Coffee, sunny again, Going to buy some fuel before the extra turd tax starts tomorrow. Grumble grumble grumble. And process some more dead wood,
Not sure when it fell out of the center arm support assembly. The wife had just run dish washer cleaner through it when she found it.Looks like the foam gasket got against the heating element.
Did the water just shoot straight out at the top or just run down the back?
Ok, I'll put it on my list!Try
Try this,
Evidently you have her better trained than Hubby has me. When he turns it on, I leave so he doesn’t spray me with itAll I have to do is start a pressure washer when Alexandra is around! She will hear it and come take it away from me. It’s like magic, all of our vehicles are clean.
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Last time I found a set of keys, I gave them to the police. Too many whackos anymore.This morning I was cleaning brush from the yard, found someone's car and house keys... My computer Hard Drive had a failure this morning. I think I may need to replace my system, it is a little old (2007) but I hate to have to pay for software again... Today, I will try to record all my passwords so I can get back online if something else happens. If I go dark, don't take it personally...![]()
Thanks for mentioning it. Didn't realize Billy had a son who was continuing in his dad's footsteps. I watched and listened.Gonna watch Franklin Graham deliver a sermon from Bethlehem Isreal at noon. Fox News is carrying it
Orf can live on surfaces for many years. When I raised hair goats we had it two years in a row. We used a dog kennel disinfectant to get rid of it! A young man that worked for us got it, rare to transmit to humans, but it can happen!no goat kids, didn't do much yesterday. Played a game , the farm game husband got for Christmas. I won, first time I won this game , beat son by 1 point, and they accused me of cheating ( when you have 2 of a kind animals in a pasture, you breed them and get an extra, and I took an extra for all my animals but they told me you only get 1 LOL)
I am afraid the kid will arrive tomorrow when husband has a dentist appointment an hour away. He will be gone for half the day probably
today I am going to take care of the animals and maybe clean the house or do laundry
Oh one more bad thing: the bottle lambs now have orf , it's a nasty looking virus that looks like chickenpox on their noses. It's not dangerous but looks groce and there is nothing you can do about it other than I put some antibiotic ointment on it. Some of our goats got it last year, I guess it must be in the barn. So I have been looking up how to disinfect barn. We usually just dump some bleach on the concrete after cleaning in summer but I guess there might be too many organics still there for the bleach to work well. Good disinfectant ( like what hospitals use) is actually expensive. But might rent a pressure washer ( Hashbrown, want to send your wife?) and clean well this year
Plus now we are going through a ton of plastic gloves again, since humans can get it ( it's not dangerous but groce, so far we haven't gotten it, and last year vet said just wear gloves and let it run its course). Weird thing is that only the bottle babies seem to get it , last year's goat bottle babies got it. Make me wonder if the virus is in the milk replacer? But that shouldn't be possible it's dried. It's probably in the barn and the bottle babies have less immunity since their moms are not feeding them
do you happen to remember the name of the disinfectant? And the guy that got it , what happened to him? I looked it up and it said mostly immune compromised people get it, or if you have an open cut on your hands .Orf can live on surfaces for many years. When I raised hair goats we had it two years in a row. We used a dog kennel disinfectant to get rid of it! A young man that worked for us got it, rare to transmit to humans, but it can happen!
I believe it was called Rescue?! Also a product called Odoban is great! It's an antiviral and antibacterial! Our baby barn was an old house, we went in and mopped the whole place, walls, ceilings and all. Never had a problem after that. The poor guy that got orf had sores in his mouth and nose for a month or two!do you happen to remember the name of the disinfectant? And the guy that got it , what happened to him? I looked it up and it said mostly immune compromised people get it, or if you have an open cut on your hands .
I will look for it! Thanks!! ANd wow, poor guy! Our sheep seem to improve after about a weekI believe it was called Rescue?! Also a product called Odoban is great! It's an antiviral and antibacterial! Our baby barn was an old house, we went in and mopped the whole place, walls, ceilings and all. Never had a problem after that. The poor guy that got orf had sores in his mouth and nose for a month or two!