Weed eating and putting out poison for fire ants.. We have had a lot of rain and mounds popping everywhere. I guess the rain makes the ground soft, they are vey active. Hands are tingling from the weed eater.
the continuous snow fall is getting a bit tiresome, and over such a big area, it is around -4C hereCare and feed animals
Making fire
Pushing snow 2 feet did fall so far -1f
...Soon ........*Easter
hope it wont snow
@Bacpacker can take care of that for you. He loves to weedeatWeed eating and putting out poison for fire ants.. We have had a lot of rain and mounds popping everywhere. I guess the rain makes the ground soft, they are vey active. Hands are tingling from the weed eater.
Is it your birthday or Hubby’s.Did morning chores with little granddaughter, then off to the hospital to sit with husband. He's doing ok on just 02 with the nasal cannula now, so that's an improvement. Still on two different antibiotic IV's. At noontime, my favorite cousin and her family came in, brought a big lunch spread they got from chic fil a, and homemade dinner rolls with butter and angel food birthday cake and gifts. Layed it all out in the family waiting room for me. We ate and visited, and it was a good party. They peeked in and saw husband a bit, too. Came back home a bit ago, and did a few more chores. Little granddaughter is staying home while I go back in till this evening. Lots and lots of phone calls today.
not so good, our snow won't provide much if any ground moisture, it froze hard in october, but the run off is big, this last 18 " might put a bit in the ground, it was just starting to thaw when it hit, on the bright side not much bare ground to freeze dry this year, so we will take tahtTirediron,
Consider yourself lucky with the snow. We have had maybe 6" all winter. It's dry. Fire bans being reinstated. The creeks and rivers are low.
AC is still broken, which means no heat. I'm serving as a butt-warmer for cats. Watched some DieselpunkRo tutorial videos. Ordered a window for the guest bathroom. Just didn't sit right with me that I couldn't get the window with tempered glass for under $500. Found a glass block one that will work and does not need mortar to install. I'm certain my brother would have hit the other window with his elbow and broken it while taking a shower. Glass block should be sturdier- I hope. I'm going to put in stop moulding made of PVC. Keep trying to find good videos on installation that don't involve mortar or assembling the glass blocks in tracks. I saw one video where someone made a frame out of PVC for a prefab glass block window.
Tried in vain to help Mom find what she did with her tax info for 2023. She put it in an envelope and labeled it, but its empty. No idea what happened to the papers inside. She's blaming me bc I cleaned up her desk, but she's the one who moved the envelope down from its usual spot and the envelope was already empty when I put it in a cubby on her desk. I'm hoping the papers inside are in a plastic bin or can be found. Otherwise, we have to ask for the stuff to be re-mailed to her. That involves her bank, DOD, & OPM I think. Ugh.
At least I made her happy by cooking for her this morning. She has an appointment at 4pm with the diabetes specialist but her insulin pump hasn't come in yet.
A block mason?Eh, nothing, today. I was supposed to be slopping mortar under cinderblocks but...raining again. I learned my lesson after a cloudburst washed out a whole day's work! Waiting for "Oppenheimer" on the sat dishes. We have Starlink and Foxtel direct feeds out here. Wondering if I should shave...