What's everybody doing today?

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Fire ants are cleaners of problems sometimes, But man they are an aggravation.

I have a great way of ending a hill just pour a small amount of gas on the top big enough to push a transmission fluid funnel into, Then push the fummel down till the ground gets hard pull it back up run a stick through the hole and push it back down and pick it up a couple of inches and pour a little more gas in the hole. kills the grass for a few days just where you poured it on top and kills the queen, I have killed 40 hills in a day and they didn't come back.

If you have runners wait till they are gone follow them to the place they hill and do it there too, the hill core will be as deep as the mound is high at least.

I killed one that was as big as a truck tire and nearly two feet and a half high but it took two tries I think the core was under an old tree stump instead of in the center of the dirt I pushed it down second time and it felt like a hole under the stump.

Been lazy today as usual, was up late and slept past the best working time had to do a couple of minor tasks.

Looks like a trip to the dealer to get the 3500 RAM checked out again, threw a turbo lag code and Map sensor code.
Probably related, Warranty better be doing their job and I always keep the paperwork since the Ford Focus debacle.

No blue ovals for me anymore after that. I had a lot in the 60-70-80s, but none in the 2000s for me. I would rather have a Renault.

Hope everyone has a great nights sleep and a great day tomorrow, we will be at little 2 Year old great grand princesses birthday party to see how much fun she can have!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ GODS greatest gift to mankind!!!
We are now battling fire ants...big time...before they take hold:
Sunday morning, too much time has been spent looking for cat puke!! I'm sure (from what I've heard) it's somewhere in the front living room!🤔 Bear and the cats are fed, a little coffee for me! Going to clean my building, coming straight home to make brunch. Going to get everything prepared to make burritos tonight, and I'll make some chicken tenders for future use! Wind advisory today, but warm. Will work on the never ending to do list!!
@sonya123 saw the Shenandoah Valley and Shenandoah National Park areas were hit hard with wildfire and destroyed homes. That is one of my favorite places on earth, mostly because I haven't been to too many places but most of all because I have lots of fond memories from being there.
I like Shenandoah too, it was one of the first places we camped with the kids and yes I saw that too ( fires there) .We actually had a fairly big one near us last fall , usually this area is very wet, but not always. This winter we really didn't have much snow, just a few inches that's it. But we did have some rain, but not as much as usual.
@Bacpacker can take care of that for you. He loves to weedeat 😬

Is it your birthday or Hubby’s.

@Ekatarina and @Tirediron one of you should make me a snow lantern 😍. I posted a pix on here somewhere that it was on my bucket list for this winter. We never had the right snow ❄️. Ours was icy, sharp and wrong 😑 and you need snowman snow to make one 😊

@Mountain trapper good to see you.
LMOL, No Snow here either...!!!
I stitched together two 2' wide sections of wire mesh. It will protect against critters digging up underneath the new raised bed.


It should be a duplicate of the one I installed last year.


I went to the rental property to install curtain rods ans assemble the new gas grill. When I got there new tenant told me she assembled it herself. She manages a hardware store and thinks it is fun.

Turns out the curtains I ordered were too short. Oh bother. Ordered another set and a cover for the new grill. Other than tending the greenhouse not much else for me.


Finally made it through the Introductions section again.
Reread parts of prepping talk.
Learned all kinds of new ideas.
But also scratching my head on one or two ideas???
Will reread those later.
Supper will be leftovers, cleaning out the refrig.
Never did find what I had lost.
The VA will be thrilled about that.
Got Vension(deer burger) thawing out for tomorrow's cooking day.
Sipping coffee, wishing I had a cigarette, so far resisting the urge but not by much.
The only time I saw the VA thrilled is when they get your death certificate. HEHEHEH.

They have SOME good help since they have hired a lot more vets than they used to be .

I used to take my BIL down all the time and they were always good to him but When I used to take FIL 20 years before they were worthless.

My parents were in the VFW and I used to go to the hospitals for the cakes and other times they went to visit yearly. It was sad to see such Great Americans treated as if they were a burden instead of our best.
I had an exciting afternoon!!

I had purchased chicken, boneless pork chops, and beef stew meat for the pups, at Costco the other day. Spent some time packaging it all up for the freezer - excepting the dog beef. For 60 minutes, I cut the beef cubes (6.5 lbs) into small pieces for the pups food. Then I cooked it with a couple handfuls of bacon bits, added mixed veggies, brown and white rice. Tastes so good, I might have it for dinner!!! Will add dry food when we give it to them.

Then ... had to clean up all the pots, pans, and containers ... I hate doing dishes!!!

Never did mow the lawn ... intermittent rain over the past several days pretty much killed that idea.

Wanted to go to the range today, but my range partner is too busy.
Interesting day at the hospital...power went out, so they were on their backup power. Interesting to see what works and what does not work on backup power. They decided to release husband, and thankfully the elevators work on back up because we were on the fifth floor. But we had a 2 hr wait because he needed to be sent home with one pill for morning for a specialized antibiotic, and the others we could pick up at the Walgreens pharmacy tomorrow. So the hospital pharmacy had to process manually, and the phones were all out, so someone from his floor had to manually walk down a cell phone to tell them what they needed. TV's, phones were out, and lights were dimmed. So we finally made it out of there, and home, and got him settled. I'm wiped out. Ha. We didn't lose power at our house, so it was just in the bigger town. The wind storm is still going on.
Nice quiet day. Went to church ⛪️. Did a couple loads of laundry 🧺. Cleaned up some dishes 🍽️ And a couple other little odds that actually make a difference when done. Will need to iron at some point- have been putting it off in favor of playing with seeds 😖.
Just made a little pot of tea and am now sitting to stitch for a few minutes 🧵 🪡
Rain ☔️ and sun ☀️ keep playing tag across the sky.
I have a niece and her three kids at the naval station in Oak Harbor.

They came in for a visit with their two boys and a girl.

She is an organized person planned the trips stops and the snacks they carried to the Cheeto.

Her husband is a genius in the NAVY and can design and build any type of mechanical apparatus or electronic circuit you need, he never stops his education.

If all of our military were like him, we would be safe and anyone who decided to war with us would be toast.

Too bad he is not a MARINE attached to the NAVY No offense to the NAVY.

Back from picking up our Grand nephews groceries at Wallace World, His mom works as a construction supervisor and is out of town she orders and his sis gets it most times but she is sick and we caught the task.
I processed another 2 racks of firewood . I had to go near population today, the shop Tigers nearly ran out of food, at least the cheap stuff, so I went to Wally world in Olds, I was quite surprized, lots of meet your eyses and smiles, even had a couple of short conversations. Oh and having what should be todays last Coffee
Spent the afternoon at Mom's helping her with some chores and Brother and I installed her new microwave.
Stoked my little woodstove before I left; it was down to a few coals when I got home but the house was still at 64 degrees. It's been quite a learning curve but I'm enjoying it and looking forward to seeing what the difference is on the next gas bill.
We had a lovely little snow day on Friday, got about 3" and it was beautiful. All melted now, sadly. Last night it was down in the teens and my woodstove was able to keep up, I loaded it up before bed and it still had a few glowing coals this morning. I'm learning how to bank up those coals and add new wood to get things going in the morning without using paper or firestarter.
Pretty hilarious to realize just how many deer come through my yard during the night. The snow gets all tracked up like a barnyard.
It sounds like nature tries to kill you in the South! I'm glad to be here in the Mitten, no fire ants or alligators or scorpions or hurricanes. Just an occasional tornado and foraging deer that will eat every seedling you try to plant and poop all over your yard.
It’s 9pm and the coyotes have started gathering near the dens. I can hear two packs from my porch right now. Yapping continuously, the youngsters are big enough to join the chorus. I can distinguish their voices. Only a few more days then they’ll leave the dens til next year.

I wouldn’t mind them being around except for the damage they do. This isn’t their native range, they’ve decimated native species. Been almost 2 decades since I heard a quail. Whopoorwills disappeared for a decade, but are slowly coming back, heard the first one in 2020. It goes in multi-year cycles, predator vs prey. But coyotes mean extra predators. When they get hungry they start killing pets and small livestock.

A lite day, rest, watch tv, did a few chores in between.

Saw this a couple days ago... first time i've seen yellowroot grow on top of a big tree root.

Nice quiet day. Went to church ⛪️. Did a couple loads of laundry 🧺. Cleaned up some dishes 🍽️ And a couple other little odds that actually make a difference when done. Will need to iron at some point- have been putting it off in favor of playing with seeds 😖.
Just made a little pot of tea and am now sitting to stitch for a few minutes 🧵 🪡
Rain ☔️ and sun ☀️ keep playing tag across the sky.
What are you stitching?
Just Checking In to see what Condition Me Condition Is In :

Released on: 1967-01-01
Associated Performer, Guitar, Vocals: Mike Settle
Associated Performer, Vocals: Thelma Camacho
Associated Performer, Drums: Mickey Jones
Associated Performer, Vocals, Guitar: Terry Williams
Associated Performer, Guitar: Glen Campbell
Associated Performer, Vocals, Bass Guitar: Kenny Rogers
Producer: Mike Post
Composer Lyricist: Mickey Newbury

"Just Dropped In" is a psychedelic rock song written by Mickey Newbury and best known from a version by the First Edition, recorded in 1967 and released to popular success in 1968. Said to reflect the LSD experience, the song was intended to be a warning about the dangers of using the drug.

No Drugs here, not even Prescription Ones...!!!

Soon to bee Hitting Me Pillow so Good Night To All, Sleep Well and May GOD Bless...!!
Despite this being a day of rest.
Got the dishes done.
Cleaned off the counter tops.
Got the table top almost cleaned off.
Refilled my K cup coffee pods and got coffee pot set up for tomorrow.
Refilled my medicine.
Looked for that dang thing that got knocked off the table by my little helper.
She was excited that the Leprechaun trap had been sprung.

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