What's everybody doing today?

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So I'm doing dishes and Alexa tells me to expect snow tonight. I start fussing.... The wife say's not to blame Alexa, that she's just "AI", I said that she is just "AS". The wife got mad at me for cussing... I said do you know what "AS" is? It's Artificially Stupid....

Weather outside is about 40F, high winds, and sunny.
Today was a day filled with simple moments that truly enrich life. We began by visiting church, connecting with gratitude and our community. The day continued with a tasty dinner out, enjoying delicious flavors and sharing stories around the table.
Things took a heartfelt turn when my wife visited her mom in the hospital, reminding us of the power of family and love. We wrapped up our day at the local flea market, discovering hidden treasures and stories that brought unexpected joy.
Today was a day filled with simple moments that truly enrich life. We began by visiting church, connecting with gratitude and our community. The day continued with a tasty dinner out, enjoying delicious flavors and sharing stories around the table.
Things took a heartfelt turn when my wife visited her mom in the hospital, reminding us of the power of family and love. We wrapped up our day at the local flea market, discovering hidden treasures and stories that brought unexpected joy.

All of THAT ^^^ before 1 PM...?!? Whew... ;)
Church this morning, followed by fellowship brunch. Came home and had to dispatch a rooster (good thing I have more than one rooster), and now it's time to mow. Spring has sprung and our weeds are getting away from us. Hubby on the tractor for most of the propery, I'll take the little hand push for the back yard.
So I'm doing dishes and Alexa tells me to expect snow tonight. I start fussing.... The wife say's not to blame Alexa, that she's just "AI", I said that she is just "AS". The wife got mad at me for cussing... I said do you know what "AS" is? It's Artificially Stupid....

Weather outside is about 40F, high winds, and sunny.

Temp isn't that Bad as long as Old SOL is Out and Beaming, that dang Wind can go Blow somewhere else tho...!!! The birds need longer landing strips around here, the wx report says 6mph but Me Flags are Unfurled Completely, more like 20-30mph...!!! Good weather for 🪁
Woke up to three inches of snow. Now that's more like it! I love the snow and feel cheated by this winter. Sadly it's going to melt away as the temp does yet another roller coaster move tomorrow but for today it's lovely out there.
Going to take some doing to learn this new stove, it got up to 77 in here last night where I normally have it around 65. Too hot!
Just got home from church, time for a nap and then a walk in the snow before it all disappears. I despise and loathe the time change, every time they yank the clock around I feel awful for days and can't get decent sleep.
Amish I hope you feel better soon. Txcatlady I'm so glad you were able to rescue your husband and that his injuries weren't worse.
Just dragging around this morning, @Amish Heart My wife takes the powder Wal Mart brand of theraflu and she swears by it, our daughter tried it and was better in one day.

There is a daytime or nighttime formula they usually take the daytime.

Woke up at 7:30, had breakfast of toasted bagel and cream cheese, and tea.

My pups are siblings - brother & sister. They each have a dozen breeds in their DNA, but the top 67% of each are Australian Cattle Dog, American Miniature Shepherd, and Siberian Husky. They are now both about 40 lbs and are 1 yr old.

IMG_6804.JPGIMG_5635 2.JPG

Spent 2 hours preparing the pups food. It's human grade ... today I made 5 lbs of chicken breasts cut into small pieces, cooked with chicken broth, cream of chicken soup, mixed veggies, and rice. Other times I use some combination of beef, pork, pureed pumpkin, spinach, beef broth, sweet potatoes, & rice .... always mixed with Nutro dry kibbles.

They take up most of our time!!!
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We went to church, had homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese for lunch, drank some coffee. The menfolk are now outside unwinterizing the trailer for the spring break trip to warmer lands. I’ve started on the meal planning and inventory of things to go in the trailer. Just finished my canned goods shopping trip to the basement, still need dry goods, frozen things, and fridge things.
Still working on getting our trailer ready to go cross country.
I can't believe the stuff we have in there.
Sorting and removing excess. Like 6 rods and reels, 3 should be enough.
I probably won't need my 11' surf rod in Missouri.
On the positive side we are finding stuff we thought we had lost like fire pokers, lighters, and gloves.
Are you going to remove the big hard pieces of fat? freeze dry raw? how thick? Very much interested in how it turns out. I am having freeze dryer withdrawal at the moment.
The steaks are 1" thick. I ran them on the default settings, weighed them then did the extra dey time thing. They lost weight so more dry time. After 3 extra 2 hr dry times still loosing weight. Just pur them back but this time for 4 hrs.

I watched some Youtube videos about NY strip steak freeze drying. Some left the fat on other cut it off. None of them were in storage for more than a day or so. Raw steaks were preferred by a few over cooked first.

What percentage of weight loss would one expect for freeze dried steaks?

Buried MIL on 2-17-24. Husband had stroke in right eye in November and cardiologist trying to find where blood clot came from so CT on brain and neck on 19th. On 21st he was cutting tree down on fence line and one area hard wood causing tree to twist and fall on him. Limb hit him on head and knocked him out. He called and I was on way home. Tree was big and had left leg pinned under it. Covered in blood from head wound and skinned off lots of skin on right arm. I had to climb over tree to wrap chain around tree and hook to bucket on tractor to lift it off him. Oddly it his right foot injured. ER was fantastic. 5 staples in head, dressed arm and 3 fractures in foot. Ortho orderedCT of foot on 23rd. Took a week to schedule. Last Wednesday eye appointment and CT. Doctor called Friday and CT showed multiple fractures of 4 toes and ankle . Wants to check him this week on swelling and how skin looks and do surgery on Friday. I took his stapes out on day 8. I still put in 29 hours a week at work. Piano for a funeral last Saturday and play piano every Sunday for church. I am running out of gas. Thanks for checking on me
Awe TxCL - you are in my prayers 🙏
@Mountain trapper drive carefully and hope you had fun.
@UrbanHunter I agree with you on the tech being AS. Those alexa things creep me out.

I went to church ⛪️ then came home and changed. Went to work outside but Mother Nature began snarling and growling so I came back in. I did get my trays all ready for more seeds. The good news is my kitchen is clean since I couldn’t play outside 😂. Now sitting and quilting and looking at forum 👀
Quiet day, sleep pattern already messed up and I haven’t made it through the first day yet. Fun days ahead trying to get my schedule back on track. Without a firm schedule people with cfs end up a semi-bedridden nocturnal mess. Been there, done that, didn’t want the t-shirt. Keeping a schedule is extremely difficult for us already… thanks uncle sam! :mad:

No energy today but went to the little town anyway. Had to go to walleys for thumb drives. Have to do a full backup of my desktop (over due), then start setting up the laptop I bought last sunday. Finally opened the box today. Haertig was kind enough to take time from his day and give me sage advice on getting the laptop set up for my needs (thanks again). Gonna run it off a thumb drive loaded with linux. This doesn’t void the warranty. So… I need to download linux and set up 2 drives for it.

Got a few groceries while in town, grabbed a burger for a quick supper. Oh, one more thing… so others don’t feel lonely. I’ve been fighting off the flu bug going around. Herbs doing a good job keeping it a bay but I can feel the flu attacking me every couple days. Had a sneezing fit at the store earlier. Took a round of tinctures as soon as I got home.
Spent the weekend with my GF and her dog. The dog and I had some serious bonding time. Yesterday GF was trying to meal prep for the week and both the dog and I were underfoot, so I took the dog for a walk around town and we had a good time. GF was happy too because she got her prep done for the week without any interruptions. Last night my pops took all of us kids and our SOs out for BBQ. We went to "Whatcha Smokin'?" Which is in an old gas station about 30 miles NW of Des Moines. The meat was superb! GF doesn't like fatty meat, but she changed her tune last night. After eating we all went to my sister's house and played Jokers and Pegs. GF said her sides hurt from laughing so much at our family banter. Today we took the dog for a 3 mile walk. Now I'm relaxing and packing for work. I'll leave about 0230 and get to the Twin Cities a bit after 0600. If all goes right we'll work there Monday and Tuesday, then load up and show up in Mason City, Iowa on Wednesday for a two day project.
The weather this afternoon was gorgeous! Tomorrow will be also. Did a bit of baking today..some apple cake and bran muffins that husband wanted. Worked on the veggie seedlings that are getting pretty big. Picked up barbeque in the bigger town for dinner. Throat still sore, but a bit better. Hope tomorrow will be better still.
Willie Nelson sang the railroaders life, "On the Road Again" Thing is you want to be home till you are there too long then you want to watch the white lines fly by.

When you get to hate the road is JUST after you hold your firstborn child and watch them breathe and move right next to your heart as it closes around them and they are forever in the center of your world heart and soul.

Stay safe on the road and the rail both are dangerous and the power in that Flashbutt unit can kill a dozen elephants.

Went to the farm to see how much stuff I have to move in the shop to reframe a Can Am and decided I may just need to build another shop.

The bottom floor has Two large tool boxes four engine stands three with engines one with an automatic transmission five other engines on cradles a 10 foot long 3 foot wide workbench drill press sand blaster, stick and wire welder, torches, 8x8 heavy work table, 7 1/2 hp 80 gallon Air compressor, tire changer, 40 gallon parts washer, engine crane, 20 ton shop press, routing table, 20CF fridge, microwave, bolt bins, parts bins, boxes and boxes of race car parts, body patch panels power seats, carburetor spare part table and bench. and a pile of lumber to finish the upstairs studio and bathroom. Oh and 1 99.9% rust free 1967 Dodge Coronet R/T on stands for brake work and engine, trans, rear end, redo.

This is a really small shop about 1200 sq ft bottom and 1080 upstairs. so something is gonna have to be running and out on the road soon I think it will go to the paint shop for a top, hood, trunk refresh and chromatic inset color panel.
@12icemaker I've been a road dog since 2010. I've missed school concerts and dance recitals, family birthdays and funerals. I know exactly what you're talking about. Life is hard on the road but it has its benefits too. I've worked schedules that actually allowed me more "dad" time than I would have had if I worked on the local section. I used to work "8 on, 7 off" and my daughter would spend the 7 days off with me. I got to wake her up for school, drive her to practices, cook her dinner, and put her to bed. When I worked the local jobs with 5 days a week schedules, I was gone before she woke and didn't get home til after she had dinner sometimes. Hell, I worked 30 hours straight more than once! So, I've just accepted it for what it is. Maybe I'll settle down and stay local after she goes to college. Who knows? Life on the rails is best lived one day at a time because some guy in a suit in a big office somewhere can decide whether or not I have a job at any time...
didn't sleep well, the wind kept waking me up shaking the house . Nothing new happens every winter a few times
we have another bottle baby. I noticed one of the babies crying and looking skinny, so I gave her a bottle yesterday and she sucked up the whole thing. The mom is feeding her but there are 3 and she might not get enough milk
so now I have 4 bottle babies to feed for the next couple of months
I hate washing the bottles 4 times a day but they are too small to feed them less often at this time\

It is still windy and cold but supposed to warm up some later so everyone is going out today

we finally got both of our checks from the livestock auction , thought one was lost. I found it in the mail yesterday must have gotten here Saturday afternoon in the pouring rain, was very damp. We did really well with the animals. Before Easter is a good time to sell they always get good prices

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