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Started out Chilling and ended up doing alot of weeding, watering and moving and replanting lots of Jump-ups and found some small Yellow Flowers with some familiar leaves :

Mock Strawberry Quick Facts
Name: Mock Strawberry
Scientific Name: Duchesnea indica
OriginIndian Sub-continent, Afghanistan, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and south-eastern Asia
ColorsGreen when young turning to red as they mature
Shapessmall round strawberry, fleshy, 0.7-1.5 cm in diameter
Flesh colorsRed
Health benefitsBeneficial for boils and abscesses, weeping eczema, ringworm, stomatitis, laryngitis, acute tonsillitis, snake and insect bites and traumatic injuries


Mock Strawberry Quick Facts
Name:Mock Strawberry
Scientific Name:Duchesnea indica
OriginIndian Sub-continent, Afghanistan, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and south-eastern Asia
ColorsGreen when young turning to red as they mature
Shapessmall round strawberry, fleshy, 0.7-1.5 cm in diameter
Flesh colorsRed
Health benefitsBeneficial for boils and abscesses, weeping eczema, ringworm, stomatitis, laryngitis, acute tonsillitis, snake and insect bites and traumatic injuries


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I will have watch for the flower color of what I have been calling wild strawberries. They grow wild in our orchard. They are almost tasteless.

I have let some of them grow in the raised beds in the orchard.

Another crazy day at work. 2 of my main customers each got 100K they want to spend on new projects before the end of Sept. All I needed was 2 more projects.
Got home and started back in the down trees. Im about wore out. And gotta work all weekend at the lab. It's gonna take me forever to get that stuff cut and cleaned up. Need to haul a load of compost tomorrow and get more beds ready to plant taters next week.
At 07;30 (19;30 hours) local it just started a light flurry of snow.. It has been predicted to happen the last 3 or so days that they have issued ..winter storm warnings.. with no results until now.. It has been high overcast and colder, 30/15F range now the last 4-5 days.. Predicted to be a total of 5-8".... Doesn't matter, I'm not responsible for moving a flake of it..
The weather is disturbing the rabbit ears TV reception, so no local news tonight.. Will try to remember how to run the DVD player..

This evening was the ..St Patrick Day pot luck.. here in the building.. I took baked red potatoes, green bean casserole and dinner rolls with butter... They had corn beef and ham with cabbage.. Corn beef and cabbage being an American Irish tradition.. I dressed up for the event in jeans, my Hawaiian shirt and green wool beret..
Got a lot done today, laundry, major cleaning. More planned for tomorrow...

The guy I mentioned yesterday made it to his farm to check on things. He called this afternoon and we got an early dinner. Afterwards we stopped at one of my secret spots for medicinal plants. Couple dozen species growing within 50ft of a road. I did an impromptu plant class.

Oh, I brought up the subject of putting some fish baskets in the river by his farm. Not a problem, he gave me the gate access codes. Said I should wait until after turkey season. A friend of his will be hunting in there until the 8th of May. Guess fish will be on my menu til fall.

Nothing but a watching tv tonight.
Today I'm relaxing; it's been two weeks since Dawn had her left knee replaced. We are actually going for short (maybe 1-200 meter) walks. The first week-and-a-half were miserable; Dawn was in constant pain and I had to dress-undress her when going to the head or the shower, and change her bed as well as her new office (couch in front of the idiot-box).

Given that so many people use narcotics for fun, the doctors (the doctors' insurance companies and lawyers, actually) are getting really tight when it comes to "pain management" for post-op patients. Bad juju! However, Dawn's orthopod has said that if she can't do her straightening exercises NOW, her knee won't work and it's back to the operating room to "fix" it.

Better to get strung out on tramadol, hydrocodone, etc., for a couple of extra weeks than have to go through with the procedure all over again. "Better Living Through Chemistry", as it were. Anyway, she's walking with less pain and it gets a bit easier. What is a Good Thing is that I am in completely in charge of all meals, and I have been spending a lot of hours in the kitchen: half the time cooking and making a mess, the other half cleaning up and mopping the floor!

But it's actually becoming fun; I make healthy dinners (last night we had Massaman curry with tofu instead of meat, and it was good)! Dawn's biggest fear is that, when she sends me to buy food, I'll get confused trying to decipher the shopping-list and bring home pickled hummingbird tongues instead of a gallon of her almond milk.

Live and learn, Duncan!
today we need to get ready for the goat kids, they are officially due starting tomorrow, so no early ones ( just fed the lambs and checked on them)
debating on where to put the dogs tomorrow ( the livestock dogs) . It is supposed to rain all day and we want the room the dogs are in at night open for any goats having babies ( afterwards they go into the cleaned stalls) . We also don't want to put the dogs together in the larger section of the barn because they play rough sometimes inside and sheep don;t like it ( they dont hurt the sheep but the sheep freak out easy even if the dogs just play with each other. ) I think one of the dogs will need to go into a stall until the weather improves and they stay out

We have one goat that has had super pale almost white eyelids ( very anemic) and I have dewormed her several times, but don't think it is worms since it's winter and nobody else has any. I have been giving her supplements for a while now and checked her eyelids yesterday again, and much to my surprise they were light pink ( improvement). Maybe she can survive childbirth after all. We will see, I had already assumed she was not going to make it. Wish her luck....
When I hear about a lot of the towns in WVA and the mountain States I always think of the mine families, I had some in the family and remember going to visit at the rows of mine company houses.

When I was on T&S with Southern RWY we would park on the load tracks and have to go under the hoppers The machine I ran swept the tracks and the companies would always want me to clean them off, I hated that I got to where I would keep an old blanket to get under even if it was 90 degrees to do it and afterward sweep it with a broom.

I always think of Patty Loveless, "Never leave Harlan Alive"

I remember the sun Coming up at 10 and going down at three.

I live in the flatlands and every day I think of those Hills hard for your heart ever leave even when your life is so far away
LOL we are maybe an hour and a half from Harlan ( but in Virginia) , and about 15 minutes drive from WV border) and I really don't want to leave here either, but our sun doesn't come over the mountain until 10 either but it stays light much longer the way our property is situated

AC is still broken, which means no heat. I'm serving as a butt-warmer for cats. Watched some DieselpunkRo tutorial videos. Ordered a window for the guest bathroom. Just didn't sit right with me that I couldn't get the window with tempered glass for under $500. Found a glass block one that will work and does not need mortar to install. I'm certain my brother would have hit the other window with his elbow and broken it while taking a shower. Glass block should be sturdier- I hope. I'm going to put in stop moulding made of PVC. Keep trying to find good videos on installation that don't involve mortar or assembling the glass blocks in tracks. I saw one video where someone made a frame out of PVC for a prefab glass block window.

Tried in vain to help Mom find what she did with her tax info for 2023. She put it in an envelope and labeled it, but its empty. No idea what happened to the papers inside. She's blaming me bc I cleaned up her desk, but she's the one who moved the envelope down from its usual spot and the envelope was already empty when I put it in a cubby on her desk. I'm hoping the papers inside are in a plastic bin or can be found. Otherwise, we have to ask for the stuff to be re-mailed to her. That involves her bank, DOD, & OPM I think. Ugh.

At least I made her happy by cooking for her this morning. She has an appointment at 4pm with the diabetes specialist but her insulin pump hasn't come in yet.
Been out this morning, the sun is hiding a little behind the clouds.

Have so much to do and the Great Grand daughters 2nd Birthday is gonna be Sunday at the Church My Great Grandfather and the family went to and are buried at.
So much history there, all but a couple of G Grandfathers kids are there and most of their families.
Some left the area about 1870 and moved down river about 50 miles but came back in the early 1900s.

Today is gonna be a long day of crazy, so I will just try to chill and trudge through.

Lawn mower tires, blades sharpened, oil changed and other stuff done. Got to drag the tractor to the first small 5 acre garden land, it has a lot more human traffic around it and the deer don't eat everything you plant, even the watermelon vines down to the ground, like they do if you stay away from the farm for three days.
This morning I started early, delivered the possum and released into a heavily wooded area near a stream about 3 miles from here, did my banking at an ATM, picked up a breakfast sandwich, then did some shopping when the store opened at 06:00, everything was put away by 07:30. I'm off today and just feeling lazy....
This morning I started early, delivered the possum and released into a heavily wooded area near a stream about 3 miles from here, did my banking at an ATM, picked up a breakfast sandwich, then did some shopping when the store opened at 06:00, everything was put away by 07:30. I'm off today and just feeling lazy....
So you won't see your opossum until tomorrow morning!! Eh, it might make it back before then! A little older lady I clean for kept trapping opossums and driving them out to the country to release them! The last one her son helped her deliver to it's new home about 6 miles away! He grabbed some black spray paint his mom was painting a yard table with and sprayed a dot on the opossum's butt! Sure enough, 'black butt' was back the next evening!! 😮😃
So you won't see your opossum until tomorrow morning!! Eh, it might make it back before then! A little older lady I clean for kept trapping opossums and driving them out to the country to release them! The last one her son helped her deliver to it's new home about 6 miles away! He grabbed some black spray paint his mom was painting a yard table with and sprayed a dot on the opossum's butt! Sure enough, 'black butt' was back the next evening!! 😮😃
I've heard the same is true with squirrels. You cannot just take them a couple miles away. You have to drive a long way to release them.
Late morning from the left coast all! I've been dealing with sprinkler and lighting issues in the front yard for 3 days. I'm down to just one sprinkler leg where I have very low pressure. Either dirt in the sprinkler line, a bad valve, or the idiot I hired to tunnel under the concrete slab may have forgotten to cap a line. Hopefully, I will find out today.
So you won't see your opossum until tomorrow morning!! Eh, it might make it back before then! A little older lady I clean for kept trapping opossums and driving them out to the country to release them! The last one her son helped her deliver to it's new home about 6 miles away! He grabbed some black spray paint his mom was painting a yard table with and sprayed a dot on the opossum's butt! Sure enough, 'black butt' was back the next evening!! 😮😃
I tried to make sure it was at least 5 miles away, crossed 3 streams and 2 freeways in order to find a place where I thought it would do okay. I released it into some thick brush next to a swampy area while it was still dark. If it comes back it will no longer be catch and release... I ain't the CBP (they used to be the INS), with me it's once and done....

I personally think that we should fingerprint and take DNA from every illegal crosser and send them back, on their second visit, if they are in the system they get sent back by Monte Python Trebuchet (Cow-dapult)
personal rant, sorry.

To be honest it (the opossum) seemed so gentile that I could see how @Magus could make pets out of them.
Got the form and my check filled out to mail off to renew my DL.
The previous one lasted from 2018 to 2024 :oops:.
The cost? $32.25 .
I love this state!:D
Got my new DL today!:woo hoo:
$32.25 and it's good thru 05/2030 :oops:.
That would get me only one year in Bama.
Man, I love this state!:huggs:
Short night tonight thankfully..
Last two days have been challenging.
So..for whatever reason the boss decided to call USNR n have them change the programming on the sorting bins photo eyes.
The photoeyes kinda tally the lumber falling into the bins. The eyes tell the computer to tell the bin that it should adjust its floor level down to accommodate room for more lumber into the bin.
Ideally, the bin scoots down a tad as the bin fills and once the photo eye counts the amount of boards it should have. It tells the computer that bin is full n ready for stacking. My control console lights up , I push a drop button and the bin drops and empties its lumber onto the chains heading towards me, the stacker.
Now..the photoeyes also alert the computer and trimsaw operators that a peice of lumber fell into the bin wrong, blocking the photoeye. The trimsaw and sorter will automatically stop n the operator has to go back into the offending bin to rearrange the lumber to unblock the eye.
It is a time consuming process. A long walk to the 70 bins..fixing a bin, clear the bin console error..then a long walk back to the trimsaw.
We used to employ "Bin Chasers ", to handle
this to save production time and handle those bin issues. We should still have a person managing the bins..it wears out the trimsaw operators to do this all night and its save time in the long run.
Instead, now, the photoeyes are programmed to drop a bin about one foot on the first block. Only they are dropping often on no block..just a wide board dropping will engage a big drop.
On a second "block" it will drop it again, and make the bin register full.
A few problems..
there isnt sufficient space UNDER THE BINS to drop them this far. So what happens is either they drop so far they partially fall out of the bin, lumber falling sideways, partially caught up in the bin, splayed out onto the chains
They completely fall out of the bin..everything whoosh out Smashing into bins I dropped or smashing into other practically dropped out bins creating a huge mess.
The computer doesnt know the bins are down..or it is registering them as empty and starts filling them up with more wood as they are partially emptied. They are blocking any movement on the chains..
It's a epic mess..I am tired..a bin almost dropped on my head when I was trying to unhinge lumber that was going sideways down the chains.. It's only about 20, 000 pounds or so.
I didnt know the program got modified , so I wasnt expecting spontaneous bin dumping because I am in control of dumping bins so unless there is a failure..no damb bin should just spontaneously dump..
One millwright quit, like last night was his last night after this week, he wasnt going to finish out the rotation..2 forklift drivers have told me they are looking to move on. These guys have been here over a decade..I've been there almost a decade..I get it.
I dont hate my job ..but damb..its crazy lack of teamwork and communication that could seriously get someone killed. 3 people this last months have walked out of here .
If the idea could have been run through all of us before changing the program at least we would know to have glitches or..
Ok..I'm ranting..
Gotta get ready for today's $&;# show..
Been busy with life.
Had to deal with 2 deaths in the family this week.
My Dad's only living sibling sister passed away.
She was 89 in bad health for the last 55 years.
So when her daughter called me to tell me she passed.
My typical response was yeah right, been hearing this for 55 years or longer.
Come to find out she had passed.
Her daughter insisted on autospy.
She wanted to make sure the nursing home hadn't killed her.
So she could sue if need be(she's one of those kind of people).
Her brothers wasn't interest or going to pay for autospy.
Nursing home is in the clear.
They hadn't done anything to kill her.
Natural causes.( I'm still giggling about the cause, but I have military sense humor too).
She had donated her body to science.
Nope they rejected her body.
Seems you can't have surgery open wounds, then die of natural causes.
Second death in family was younger cousin.
He was fighting cancer and diabetic.
He was 2 months younger than me..
Been canning, staying busy, giggling.....

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