We are now battling fire ants...big time...before they take hold:Fire ants are cleaners of problems sometimes, But man they are an aggravation.
I have a great way of ending a hill just pour a small amount of gas on the top big enough to push a transmission fluid funnel into, Then push the fummel down till the ground gets hard pull it back up run a stick through the hole and push it back down and pick it up a couple of inches and pour a little more gas in the hole. kills the grass for a few days just where you poured it on top and kills the queen, I have killed 40 hills in a day and they didn't come back.
If you have runners wait till they are gone follow them to the place they hill and do it there too, the hill core will be as deep as the mound is high at least.
I killed one that was as big as a truck tire and nearly two feet and a half high but it took two tries I think the core was under an old tree stump instead of in the center of the dirt I pushed it down second time and it felt like a hole under the stump.
Been lazy today as usual, was up late and slept past the best working time had to do a couple of minor tasks.
Looks like a trip to the dealer to get the 3500 RAM checked out again, threw a turbo lag code and Map sensor code.
Probably related, Warranty better be doing their job and I always keep the paperwork since the Ford Focus debacle.
No blue ovals for me anymore after that. I had a lot in the 60-70-80s, but none in the 2000s for me. I would rather have a Renault.
Hope everyone has a great nights sleep and a great day tomorrow, we will be at little 2 Year old great grand princesses birthday party to see how much fun she can have!!!GODS greatest gift to mankind!!!