostly maintained to 25mph standards now. It would be a giant boondoggle, because there's no way that Amtrak would ever get enough passengers to make money on it...
After 3 Thrift Stops I ended up at the Loco Pawn and found a 32" Emerson... Sticker price $59. got it for $40. ...!!!

I know Amtrak runs a lot of trains on the east coast. They are profitable out there.
Amtrak is a very poor excuse of a functional passenger train, sorry. My daughter had a field trip once from downtown Orlando to the zoo in Sanford maybe half hour drive on the interstate, it took almost 2 hours to get there by Amtrak. First it was late then it was super slow, then it stopped for whatever reason ( not at a station) and it was hot, and smelled bad.
My friends took it from NJ to Florida one time just to see and got their stuff stolen.

In Europe you can take a nice high speed train and get to many cities faster than you ever would driving. Plus there are connections on local trains to get to even small cities like the one I lived in, and if not, there are busses that will take you there. What I am getting at is that the US has no functional public transportation
Amtrack is a staple here. Most amish travel by it, and our son in New Mexico prefers it over airlines. Bummer is, it only comes in to the town 15 miles out at 1:30 am. And that's when it's on time. But everyone puts up with it. Unless they hire a private van driver, or goes by bus with our local travel agency. Our son went home at 1:30 am last Christmas morning, and was pleasantly surprised to hang out with the amish families singing Christmas carols for breakfast in the family car. Even the guys who look like the Russian mafia came in for a listen. He is convinced that everyone that travels on Amtrak that he sees are either criminals, Russian mafia, or amish. He has stories.
I took a pic, just thinking of you. The wife says the suit is too big now. After 20+ years and now it's too big?

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Sorry, not very good at this technology stuff....

My meetings yesterday went well. My Director was there, hopefully it will help with decisions that need to be made.

Today I finally purchased a variable power supply so I can easily "tune in" some of my projects. I have been having to improvise some things and I finally just gave up and decided to do it right. :) I am expecting it and other parts today so tomorrow I can start assembly!
Nice suit Urban. Even if it's too big. Have fun on this weekends project.

Back to work this morning, ordered more radios and got a quote for a full replacement for our 911 center. Worked with some of my techs on planning for one of our big projects, well 2 of them actually. Got a quote for an enclosure for a Meteorlogical station we support. The operators want to do an upgrade.
Got home and took the wife's car to a body shop to get an estimate. Had some damage to the antenna and slight roof damage. Damn that stuff is expensive. $2800. Guess we'll use the insurance for this one.
It is pouring rain here. Wish it was snow. Wish I could send it to TX.
Work was crazy all week. I really don't like the whole enforcement/work with the AG/ have lots of meetings thing. Life would be so much simpler if people would just do what they're supposed to in the first place.
The new woodstove was installed today, and I did the first little fire to start the seasoning process. The firebox is tiny, when compared to the big fireplaces I'm used to, but even with a small fire it throws a lot of heat, and the sides are still warm even though the fire burned out five hours ago. I'm going to have to trim down and split the wood I have on hand, no more chucking full-sized logs in the fire. But I also won't be going through so much wood and will be keeping the heat in the house instead of sending most of it up the chimney.
The stove installer found a crack in the lintel that was hidden behind the old doors, so he's getting me a quote on setting some steel in there. And I'm brainstorming how and with what I'm going to tile around the fireplace opening and the floor; for now I'm using one of those fireproof mats.
Quiet day here, rained about 3 inches, soggy mess outside.

The Moose lamp is WAY bigger than the computer :p

I have two of these, best thing since sliced bread. I'm sure you've used them in electronic's labs. Now that I need readers they are even more useful. I have one clamped on the edge of my kitchen table, another to the table by my chair, very secure.

They come in multiple types, different magnification (mine are 20x), brightness, even multiple and complex lenses. Most are white, black or stainless in color. The ones I have now only 6" and teardrop shaped, they are LED with 5 brightness settings.

I highly recommend these if you have vision issues or can just never find your glasses. Having 20x magnification is very handy, check small print on something or even take something apart, working on my computer is easy. I make small household repairs at my kitchen table sometimes, process mail there also. Don't need my glasses to read directions on popcorn at night either. 🤣 Don't need the lamp? just push it aside.

a Neatfi mag lampa.jpg
Computer (4).jpg
Home lamp  1a.JPG
@Spikedriver I used to call the dispatch center at Omaha to get fouling time at the xovers in Memphis on broadway where the six wide tracks with 11'6" track centers are. they had some cars get the grab irons bent going through a curve down there after a T & S cycle.

Most people who think of unions don't know what locked in service is. When I was the teamsters BMWE local president in this area I never could fathom why the railroad unions let their employees be locked like that. The answer was always "that is just how it works".

Man it would have suited me to drag up when I wanted like my construction days and be off for the summer to spend the 9 months of works money HEHEHEHEH.
Quiet day here, rained about 3 inches, soggy mess outside.

I have two of these, best thing since sliced bread. I'm sure you've used them in electronic's labs. Now that I need readers they are even more useful. I have one clamped on the edge of my kitchen table, another to the table by my chair, very secure.

They come in multiple types, different magnification (mine are 20x), brightness, even multiple and complex lenses. Most are white, black or stainless in color. The ones I have now only 6" and teardrop shaped, they are LED with 5 brightness settings.

I highly recommend these if you have vision issues or can just never find your glasses. Having 20x magnification is very handy, check small print on something or even take something apart, working on my computer is easy. I make small household repairs at my kitchen table sometimes, process mail there also. Don't need my glasses to read directions on popcorn at night either. 🤣 Don't need the lamp? just push it aside.

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I have a very good magnifier on my desk at work. Comes in handy for small things, small work
@Spikedriver I used to call the dispatch center at Omaha to get fouling time at the xovers in Memphis on broadway where the six wide tracks with 11'6" track centers are. they had some cars get the grab irons bent going through a curve down there after a T & S cycle.

Most people who think of unions don't know what locked in service is. When I was the teamsters BMWE local president in this area I never could fathom why the railroad unions let their employees be locked like that. The answer was always "that is just how it works".

Man it would have suited me to drag up when I wanted like my construction days and be off for the summer to spend the 9 months of works money HEHEHEHEH.
We have a negotiation in process to open up all our territories to all BMWED members, if it ever passes I could go work in the former MOPAC territories. That would be a great help to me in the winter months when the ground freezes in the Midwest and they cut the tie gangs and surf gangs off. Right now I typically will get bumped or abolished and have to go chase jobs out in CA or AZ in the winter. I spent last winter in Vegas, which is way less fun than it sounds when you have to be up at 0445 for work every day.

If the MOPAC territory would open up to us, it's only about 16 or 18 hours drive to the farthest parts. When I go to Cali, it's a 30 hour drive to L.A. and 24 hours to Phoenix, AZ. Plus, there's no mountains to drive over going to Texas or Louisiana or Memphis. The employees in the former MOPAC are dragging their feet though. They want back pay and they'll never get it...
I worked for a few hours today. I went to the new (really old) house my folks bought for grandma to live in to do an as built. The bathroom has to be gutted and redone so it can be accessible. It’s good sized so a new walk-in shower and some rearrangement will make it that way. The big thing is the door is a crazy 24” because they tried to squeeze it in between a bedroom and the old chimney. We have a plan to pull the chimney down , but that means the flooring is going to have a missing chunk in the living room, so we will replace the carpet with hardwood. We also decided the kitchen needs lots more cabinets since it had only one lower and two upper to put anything in. I was on my way home and on the side of the road was a stack of cabinets with the same style with a for sale sign sitting in front of a house being remodeled. Scored exactly what we needed for a 10’ run of upper and lower and the counter for $250. Also found enough new in the box still actual hardwood floor on marketplace for $500 to do kitchen, dining, and living room. It’s still sold at the store so we can get more if we need it. An itty bitty house is much easier to thrift shop for! Dad, my menfolk, and myself will be busy for the next few weeks!
Quiet day here, rained about 3 inches, soggy mess outside.

I have two of these, best thing since sliced bread. I'm sure you've used them in electronic's labs. Now that I need readers they are even more useful. I have one clamped on the edge of my kitchen table, another to the table by my chair, very secure.

They come in multiple types, different magnification (mine are 20x), brightness, even multiple and complex lenses. Most are white, black or stainless in color. The ones I have now only 6" and teardrop shaped, they are LED with 5 brightness settings.

I highly recommend these if you have vision issues or can just never find your glasses. Having 20x magnification is very handy, check small print on something or even take something apart, working on my computer is easy. I make small household repairs at my kitchen table sometimes, process mail there also. Don't need my glasses to read directions on popcorn at night either. 🤣 Don't need the lamp? just push it aside.

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My mag lamps are old school, one over the lathe, one on the milling machine and one at the workbench. No way I am working on stuff without one. I'm blind as a REACTED bat.
I hid my daughter and my nieces birthday presents in my workroom in January, but couldn't remember where. The room is now cleaned up, and presents wrapped. Found my small rucksack for a trip I'm taking in April, and hung up a few pictures I picked up some cheap frames for ages ago. Also finally hung my Alaskan railroad poster I bought home 8 years ago! I get to things eventually 😂
Amtrack is a staple here. Most amish travel by it, and our son in New Mexico prefers it over airlines. Bummer is, it only comes in to the town 15 miles out at 1:30 am. And that's when it's on time. But everyone puts up with it. Unless they hire a private van driver, or goes by bus with our local travel agency. Our son went home at 1:30 am last Christmas morning, and was pleasantly surprised to hang out with the amish families singing Christmas carols for breakfast in the family car. Even the guys who look like the Russian mafia came in for a listen. He is convinced that everyone that travels on Amtrak that he sees are either criminals, Russian mafia, or amish. He has stories.
our Amish here do that also, they have to get a ride to somewhere in West Virginia to pick it up
I generally prefer trains over planes also, but not in the US. Here I would rather drive myself
it is pouring outside and we have a wind warning, so everyone stays in. I do need to give the pregnant goats CDT shots. They will be due in a few weeks
no other plans today, maybe I need to figure out how to download things on my phone, need to find password. My gosh I truly sometimes hate technology. All these stupid passwords for everything. And now they have to be too difficult to remember. I have to write them all down, then I can't find them later....I have no idea what the password to this site is either. I just stay logged in LOL
And I don't even pay bills online. That would add another whole level of password crazyness

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